#ursch x isabella




«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

“Where were you Ursch-kun?” Isabella hugged my arm. 

“I couldn’t sleep so I went for a walk. What about you? What are you doing out here in this hour?" 

"Oh! I was in the secret library and didn’t notice the time. I didn’t see you all day so I went to see you~" 

"You shouldn’t do stuff like that. It’s dangerous for you to be out here at night!" 

I tried to calm myself even though I am still upset with her. "Next time, you can ask me to go to you if you want to see me." 

"TEE HEE~♥️ I got yelled at!” Isabella giggled. 

*sigh* She doesn’t regret her actions at all… 

Isabella is so beautiful.

The moment I first saw her… 

‘Aaaaa!! So cute!! So darling!! Please marry meeee~…!!' 

Even then it was clear to me how I’m not worthy of Isabella… 

From time to time my mask would slip and my true nature as a Schneiver would show. 

I thought Isabella would run away but contrary to my expectations, she would double down on her determination to truly love and understand me. 

We’ve been getting along so well for the past nine years. 

It recently occured to me how we’re not kids anymore… 

It would have been great if I stayed ignorant of that fact atleast until we marry… 

“Can I kiss you?" 

"If… if it’s Ursch… You don’t need to ask.” Isabella is blushing hard. 

Whenever she shows me that she loves me,

I go crazy… 

I wonder if she knew how I’ve been fantasizing of locking her up. 

'Sure~. When we grow up, you can be my bride. …No take backsies, okay?' 

“It was you who came to me.” I ignored Isabella’s confused expression and lifted her chin. 

So I have no other choice.

All I can do is give in. 

Ursch’s lips pressed heatedly against hers. 

Isabella thought it would be a light kiss, and when she thought it was over, Ursch’s hand fastened around Isabella’s waist and neck. 

Relying on instinct, he kissed her more intensely. 

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Fandom: The Villainess Wants To Marry A Commoner

Pairing: Ursch X Isabella

Note: This fic is highly inspired by The Return Of The Female KnightandKare Kano, Chapter 53


Note: Isabella’s father might be a fainting mess but he knows more than he lets on! He knows Ursch is a yandere!

Duke Rottenstein’s POV

Excerpt from the The Villainess Wants To Marry A Commoner Web Novel

As I looked around, thinking of a way to appease my daughter’s anger, my eyes met with her crush, Ursch-kun or what’s-his-name.

For a moment, chills ran down my spine.

Narrow eyes similar to his father, ones which leave you unsure of whether they’re open or not.

From his eyes which I couldn’t see, I felt a cold, sharp gaze penetrate me.

However, the expression plastered on his face was that of a harmless sheep’s.

For him to only be a 6-year-old child…

I see. Regardless of him being only six years old, his nature as a Schneiver is already showing.

He recognises Isabella as one of his own, as his “treasure”.

This is why I didn’t want to acknowledge my beloved daughter’s engagement with a family of merchants derided for being Fafnir’s kin.

Why was my Isabella caught by such a troublesome man?

If possible, I want Isabella to change her mind before the engagement is set in stone.



An old man came up to us. 

Apparently, he seems to be a business partner of the Schneiver Company.

“Isabella, it seems that something went wrong. I’ll finish this real quick, can you wait a bit on the bench over there?”

“It’s okay, take your time.“ 

With that said, I headed for the bench and sat there. 

As I was looking at Ursch who was talking to the old man, a girl surprised me by calling out to me. 

"Eh? !! Isabella? Are you Isabella?”

When I turned to the voice, I saw a girl my age. She has shoulder length pink hair and looks very pretty. She has this innocent aura around her. 

“Um… Yes, but…” I’m unsure how to respond. 

Who is this young girl? She stared at her hands with a look of shock. 

“This is not the entrance ceremony of the Magic Academy… This is the first time I’ve returned as a kid…" 

When I looked at her with suspicious eyes, she suddenly raised her face and approached me.

