


Hey look… a simple reference for my earth genasi daolock Summit, and her Genie’s Vessel, a ring with a compartment. Yes her patron is a genie… how cool is that

She’s supposed to be lawful evil, but i don’t have it in me to really be evil…


reposting the entire thing cus staff has finally let me out of my cage. freedom!!! if you rb it i’m gonna mentally kiss u on the cheek, im starved for attention as much as my account is starved for engagement

I’m gonna show u something i have many feelings about

Taegan, my eladrin bladesinger wizard from Elturiel, at the start of the adventure vs after 2 weeks in avernus. tf is this place

yes i got to carry Lulu around in my arms… u wish u were me

a 100% non cursed bonus under the cut

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