#twisted wonderland imagines


Vampire!Ace Trappola

CW:Vampires, Ace drinks your blood, mentions of a wound from that.

Just a little bit yabai, please read at your own discretion!

“Are you dumb or something?” Ace mutters. His gaze is conflicted as it rests on you. “Why aren’t you running off?”

You’re the dumb one here.” You scoff, crossing your arms. For someone volunteering to be a bloodbag, you didn’t seem very concerned at all. “Why would I run from you? It’s not like you’re going to kill me from just a meal.”

No - but Ace would’ve preferred if you were more worried for yourself. He sighs, staying in place. “I’m not drinking from you. You should take this more seriously, you know? I could take too much, and then-”

“-and if I pass out, you better nurse me back to health.” You say it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. You place your hands on Ace’s shoulders, forcing him to look at you. “I know you’re worried about somehow messing this up, but I trust you. You need blood to live, right? And you haven’t fed in a while.”

Ah, this isn’t good - with you so close, the urge to bite grew stronger. You were dangling a dessert right before his face.

“…Just a little.” Ace bit his lip. “Don’t go complaining later on if it hurts more than you expected.”

He contemplated where to drink from, running his thumb over the side of your neck. You tensed. He could feel your pulse more clearly now - it skipped in anticipation, and…

Ace couldn’t help but smile to himself: you acted all high and mighty, but you’re kind of scared too, aren’t you?

He didn’t hate that. It was good that you still had some sense in front of a predator.

As he leaned closer to your neck, you held your breath - only to let out a noise of confusion as he took your wrist instead, drawing your palm to his lips, and bit.

It stung a little, but you were too distracted by the way it tickled afterwards, and how Ace’s eyes were still on you: half-lidded and not completely focused, glowing just slightly as he drank. Your body felt warm, as if he was drawing blood from all over.

Your mind grew a bit fuzzy - perhaps an ability of his to placate his victims - before the warmth of him drew away. Your palm was throbbing slightly where the skin was punctured, but not enough to really hurt. Ace placed a gentle kiss on the wound, and you watched in awe as he muttered in a language you didn’t understand, commanding the wound to heal before your very eyes.

“You feeling okay?” His words were tentative, as if he was still tasting the blood - your blood, on his tongue. Ace licked his lips absentmindedly as he examined your complexion, placing his hands on your face to get a read of your temperature.

“I… I’m fine,” you croaked.

Ace smiled despite himself, chuckling lightly as he brushed his thumb over your cheek - savoring you. “Yeah… You are. Just don’t go offering yourself to some other vampire, alright? Not all of them are as gentle as me.”

Cat Day!

Summary: They become catboys due to a potions mishap

Characters: Ace, Epel, Idia, Floyd

Commissions are Open!


  • It’s funny instead of infuriating now whenever Ace gets proud, because you can clearly see it even when he’s not outwardly bragging about something.
  • His tail would wave around contentedly when he got an answer right in class, which you and Deuce can’t help but find amusing because of how often Ace teases you guys for being “teacher’s pets”
  • You pet his ears without thinking and Ace instinctively leans into your touch. His eyes almost flutter close when he realizes what’s happening and jolts out of his seat, swearing at his slip-up.
  • He glares at your disappointed expression, avoiding you with a one-meter radius for the rest of the day. But when you try one last time to ask to pet his ears with a pleading look, Ace feels his resolve crippling away.
  • “…Just a little bit, okay?! Don’t go overboard!”


  • Gives you a deadpan look whenever you coo over how cute he is, reminding you that these features aren’t actually real, you know. It doesn’t help that ever since the incident he seems to have been attracting the cats on campus (much to your delight)
  • Epel wonders if this is a blessing or a curse sometimes, because while he doesn’t want your entire impression of him to just be ‘adorable’, he can’t help but think that in turn, your behavior is very cute when it comes to reacting to these things.
  • …That is, until you went and had the nerve to scratch under his chin. Epel freezes in surprise before he flinches away, losing his cool as his ears start to burn with a flustered blush.
  • “What the–? You–” Epel struggles to control his outburst, lest his seniors hear of it. “Could you not do that?? I’m not a pet!”


  • When you enter his room to see how he’s doing, his ears press down against his head in protest. Normally Idia would let you in to game together, but you can’t possibly expect him to do that now, right??
  • Wrong. To be his friend in the first place requires stubbornness, and that stands true today as you end up seated next to Idia with a console in hand. You can’t help but tease Idia about cosplaying some anime characters while he has these features ‘naturally’.
  • He only grumbles in response, tail methodically flicking as his hands work on beating the level on the screen. Sometimes said tail would brush against your side whilst you played, though you weren’t sure if he was aware of that or not.
  • “You’d look better than me dressing up like that. I’m not the cutesy-cosplayer type, you know?” …Not the kind he has in mind, at least.