"That’s right!!! Isabella, how old are you now?”

“Well, I’m six years old…”

When I answered, she grabbed my hands and started to rejoice. 

“That’s good!!! You are still six years old, right?!! I am Marieta. Marieta Preah!!!”

Marieta… It sounds familiar… 

Marieta… Marieta… Marieta… 

Ah!!! It’s the heroine of <Love Magical>Yikes!!!

“Hmm? How does Marietta know me?" 

Speaking of which, she was muttering strange things like ‘It’s not the entrance ceremony of the Magic Academy’ or ‘Memories from back then’

No way?!! Is she also a reincarnated person like me?

No matter how much I think about it, I won’t get the answer so it’s better to directly ask. 

"Is Marietta also a reincarnated person?”

“Rein- What?” she just looked at me confused. 

“I want to ask if you have any memories of the life you lived before." 

Marietta instantly brightened. 

"You too!? Do you remember the last time? Do you also come back repeatedly? I’m so happy!!! I had given up but you really fulfilled your promise!" 

I’m not sure what’s going on. 

While I’m trying to get a grasp of the situation, Marietta is ecstatic and teary-eyed. 

"This is the first time that I’m not alone… You were the only one who helped me… All this time…”

Marietta cried with joy and laughter. 

With the current mood, I didn’t have the heart to tell Marietta that she’s mistaken. I looked at her silently.

“Now that I think about it, it’s completely different!!! My aunt is safe and we’re going to leave the royal capital… Isabella, you are changing the future!”

Two women with pink hair call Marietta from a distance.

“I have to go now. The train is about to leave." 

I chased after Marietta.

I have to resolve the misunderstanding.

If I don’t resolve the misunderstanding right now, I feel that it will be confusing later on. 

We walked side by side and I started to talk. 

"I think you misunderstood, Marietta. The memory of a previous life that I am talking about is living in a different world from here. So, I don’t really know anything about the promise that you speak of." 

She looked shocked and sad hearing the truth. 

"So… you’re not like me?" 

"I’m sorry, apparently not." 

Marietta sadly gets on the train with her mother and a woman who seems to be her aunt.

We stared at each other through the train window. 

Marieta, who was sitting by the window, opened the window and called out to me.

"Since you don’t know, watch out for orange haired girls. When you turn seven, they will steal your life from you." 

What does that mean? 

"You may not believe me but I remember everything… I’ve been reliving this life countless times. After the world’s destruction, I will go back to being fifteen years old and return to the first day of school at the Magic Academy." 

Does that mean you’re looping? 

My face turned serious. 

I think I should listen to her properly. 

"Why is the world destroyed?" 

"I can’t count how many times I’ve repeated this life. I tried to run away several times, wasting the opportunity of being able to return. It’s useless because one way or another, the world perishes and I end up dying. The only fact I know regarding the world’s end is that a great sage is heavily involved in it. 

A great sage involved in the destruction of the world. I don’t know anything about that… 

Such a powerful character has never appeared or even mentioned in the game.

"Isabella, please believe me. You, who say have been reincarnated, are different from anyone I’ve ever met. You’re my only hope…" 

Tears started falling from her beautiful eyes. 

At that time, the whistle rang and the train slowly began to move.

While walking along with the movement of the train, I look up at Marietta’s beautiful pale green eyes.

"Okay. I believe you, Marietta. I will not let The Great Sage destroy the world. I promised my beloved fianceé that we will travel the world. I’ll cooperate with you." 

I run alongside the train as it moves faster. 

Marieta leaned to the window and nodded while her tears endlessly flowed.

"Thank you. Thank you, Isabella… Please help me save the world!!!" 

I run and shout while nearly bumping into people.

"Yeah!!! I promise!!! This is a new promise!!! Leave it to me Marietta!" 

Marieta shouts from the train window as I stand at the edge of the platform. 

"Isabella!!! Please, rescue me from this never-ending world!!!”


