#unsupportive parent


How many times can I say something’s wrong and that I’m in pain before I’m heard? Teachers, therapists, friends, they all agree and suggest I go to a neurologist or rheumatologist but my mother insists I’m just inactive and need to exercise more– even as I’m so fatigued and in so much pain that the two miles home from school leave my legs in so much pain I can barely bend them without wanting to cry. I’m just given vitamin d pills and iron pills because she swears I’m just deficient, even as my migraines last 4 days and are so bad I can’t open or close my eyes– the light hurts and my eyelids put too much pressure on the eyes.

But sure. It’s normal. I’m dramatic, even when I’m so fatigued I need a brace to keep my hands up because they’re just too heavy and I haven’t been able to do schoolwork or hobbies at all.

I wish she’d listen to me so I can find out what the hell is wrong with my body. I just want an answer and help, why can’t she stop blaming me for it and start helping me.