  • He was certainly annoyed at first and tried to go after the students that were part of the incident, but Crewel quickly brought order back to the class; Floyd would just have to live with it, and it just so happens that he’s in the mood for your company, hence how you end up trying to study in the lounge while Floyd almost drapes himself against your side.
  • You vaguely wonder if this was just Floyd being himself or an effect of the potion, for he reminds you of a cat that liked to disturb its owner and look for affection at the most inconvenient times.
  • Floyd’s ears flick as you sort through your notes, almost nodding off from not getting enough sleep yesterday. He sighs and stands up from his seat to ask you to follow him. Floyd snakes his tail around your wrist to pull you along, humming as he considers relaxing with you on the couches in the dorm’s living quarters.
  • Though one thing does occur to him: cat tails are pretty weak, huh? How was he supposed to squeeze anyone with this?

Day 4: Ace + The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?

After which your journey in twst has ended…

You wake up to a scroll tied with a red ribbon by your bedside. As you flatten the parchment to read, a single playing card falls out of its folds. 

Hey, you.

‘It’s been a while, right?’ Is what I’d like to say, but really it’s only been a few days since we said goodbye. Pathetic, right? I was talking so big the other day about how we’d be fine without you, but here I am writing you a letter like some princess in a tower.

It’s Ace: your buddy, your friend. Don’t go forgetting that now, alright? I’m not going to introduce myself twice.

I’m writing this because I can’t sleep, if you’re wondering. Maybe that’s why I’m feeling sappy right now… The moon in your world should look the same - do you ever glance up and wonder how it almost looks like a mirror? 

Glowing in the night like that, I wonder if it leads to somewhere else.

…it looks beautiful tonight, if you know what I mean. Obviously I’m not with you now, so I can’t see your reaction, but at the very least I’ve gotten this off my chest. I don’t even know if this letter will reach you, but if it does you’d better write me a reply back! It’s proper etiquette, or whatever it is that Riddle likes to say.

Well… I should probably stop rambling before this gets longer than it should. You’d complain if I gave you an entire essay to read, right? So for now I’ll just wish you luck, and hope that you’ll stay safe and happy wherever you are •~♡

From your one and only,

Ace Trappola

I’ll be waiting for you through the looking-glass, wherever you may be.

(There’s a dot of ink next to the heart on last paragraph, as if Ace was about to write more. It looks decorative enough though - he was always good at covering things up.)

little otp prompt(୨୧)

yuu; what are you doing?

floyd, hanging upside down from a tree branch; shrimpy~! i’m trying to kiss you!

yuu; you’re going to fall… please come down.

floyd; …

floyd; shut up and kiss me, i’m getting lightheadead.

little otp incorrect quote (?)

yuu;/on laptop in the middle of the floor/ why are you so faaaar?!

idia;/on laptop on couch/ the outlet is here and i’m more comfortable.

yuu;/long sad stare directly to idia/

yuu;/sniff/ fine then, be that away.

idia; don’t be so dramatic!

5 minutes later

idia; /moves to sit next to yuu/

idia;shut up. /to yuu’s smug little smile/

you know what?

gently holding hands with mal-mal as you walk through ncr, quietly telling each other about how your day was. also, add some cheesy pick-up lines because why not.

【 glittering desires

author’s note: here we go, this is the homage to the fact that fairy gala leona actually came home :’))) look this card is pretty but it was also pretty expensive haha- also we don’t talk abt how fast i wrote this after i got the inspo… anyways. i hope you have fun reading this bc i sure had fun writing it !

characters: gn! prefect, leona kingscholar

word count:1.6k

tags:leona is a bully /lh, your honor this man is madly in love, no bc he’s so mushy and for what ??, he’s 100% whipped, bc he’s leona there’s banter, he sees the prefect and he’s like “wow sparkly…i love them…” that’s it, that’s the fic.

[or read it on ao3|the fairy gala collection]

When he woke up from his nap, it was to the sound of their voice. At first, he thought it was his mind playing tricks on him; giving him dreams that were too far out of his reach. Dreams spun of laughter that were far too sweet to ever be fully his. Mere fantasies that Leona couldn’t even believe in, let alone grasp.

And it was annoying how often he found himself dreaming of them lately. Especially after this stupid, annoying task that the damn crow assigned them. So he grunted, pressing his eyes shut further; hoping that the image of them would finally disappear.

That was until he felt the tug on his leg,  “Leo~na? Are you still asleep? Geez, how did you even make it up there?”

Ah. That was the real them, wasn’t it?

Weighted eyelids eased open, watching as they clambered up the tree to get to him. He made no attempt to move; keeping his tail as still as he could. Instead, he watched— thoroughly amused— as they huffed, finally managing to haul themself onto a nearby branch.

