#typing typewriter



UNOFFICIAL TYPING by Sophia Culler aka The Typing Typewriterhttps://typingtypewriter.tumblr.com/


Extroverted Sensing [Se]: Thomas Jefferson gets back from France where he has been working with the French on their Revolution and their relationship with America.  Now that he is in Monticello he has work to do. However, as a person that uses Se, he wants more of a challenge. He becomes the Secretary of State and is so competent at his job, he can handle multiple tasks. As soon as Washington resigns as President, he wants a new challenge- becoming President of the United States. He doesn’t win the first time he runs, so he tries again- and does. Jefferson never stops going for what he wants.


Introverted Thinking [Ti]: People that use Ti care about knowledge. When Jefferson is arguing with Hamilton he is speaking about the concrete facts. There are no shades of grey to him. It makes him very difficult to argue against because he says nothing without researching it obsessively. And if Jefferson couldn’t find a flaw in his own argument, no one will. Later, when Hamilton is explaining the affair with Maria Reynolds, Jefferson wants the truth. He doesn’t believe what Hamilton did was right, but since Hamilton told Jefferson the truth, he lets it go. Throughout the play he is on his way “to get to the bottom of this.”


Extroverted Feeling [Fe]:  During his section of Cabinet Battle #1, Jefferson is arguing on behalf of Virginia. He sees Hamilton as immoral in wanting to tax the Virginians, Thomas’s people, after they had already paid off their debt. He sees the taxing of the southerners as unfair, and if Congress is taxing unfairly what makes them any different than Britain? After all the fighting they did to rid themselves of the tyranny that previously ruled, America is falling into the same trap? Not on his watch. Then in Cabinet Battle #2, he starts out with the line- “When we were on death’s door, when we were needy. We made a promise, we signed a treaty. We needed money and guns and half a chance. Who provided those funds? France.” He sees breaking America’s promise to France as wrong, while everyone else see’s it as they have no choice.


Introverted Intuition [Ni]: Since Jefferson is a Se user, he is constantly bringing in a ton of data.  Ni is what he uses to put all that data to work.  However, since Ni is at the bottom of his cognitive functions, he sometimes doesn’t do it very well.  For instance, while he is very knowledgeable on the French and American dealings, he is not able to use that knowledge to bring about a good and peaceful relationship between the former allies. But it does sometimes work perfectly in his fights with Hamilton.

I don’t know what to say! @funkymbtifiction is one of my favorite blogs!! I’m so excited!!

A Message For Each MBTI Type:


While you’re the leader and being the responsible one, don’t forget to have fun. Don’t forget to take care of yourself.


People appreciate you more than you think, and if they don’t, they’re missing out!! Also, plans go off the rails. Sometimes you’ve got to throw the plan away. (But plans are a good thing, sometimes.)


Chill. Maybe try yoga or something, but you don’t need to be so uptight. Live life, you only get one.


Come out of your lair. I know people sometimes make you want to hit your head on the wall, but give people a chance. Oh, and allow yourself to feel. You don’t have to tell anyone you have emotions, but don’t miss out on them. They’re not all bad.


Take care of yourself. While you’re helping everyone else, I think you sometimes forget to take care of yourself too! Also, you’ve got this! Don’t doubt yourself so much!


Don’t change. Keep helping people, keep being kind. But don’t forget your strength. Just because most people don’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there!


Don’t let people destroy you. People won’t always live up to you expectations, and that’s okay! People are flawed, don’t let that hurt you. Maybe it’s a good thing you don’t understand why they did what they did?


It is okay to say “no.” I get it. You’re being nice, or they need your help. That is fine, help them. Just, please, don’t let people take advantage of you. Oh and, you’re not a “cupcake.” You’re a person! A very special and unique person.


Being safe doesn’t make you a wimp! Slow down sometimes. I know running is fun, but sometime try walking. You’ll miss out if everything is a blur.


Stop ignoring your emotions. Emotions can be fun if you embrace them! Other than that you have a clean bill of health!


You don’t have to fight everyone. (And emotions don’t make you weak. They make you human.)


While intelligence and knowledge are very important, don’t forget about the outside world. You’re on this planet for a reason. The world needs you!


Get attached. If you move on, if you get hurt, that is a part of life! If you have someone to talk to, even if it’s not forever, is better than being lonely. Dude, nothing is forever! But you need to enjoy it while it lasts.


Stop trying to be the person everyone wants you to be. Be the person you need you to be. Someone else’s opinion doesn’t change who you are. Your choices and your beliefs make you who you are.


You don’t have to be happy all the time. No matter what anyone tells you, no matter what you read, you can be sad, you can be angry and if you ignore that you’re going to explode. Don’t let negative emotions control you, but don’t bottle them up either!


If something made you sad, that makes it a big deal!! Everything that makes you sad doesn’t have to be major, but the second it becomes important to you, it IS important. Your feelings aren’t a joke. You’re not a joke. You’re not a ball of emotions!! You’re a human being that is a lot smarter than a LOT of people when it comes to emotions. When they stifle theirs, you’re feeling it and in the end your way is better. Don’t let people’s words get to you. You’re okay. But then, you already knew that, didn’t you?
