
firequeensrules: THE LEGEND OF AVATAR KORRA Purple + Blue Paralles and Antithesis Blue: Peace, tranqfirequeensrules: THE LEGEND OF AVATAR KORRA Purple + Blue Paralles and Antithesis Blue: Peace, tranqfirequeensrules: THE LEGEND OF AVATAR KORRA Purple + Blue Paralles and Antithesis Blue: Peace, tranqfirequeensrules: THE LEGEND OF AVATAR KORRA Purple + Blue Paralles and Antithesis Blue: Peace, tranqfirequeensrules: THE LEGEND OF AVATAR KORRA Purple + Blue Paralles and Antithesis Blue: Peace, tranqfirequeensrules: THE LEGEND OF AVATAR KORRA Purple + Blue Paralles and Antithesis Blue: Peace, tranqfirequeensrules: THE LEGEND OF AVATAR KORRA Purple + Blue Paralles and Antithesis Blue: Peace, tranqfirequeensrules: THE LEGEND OF AVATAR KORRA Purple + Blue Paralles and Antithesis Blue: Peace, tranqfirequeensrules: THE LEGEND OF AVATAR KORRA Purple + Blue Paralles and Antithesis Blue: Peace, tranqfirequeensrules: THE LEGEND OF AVATAR KORRA Purple + Blue Paralles and Antithesis Blue: Peace, tranq



Purple + Blue

Paralles and Antithesis

Blue: Peace, tranquility, cold, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, sky, water, technology, depression, appetite suppressant …

Purple: Royalty, nobility, spirituality, ceremony, mysterious, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, honor, arrogance, mourning, temperance…

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korra: sorry i killed your dad

twins: lol it’s fine

Today’s worst character of the day is Unalaq from Legend of Korra!

Today’s worst character of the day is Unalaq fromLegend of Korra!

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I’m rewatching The Legend of Korra and I realized how similar Unalaq and Solas are?? Unalaq is basically an evil version of him They also look quite similar, with their posture and facial structure, so I had to sketch them together


Old Clips compiled from 2015 on IG.. I honestly think the Legend of Korra gets alot of Unwarranted hate..The arc with Korra defeating fear & regaining her avatar state helped me through a fear phase in life I was in at that time..Me I believe the non tangibles of the original series made it the great series we grown to love..When I research the original airbender series I really only watch the last season with the last couple of season two episodes..I personally like great fight scenes+ great animation when it comes to anime ,which is what I think Korra provides more of. Also to add the featuring of Zaheer,Avatar Wan Arc, Aangs Family, Northern Water Tribe, Amon & Tophs family are also other things I loved about Korra…

I don’t even know what I’ll do if this ends up canon…  Okay, so this started as a

I don’t even know what I’ll do if this ends up canon… 

Okay, so this started as an off-handed omg lol, but the more I think about it, the more plausible it becomes. 

Wing-like sleeves: Check

Bird-like slouching: Check

Screeching, dying bird like laughter: Check

Appear to be creepy, not quite human: Check

Did you seriously go there, Bryke?

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