Human race: Marietta Preah (7) 

[The eldest daughter of the Preah family in the Roserial Kingdom]
[Roserial Kingdom Citizen]

Job Skills
[Magician’s Egg] [Swordfighter’s Egg] [Cook] [Saint’s Egg] [Healer] [Cleric

Special Skills
[Blessing] [Transfer]

Inherent Skills
[HP Consumption Mitigation] [HP Recovery Enhancement] [MP Consumption Mitigation] [MP Recovery Enhancement] [Lightning Magic] [Ice Magic] [Holy Magic] [Increased Strengthening Correction] [Space Magic] [Time Magic]

[Wind Attribute Magic] [Earth Attribute Magic] [Light Attribute Magic] [Wind Resistance] [Soil Resistance] [Light Resistance] [Cooking] [Collection] [Laundry] [Automatic Recovery] [Patience]

Title: Repeater (Replayer) 

I remembered what Ursch asked me to do the moment I encountered any game character. 

A lot of things don’t make sense to me. Things left me with more questions than answers. 

I noticed that my fianceé is no longer on the bench. 

For some reason I felt a chill in my back and went straight to her location. 

I grabbed her and she looked at me with surprise. I forced myself to calm down. 

“Thank you for waiting. Let’s go” I led Isabella away. I want to get her out of the train station as soon as I can.

“Ursch, you won’t believe this! I met…-" 

I was too late.

Isabella told me everything the heroine told her. 

One thing is running through my mind while listening. I never should have left her out of my sight.

Contrary to her belief, the only reason I pulled some strings to help the heroine is to keep her away from Isabella. I didn’t expect them to meet at the train station.

I didn’t want her to meet anyone anymore… It’s too dangerous. 

First things first, I should make that organization who is planning to harm my Isabella disappear. 

Fandom: The Villainess Wants To Marry A Commoner
Photo: Not mine
Note: I MTL-ed Chapter 86 of the Light Novel (and added some stuff in it.)


Falling in love with the princess

“Ann”(Mary) POV (Based on Chapter 89 of the novel)

The moment I saw her, I immediately understood the thread eyed boy’s motive…

Today is my first day serving my new mistress, Lady Isabella. She’s currently grilling some chicken in the backyard.

I stared at the lady’s golden fluffy hair as she hummed a song while she wait for the chicken to cook. I can’t help but smile seeing her so happy.

I looked around and saw the gardener drinking tea on a nearby flowerbed.

This might be the first time ever in my life that I am having such a peaceful time.

Hearing my twin sister’s daily hysterics added to my daily dose of stress but now that it’s gone… it’s quiet. For some reason I still feel uneasy.

“Is it time to put it in the oven?” the young lady broke my train of thought.

Danger. Danger. Everything is so peaceful and calming that it’s making me brace myself for the worse.

I continued to watch the lady grill the  chicken.

For a second the roasted chicken looked perfectly cooked but it began to transform in to a sludge, only the burnt skewers remained intact.

“I’m sorry, Ann. I wanted to feed you some decent food.”

After the lady recovered from her shock, she immediately apologized to me.

Even the energetic young lady can’t hide her disappointment after producing a sludge five times in a row.

What if she’s a total failure in cooking? She is a duke’s daughter. Also, there’s no need to apologize to a servant like me.

Fu~fu~ the lady is still cute in her disheartened state.

She looks like a doll or a fairy, but to me, she mostly looks like a golden (chick) little bird with her golden fluffy hair and quick, short movements.

Although I find it cute, I don’t want to keep my cute little bird depressed so I comforted her.

“My lady doesn’t have to apologize. It’s delicious, so please be confident! It’s the only food in the world that has the ability to surprise everyone with its appearance and taste. I love the lady’s cooking!”

“R-r-really?” the lady is clearly anxious.

“When I become Ursch’s wife in the future, wouldn’t he hate me if my cooking is constantly a sludge of surprise?”

I would be happy, but I don’t think the young lady wants to hear that.

