#twst jonah


Jonah Craggins



General Information:

Name: Jonah Craggins

Age: 20

Birthday: May 9th

Height: 6ft

Eye Colour: Apricot

Hair Colour: Black with blue bangs

Homeland: Scalding Sands

Dorm: Ignihyde

Family: Uncle Moe; Mrs Downey (cyborg hawk)

EXTRA: He has a long blue lizard tail extending out from his coccyx.


School Information:

School year: 3rd

Class: 3-A (Student no 7)

Best Subject: Magical Technology

Club: Mountain Appreciation Club



Dominant Hand: Left

Likes: Long road trips; Older Magical Wheels models; Hot sunny days; loud music.

Dislikes: Rust; misplacing his tools; heights.

Favourite Food: Egg Sandwich

Least Favourite Food: Rock Cakes

Hobby: Bird watching; Building his own vehicles; hiding tools and gadgets in holes.

Unique Magic:Spanner in the Works. Jonah’s unique magic can disable machinery – be it mechanical, electrical, or magical. Depending on the sizeandcomplexity of the technology, Jonah will need to use more magic to keep it offline for longer.



Jonah Craggins hails from the Scalding Sands, specifically from his Uncle Moe’s mechanics workshopand is based of Joanna the Goanna fromThe Rescuers: Down Under.

Growing up, Jonah had cogs and sprockets to play with instead of dolls and teddies, which turned him into quite a proficient little tinker.  

Whether it was vehicles, coffee machines, circuit boards, Jonah watched his Uncle like a hawk and developed a proficiency for mending broken gadgets. He was often caked in oilandgrease from all the things he got up to.

One day, he and his Uncle were driving back from an afternoon of mountain bird-watching when suddenly their car’s brakes cut off. The vehicle swervedandcrashed through the bollard on the side of a cliff. If it wasn’t for Jonah’s Unique Magic – Spanner in the Workspossessing the car and shutting it off, they likely would have driven off the mountainside. Jonah has had a chronic fear of heights ever since.


Back on the ground, Jonah busies himself with more than just tinkering and repairs. Being an avid fan of old-fashioned Magical Wheels, he’s been working for the last few years on building a discontinued model from scratch. He hopes to be able to incorporate some modern mechanisms into it to make it go as fast as possible.

What’s more, his attention span in lessons leaves much to be desired. Jonah knows he’ll always have a job at his Uncle Moe’s workshop so his commitment to academicsisbelow par. Much to the chagrin of the teachers, Jonah hides unfinished projects all around school. When their backs are turned, he reaches under the floorboards, or behind a shelf, and cracks on with whatever he’s currently working on.

He’s been held back a few years as a result. (He also hates rock cakes from breaking his tooth on one). Mrs Downey is a hawk assistant he rescued and gave a prostheticwing.
