#une énorme queue




the dude who slapped macron is apparently action française lmao i’m logging off before i get a headache

those are nazis by the way like you don’t actually need any more context or nuance the AF is a fascist movement that emerged specifically in the context of antisemitic european nationalism

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is everything made for russian children like this


This is what happens whenever I follow someone else’s advice


The Cheburashka mood is so real!


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godd i just hate the idea of academia as an aesthetic so much . we’re out here trying to demystify scholarship and destroy the image of classics as this sacred, elistist, mysterious subject n people are like no we’d rather think about the idea, the feeling, the persona of academia rather than actually engage in analytical, scholarly thinking or any self-reflexive critiscism of the way that imagery and aesthetics help perpetuate an elitist ideal deeply rooted in classism and colonialism

im not saying that dark academia is inherently problematic or that classics students are oppressed bc youre fetishising our degree or anything but like . i swear to god if i see another post thats like ‘how to be more dark academic’ im going to eat my computer

bunniesandbeheadings: FRENCH GAME BOARD, 1791. ‘Game of the French Revolution,’ created in 1791. The


FRENCH GAME BOARD, 1791. ‘Game of the French Revolution,’ created in 1791. The first player to go from the seizure of the Bastille (step 1) to the Assemblee Nationale (step 63) is the winner. 

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bunniesandbeheadings:Royalist historians have scoffed at the picture of thousands of Parisians hur


Royalist historians have scoffed at the picture of thousands of Parisians hurling themselves at the Bastille to release a handful of prisoners (only seven were still kept there). But such criticism falls somewhat wide off the mark. The immediate aim was to find the powder which had been sent there from the Arsenal - all the more urgent after the large haul of muskets taken from theInvalides.Yet there was no intention to take it by force, least of all on the part of the Permanent Committee of Electors who directed operations, with fumbling uncertainty, from the City Hall. They had made their intentions clear from the start: to negotiate with the governor for the surrender of the gunpowder in his keeping and for the withdrawal of the guns from his battlements.

…However, negotiations stalled after the crowds, surging round the fortress and fearing a trap when the deputations took so long to reappear, lowered the drawbridge (unaccountably left unguarded) that led to the inner courtyard. Believing a frontal attack to be imminent, de Launay gave the order to fire. In the affray that followed, the besiegers lost ninety-eight dead and seventy-three wounded. At this point the electors abandoned their efforts and the crowd took over. The decisive blow was struck by two detachments of the Gardes Francaises who…marched to the fortress with five cannon removed that morning from the Invalides. Supported by a few hundred armed civilians, they trained their canon on the main gate. De Launay threatened to blow up the fortress, but being dissuaded by his garrison, lowered the main drawbridge and surrendered to his assailants.

He himself and six of the 110 defenders were slaughtered - a small number of victims, it must be said, compared with the far heavier losses suffered by the besiegers.

So the Bastille fell, with political consequences…

George Rude, The French Revolution

#celebrate Bastille Day by creating a group project slightly less lethal to your own team

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