#wow okay

jumataeng: “You are naturally cute!” (SY about TY)jumataeng: “You are naturally cute!” (SY about TY)


“You are naturally cute!” (SY about TY)

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I have ran out of excuses to justify you, and of tears with which to cry you. I have tried going blind so I could not see what was going on but the darkness is no place for me, now I know. I have tried putting myself into your shoes but I find my feet don’t fit into such a heartless pair as you wear. I am sick of asking for things I shouldn’t have to ask for, like your care, your attention, and your time. I have loved you with an open heart, with all I am and I in turn have received almost nothing of what I want, just you, all of you, all of your heart. And after all this time I find myself empty and fighting this void of a relationship if that is what this can be called, see I am not sure anymore. What I do know is that I am tired and I don’t want to fight anymore because I am the only one in the gladiator pit while you are in the spectator stand.I chose now as I did before, but this time it is not to love you anymore. I think I am finally ready to let you go.

e.v.e. (Ready to let you go)


“Jouno, you were originally an executive of a criminal organization. I invited you six years ago because of that hearing and that ability.

All for the sake of today.”



Stuck dealing w the harrowing knowledge that the only person who can truly absolve me is me

Begs for forgiveness from a god who’s lived inside me all along. Or whatever

ygwinner:w_n_r00: spoiler #W

this isnt an exact conversation but.

one time i (jokingly!!) told my friend she would die of scurvy if she didn’t eat more vegetables and she believed me and got really scared and ate wayyy too many vegetables,

but then she got a cold or something and googled her symptoms and went “oh my god i think i have scurvy” and i thought she was joking and i was like “yea ur gonna die” BUT SHE BELIEVED ME and actually thought she was gonna die of scurvy





So like if you go to a fancy restaurant in an airport and order a steak do they bring it to you cut into bite-sized pieces or do they bring you a steak knife chained to the table or do you have to sign it out or do they just not serve steak or… what.

I actually have an answer to this!

Picture me, slightly sleep deprived, having just beaten my way through TSA (gotten patted down because I always do), settled into a restaurant, and ordered a hamburger.

and they just gave me a steak knife.

I must have stared at that knife for a solid minute in disbelief. There weren’t any obvious cameras; if I had paid in cash I could have just pocketed that knife wandered onto a plane with it and no one would have known who I was

anyway, yeah, airport security is joke, they just hand you knives

Airport security is there to inspire fear not actually protect us

It’s security theater in its entirety also to add to the ridiculousness: I have been to multiple airport restaurants where a steak knife is just. Part of the silverware bundle, I have been given a steak murder knife while eating NACHOS

kawacy:14 years later


14 years later

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sashayed:Everyone who worked on the film has a Carrie story, but the sweetest and most heartbreaki


Everyone who worked on the film has a Carrie story, but the sweetest and most heartbreaking one belongs to Isaac:

“One of my favorite things that would happen from time to time on set would be when Carrie would sing old songs,” he says. “Whenever that would happen I would offer her my hand and we would waltz around the set – on a starship, in a Rebel base, on an alien planet, and she would sing and we would dance. So surreal and beautiful to think about now. For all of her delicious, wicked humor and fiery energy she also had such sweet grace. I miss her dearly.”

cool i love just fucking crying forever and never not crying (gif source)

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glamoroussource: Keira Knightley photographed for Harper’s Bazaar.glamoroussource: Keira Knightley photographed for Harper’s Bazaar.glamoroussource: Keira Knightley photographed for Harper’s Bazaar.glamoroussource: Keira Knightley photographed for Harper’s Bazaar.glamoroussource: Keira Knightley photographed for Harper’s Bazaar.


Keira Knightley photographed for Harper’s Bazaar.

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