

Get that slow-mo 125lb clean PR #SlowMo #Clean #PR #Uggghhh #SDSC #MoreWeight! #IsItDepthTho

#moreweight    #uggghhh    #slowmo    #isitdepththo    

What’s the point?

I have so many hot stories to tell and pictures to share (and even wanna gush about the really hot sex I had yeaterday abd this morning!), but it just feels pointless. I’d just started getting better at using this blog and I’m still whining about all of this.


Ideally, the dynamic between Mei and Miriam is that Miriam is very obviously head-over-heels in love with Mei and Mei is simply clueless


Alright, Narnia fandom, here ya go, what do you think they are filming???

I want chocolate and bread and masturbate but I also I want to cry and break things