Based on my prediction, the thread eyed boy would be happy with whatever the young lady prepared.

“I think Master Ursch spends a lot of time making magic tools so the young lady’s cooking would be convenient since the food that you cook can be consumed immediately.”

“True… but if he finishes eating right away, his breaks will be reduced and his working hours will be longer. Ursch-kun already works so much.”

“Then why not ask Master Ursch to cook from time to time? It will be a great change of mood, the lady can set the table and prepare tea and spend time together.”

The young lady nodded and considered it.

Oh, wait a minute.

“My lady, can you make some tea?”

“Tea is okay. It can be brewed without any problems. Also, yeah… the juice made by squeezing the fruits is okay.”

I see, if it’s liquid, you can make it without problems, but if it’s a solid dish, it becomes sludge.

“Then how about a soup?”

“The soup melts while I’m mixing it and turns in to a sludge…”

The taste is good but you really can’t cook.. I wonder why?

We pondered over it for a bit, but I really can’t figure it out so I decided to eat the newly made sludge for the time being.

It’s my first time tasting something like this. The sludge is delicious but it doesn’t taste like roasted chicken with onions.

What is it? A mellow taste with a little salt. Is it seafood? I also taste butter and a little pepper.

As I contemplated, the young lady tasted her sludge and groaned.

“It tastes like butter-grilled mussels.”

If you ask me, I think it’s great to be able to bring out the flavor of a shellfish with chicken and onions, but the young lady looks disappointed.

Of all the food I’ve eaten in my past twelve years of life, the young lady’s sludge is the most delicious.

Conpared to what I’ve eaten so far, the difference is cloud and mud.

By the way, my lady’s cooking is the cloud although it looks muddy.

While I was at the Schneiver safe house, they fed me regularly. But I ultimately didn’t feel like eating because I found the thread eyed boy really creepy and my lady’s dish (sludge) tastes so much better.

I don’t ever recall eating anything delicious up until now.

I am trained by the Dark Guild to replace a noble daughter so I was constantly drilled in to raising my level.

Sometimes I was given sweets and decent food on a whim, but my twin sister, who was better than me, kept taking it away from me and I never got to taste it.

As my twin sister continued to take things from me, I couldn’t be positive about the role of robbing someone’s life.

Eventually, I couldn’t get into the training and fell out, and when I wasn’t as good as my twin sister, the treatment and my living environment became worse.

How long have you been treated like a princess, my sister, while I’m being scorned?

I didn’t want to be a changeling.

Growing up like a normal child, go to school, and get a normal job. I dreamed of such a life.

‘You don’t have to live a luxurious life because you’ll become an aristocratic daughter someday.’

I want to live a normal life without having anything to do with the Dark Guild.

So I have to thank my sister for taking something from me one last time.

You wanted to go back to the dark guild, to be treated like a princess, rather than having an honest job and living a normal life in a protected place.

The thread eyed boy coerced us to switch bodies.

When you replaced me and returned to the Dark Guild, did you think you would be warmly welcomed?

Didn’t they say it so many times?

Our ability changes to constant activation once it is activated, so once you have transferred, you will not be able to get out of the body.

You believed the lie he said, 'You two are identical twins, it’s like having the same body so it doesn’t really count.’

Our replacement ability is a one time use ability.

I was able to escape from the guild without doing anything by replacing my sister.

From now on, I will live the normal life I wanted with my sister’s body.

While being healed by my little bird, I will work as her personal maid.

Bye sister, I wish you well.

Fandom: The Villainess Wants To Marry A Commoner!

Photo: Not mine


Note: I MTL-ed this chapter so I really can’t be sure if this is accurate.


Best Wishes

I’m walking with Ursch on the crowded and noisy platform of the train station.

I decided to ask him a question I’ve been meaning to ask.

“Why did you ask Gijs and Allis to pretend to summon the Hell’s gate with me?”