He chose that moment to finally speak, “Crewel’s gonna flip if you get that dirty.”

Their shoulders jolted, “ Sevens– How long have you been awake for?”

“Just now,” Leona yawned, giving his neck a stretch. “What’re you doing here?” He watched with unease as they situated themself on the branch. He reached for his magic pen, just in case.

“I was looking for you,” They chuckled lightly. “Vil-senpai was flipping his lid over you escaping while he wasn’t looking. He asked me to look for you.”

“And?” Leona had to thank Vil for this opportunity. It wasn’t often that he got time alone with them. “Did he think a herbivore like you could take me back there?”

“Stop being childish,” They tutted, and the decorations on their clothes clinked as they moved. “You know Vil-senpai’s only being harsh because we don’t have much time. And besides, you’re the centerpiece of our show.”

“Damn right I am,” Leona said, infusing his words with arrogance as a ploy. “And this star needs some rest from that guy’s tyranny.”

“C'mon, I’ll accompany you back and watch your practice,” They bargained, holding out a hand. And Leona considered it for a moment. Having them there would be better than not having them there. But that kind of deal was too easy.

He raised a brow, “You think that’s gonna work?”

“Mmm, Ruggie-senpai told me to try it out,” There was a foolish smile on their face. It made Leona look away; frustrated from how unaware they were. “Guess he was wrong.”

“‘Course he was.”

“So then how will I get this great and mighty Leona-sama back to the practice rooms?” A hand was placed exaggeratedly on their chin.

Leona jumped down before they could say another word. It was better to let them trip over themselves to think of how to repay him. After all, the person who wants something is always at a disadvantage. They just had more to lose.

He brushed off his pants, untangling the sash before sparing them a glance, “You coming?”

“Wh- it took me five minutes to get up here-! Hey, don’t leave without me!” Leona paused. His sharp eyes didn’t miss a glint in the grass, pocketing the item as he waited. His ears twitched slightly, making sure that they didn’t just face-plant on the ground.

A moment later and they were next to him, complaining all the while, “Why are you suddenly…no, this is a good thing. But–”

“Just changed my mind,” The corner of his lips twitched at their blatant disbelief. “What? Even stubborn lions can change their minds sometimes.”

They made it into the hallways of Pomefiore before they spoke again, “I’m still trying to figure out your angle.”

“There’s no angle,” Leona said, and their eyes narrowed at him like he was crazy.

“Ah wait,” They stopped in their tracks, patting down their front. “I almost forgot about this.” In their hands were the…weeds that Leona had in his hair. Crewel and Vil had called it an “avant-garde masterpiece of a hair accessory” but really, it looked like a weed to Leona.

“Go and sit,” They tilted their head towards the throne in the center of the Pomefiore lounge.

He scoffed, “No way. There’s literally a normal chair right there.”

And him? Sitting on that shiny excuse of a throne? The very one Vil sat on? Definitely not. Even if a small part of him longed for a throne of his own, that…thing was no throne. It was a toy for make-believe at best.

They tugged at his arm, “Come on, I bet everyone wants to sit in that at least once.” Their eyes met his; twinkling mischievously, “Are you scared someone will see? Everyone’s at their clubs right now.”

“Fucking– just…do it quick,” He grumbled, settling onto the velvet plushness of the so-called throne.

His mouth pressed into a firm line as they drew closer, trepidation crawling under his skin. Their fingers brushed through his hair lightly at first. Then gaining confidence, till they were combing through the brown strands thoroughly.

As they leaned in closer, he watched as they eclipsed the brightness of the chandelier; basking him in their shadow. They were close enough that Leona could smell the scent of flowery perfume clinging onto their clothes; no doubt courtesy of Vil.

They weren’t looking at him. No, they were far too focused on his hair. It was a good thing, really. Because if they were looking at him…well, Leona wouldn’t know how they would react.

Emerald eyes traced over their features: the concentrated crease of their brows, the curve of their cheek, and the length of their nose. The slightest part of their lips, the slow rise and fall of their shoulders almost lulling him into a sense of calm. He clutched at the chair, trying to ward off his observations to no avail.

Sevens, he wanted to kiss them. So badly. But he couldn’t. Not here, and definitely not now. And not when he knew there was a big chance that they would never see him the same.

Instead, he reached a hand up, brushing firmly at their shoulder. That caused them to flinch in surprise, their gaze finally meeting his. His lips parted; throat feeling oddly dry, “There was somethin’ there.”

“Oh,” Their eyes darted to his hand and back. “I think that might be glitter. Grim spilled a whole bunch of it on me earlier.”

“Glitter,” He repeated. “That’s why you’re so…shiny.” He tried to ignore the halo of light that wrapped around the crown of their head, making them a monarch in their own right. Even if all they ruled over was his heart.

