#nsfw blogs


30k+ Followers!!!!!

Thank ya’ll soo much.. This is crazy how fast this page is growing, and it’s all because of yall.. Let’s keep this thing going and make Tumblr great again..


Just for the fuck of it I took the time to politely complain to tumblr about their decision to remove adult content and inquire about their vague nonsense guidelines for what will be allowed after the 17th. This was their response.

They chose to not respond to my request for clarification about the guidelines and instead made a good jab about not wanting us to be a part of the community. Lol at the part about “striking a balance”.

That said, their initial announcement said that affected blogs would receive a notice, has anyone been sent one yet?

Ouch. WHO they want to be part of their community? I could see “what content "but WHO? Pretty shitty word choice….

What’s the point?

I have so many hot stories to tell and pictures to share (and even wanna gush about the really hot sex I had yeaterday abd this morning!), but it just feels pointless. I’d just started getting better at using this blog and I’m still whining about all of this.

I don’t want to write a goodbye post acknowledging all of the amazing adventures, people, memories, and experiences I’ve had over the last 7 years with this blog, because then it makes it real.

But as I go through my favorite blogs and go through older posts I remember originally reading years ago, knowing they’ll soon vanish…it hurts so much more to think of holding out to acknowledge it all once tumblr has been sterilized.

I just really, really hate this. 



atleast exporting blogs is a thing so if u wanna save ur stuff i’d suggest going to ur settings page and doing that before the 17th

doing this now

Side blog: @tilagg

Email: [email protected]

Will absolutely be looking to start a new blog somewhere else (where NSFW content is allowed, as well as anonymous contribution and free (may consider cheap options)) and to follow all of my favorite blogs.

*also please back up your blogs! Tumblr and other websites provide options for backing up!

Please let me know where you’ll be headed

No no no no no no no no no!

ALL adult content isn’t going to be allowed as of December 17th, 2018!

“Starting Dec 17, adult content will not be allowed on Tumblr, regardless of how old you are.”

“Adult content primarily includes photos, videos, or GIFs that show real-life human genitals or female-presenting nipples, and any content—including photos, videos, GIFs and illustrations—that depicts sex acts.”

“We will send out email notices to members of the Tumblr community whose content has been flagged as adult. If your post has been flagged as adult, it will be reverted to a private setting viewable only by you.”

This is awful. What do we do? Please comment suggestions for new sites to go to, that can allow anonymous contributions/commenting.