“It’s a show for the people watching. I want them to think that casting Hell’s Gate became possible only because of the four of us. If people find out that you can summon it alone, they would surely covet Isabella and break our engagement.”

I didn’t think about that possibility. Summoning it alone would surely gain a lot of attention.

I thanked Ursch’s quick thinking.

Gijs is the son of the leader of the Magic Division, and Allis became known to have a strong magical talent and power because of her nonstop firing of bombing magic during the turmoil.

Ursch is partly famous as a genius alchemist who creates magic items for the Schneiver Company, and I’m mostly famous from the game of tag fiasco.

It was convincing that the four of us summoned the Hell’s Gate.

Furthermore, even if someone tries to find out how to summon it, they can’t just force the Duke’s daughter, Marquis’s daughter, the son of the Magic Division’s leader and the son of the Schneiver Company, who is a commoner but someone that you don’t want as an enemy.

It would be difficult to interview all four, unless you are royalty.

The royal family is aware of this but they are also concealing Chris’s skills and I am also a daughter of a former princess (technically a royal) so they don’t ask me anything.

“By the way, I heard that you refused a marriage proposal from the Queen’s maiden family, The Lambert family.”

Thankfully, the queen was not displeased with my rejection.

The queen laughed lightly when I refused on the spot. “I thought so. I told them that you will refuse since you are already happily affianced but they still insist that I ask.”

Today, I came to secretly say goodbye to “someone”.

Actually, I shouldn’t go to see him off, but I really wanted to see him, so I asked Ursch to take me.

Look from a distance and never call out. That was the condition my mother gave me for them to allow me.

I watched him board the train at a distance with Ursch.

Ursch stoked my back, I felt sad that I may never see him again.

When we discovered that Lucy-oneesama was involved in the Colors Collector Case, the first thing that came to mind is Trevor-oniisama.

He wouldn’t be the brother that I know and love if he didn’t make this decision.

Amidst the dread that I felt with what waits for him, I understood my oldest brother. I would have done the same thing if it means that I can be with Ursch. I comforted myself in thinking that I know he’ll be happy…

When he boarded the train and disappeared from our view, I cried to Ursch’s chest.

Ursch put his hand on my back and hugged me tightly until I settled down.

Stay safe, Trevor-oniisama.

Please come back safe and sound.

I couldn’t come to see you off, but father, mother, and Daemon-oniisama are hoping that you will come back safely.


Lucy, the former daughter of the head of Magical Division, was detained in the train.

She is being sent to Count Lambert’s territory.

It has been confirmed that the largest dungeon in the Roserial Kingdom, “Zelvandam”, has up to 45 layers three years ago.

Because of her involvement with the Colors Collector Case, she will be sent out as a reinforcement in the most dangerous parts of the 45th level of the dungeon for five years.

Her dungeon survival rate is estimated to be 25% in the first year and 7% in the second year.

Lucy is supposed to be executed but because of Chris’s “Oath Magic”, it was proved that the only crimes she was guilty of is the kidnapping and attempted murder of Gijs and Isabella. Both of them did not sue.

If she can survive the dungeon, she’ll be free in five years.

Lucy’s sentence was considered a community service but going to the 45th layer of the dungeon is no different from a de facto death penalty.

The odds of surviving and returning after five years were hopeless.

A long haired man sat beside Lucy who was restrained and waiting for the train to depart.

Lucy’s eyes widened in surprise “No way… Trevor? Why? Why are you here?”

“Do you really think I’ll let my precious fiancee travel alone? I can only provide assistance and support, but I can almost make anything on the spot.”

“I was disowned by the Toland family. Our engagement has already been dissolved. You’re the eldest son of the Duke, there’s no reason for you to dive into the dungeon with me.”

Trevor shakes his head in disagreement.

“I don’t remember breaking our engagement. Besides, I was disowned like you. Lucy, after five years, after our dungeon adventure, I’d like to marry you in a cute little church. I can’t give you the Marquis title that you wanted, but I’m confident that I can give you a lot of love… so will you marry me?”