“You say that like you aren’t shining yourself, Mr. Centerpiece,” There was one last touch to their hair before they finally pulled back. Leona breathed out a long sigh of relief. “And done. Now it doesn’t look like you rolled around in the bushes.”

“Hah. As if that guy won’t grill me anyway for disappearing,” He stood up, trying to get the feeling back in his fingers from how hard he was gripping the chair. “C'mon, lead the way.”

“You say that like you haven’t been going there every day for this past week.” They say that. They say that and yet they still held his sleeve as they lead the way.

“’M not a kid, herbivore,” Leona said, though he made no move to brush them off. Rather, he enjoyed the sight of them leading him for once.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m trying to make sure you don’t decide to slip away again,” They said as they reached the room. “Now go and accept your fate. Running away is futile at this point.” He stepped in front of them, reluctant to enter the room.

“Hey,” He waited till they were finally looking at him again. He wanted to say a simple 'thank you’. That was what you said to people who you wanted to thank, right?

But what came out instead was, “You almost lost this.” He pulled out the thing he had pocketed earlier. One of their bracelets. He could hazard a guess as to how they dropped it; probably during their earlier tree climbing.

They searched their wrists, eyes wide, “That’s…one of my bracelets.”

“Good of you to notice,” Leona slipped it onto his own wrist. “Come find me after my practice is over 'n I’ll give it back. You owe me, alright herbivore?”

“So there was a catch,” He heard them mutter to themself. “Bastard.

His tail was high in the air as he lumbered into the practice room from hell. Kalim was in the corner doing squats, for some reason. And Vil was focused on Jamil. Though he was sure that Vil didn’t miss his entrance. Leona took his place near one of the windows, heaving a sigh as he cast a spell to fill the vases with water.

Well, he had to say it was worth the trouble this time. After he finished his laps and tuned in for a lecturing by Vil, he had a, mm, meeting with the herbivore. Their bracelet made a light clink as he started his first lap. Leona felt a smile slowly suffuse his usually-indifferent expression. Ah, he really couldn’t wait after all.

thank you for reading Leona Being Painfully In Love the musical fic !! i hope you enjoyed :DD if you did, go check out my masterlist or the rest of the fairy gala collection!

tw - unhealthy relationships, physical abuse, unbalanced power dynamics, and imprisonment.

Leona is a very fickle lover.

It’s not just that he’s temperamental. Well, he is, but you can handle his constantly shifting moods, his grim disposition, this habit of baring his teeth and flashing his claws whenever anything he doesn’t care for has the audacity to cross his path. You’re not exempt from his abrasiveness, but he does make an effort to soften his aggression around you, and you doubt he’d even hurt you in any way that drove him any farther away from him than you already are. No, the problem lies elsewhere, not in his hostility, but in his affection, in what he refuses to call his love. In the unpredictability of your dearest, most spoiled prince.

It’d be less of an issue if he had more of a fondness for communication. But, of course, Leona’s never been one for flowery language, much less hourly heart-to-hearts, and you’re left to try to decipher all he has to say from clipped sentences, hollow threats, whether he’s content to hold you close and take in your scene or if he’d rather carve his name into your collarbone and spend precious minutes lapping away the blood as he mocks you for having such thin skin. There’s no warning, no sign, just Leona and his cold stare and his adamance that he’s never been anything but fairto you. Just you, in the palm of his hand, as at his mercy as you’ve ever been.

And you areat his mercy. Alone in his palace, only ever allowed to interact with silent servants and attendants who treat you like an ornament to be polished and maintained rather than anything resembling a living being, he’s the only person you can go to for help, the only one you can rely on to care about your well-being, if only because it’d be a great inconvenience for him to find something new to cling to. He denies it adamantly, insists you’re free to leave whenever you’d like to, and when you many any attempt to argue, to mention the guards he posts at every door, the fact that you don’t have a cent to your name, the awfulthings he’d be able to do to your family with little more than a word to his brother, he only ever gets mad, only ever lashes out. You can handle his temper, talk him down when his paranoia gets the best of him. His violence, on the other hand, you don’t have such a talent for soothing.

And it isviolence. That’s the worst part, just how quick it is, just how little difference there is between the way he treats you and the soldiers he cuts down like nothingwhenever he feels so generous as to spar with the less naturally gifted. If you’re lucky, it’ll be quick, a single blow to something you won’t have to see whenever you glance towards your own reflection, and if you aren’t (and you often are not), his anger will last, overwhelm his need for praise and comfort, and you’ll be allotted to something… less than a lover, less than a prisoner. More akin to a pet. More akin to the soft, docile,quiet thing he so clearly wants you to be.

More akin to something that would consider him a master,rather than the lover he so clearly never wanted to be.