“You are really stupid. …  Really an idiot that can’t be saved…”

Lucy nods many times, crying and rubs her forehead against Trevor’s chest.

Trevor hugged her head, crying and muttered how stupid Lucy was as she cried.


I eventually let go of Ursch when I calmed down.

“There are rare items being imported around the station, would you like to see them before I take you home?”

Ursch asked me on a date right? KYAAAAAAA~ So happy! “I would be happy to do that!!!”

I pushed all the sad thoughts at the back of my mind.

It is no exaggeration to say that my happiness lies in the days I spend with Ursch.

Fandom: The Villainess Wants To Marry A Commoner!!!

Support:悪役令嬢は、庶民に嫁ぎたい!! 2

Note: I mtl-ed Chapter 86 of the light novel (and translated it and added some stuff in it)

Photos: Not mine



Ursch: That was pretty careless of you Isabella.

Isabella: I’m okay, aren’t I?

Ursch:*smiles gently* If you ever get hurt because of them, I would’ve killed them myself.

Isabella:*fangirling over Ursch’s smile. Totally missing the point where Ursch just threatened to perform a massacre if she gets hurt*


*Ursch explains what OG Ursch is planning to do to Isabella and says he is sorry.*

Isabella: That makes sense. Don’t you worry about it. *clearly doesn’t care.*

Ursch: You must be crazy…

Isabella: CRAZY FOR YOU! *proud of herself*

Ursch: *alternates between blushing and face palming*


Fandom: The Villainess Wants To Marry A Commoner

Title: The Repeater


An old man came up to us. 

Apparently, he seems to be a business partner of the Schneiver Company.

“Isabella, it seems that something went wrong. I’ll finish this real quick, can you wait a bit on the bench over there?”

“It’s okay, take your time." 

With that said, I headed for the bench and sat there. 

As I was looking at Ursch who was talking to the old man, a girl surprised me by calling out to me. 

"Eh? !! Isabella? Are you Isabella?”

When I turned to the voice, I saw a girl my age. She has shoulder length pink hair and looks very pretty. She has this innocent aura around her. 

“Um… Yes, but…” I’m unsure how to respond. 

Who is this young girl? She stared at her hands with a look of shock. 

“This is not the entrance ceremony of the Magic Academy… This is the first time I’ve returned as a kid…" 

When I looked at her with suspicious eyes, she suddenly raised her face and approached me.

"That’s right!!! Isabella, how old are you now?”

“Well, I’m six years old…”

When I answered, she grabbed my hands and started to rejoice. 

“That’s good!!! You are still six years old, right?!! I am Marieta. Marieta Preah!!!”

Marieta… It sounds familiar… 

Marieta… Marieta… Marieta… 

Ah!!! It’s the heroine of <Love Magical>Yikes!!!

“Hmm? How does Marietta know me?" 

Speaking of which, she was muttering strange things like ‘It’s not the entrance ceremony of the Magic Academy’ or 'Memories from back then’

No way?!! Is she also a reincarnated person like me?

No matter how much I think about it, I won’t get the answer so it’s better to directly ask. 

"Is Marietta also a reincarnated person?”

“Rein- What?” she just looked at me confused. 

“I want to ask if you have any memories of the life you lived before." 

Marietta instantly brightened. 

"You too!? Do you remember the last time? Do you also come back repeatedly? I’m so happy!!! I had given up but you really fulfilled your promise!" 

I’m not sure what’s going on. 

While I’m trying to get a grasp of the situation, Marietta is ecstatic and teary-eyed. 

"This is the first time that I’m not alone… You were the only one who helped me… All this time…”

Marietta cried with joy and laughter. 

With the current mood, I didn’t have the heart to tell Marietta that she’s mistaken. I looked at her silently.

“Now that I think about it, it’s completely different!!! My aunt is safe and we’re going to leave the royal capital… Isabella, you are changing the future!”

Two women with pink hair call Marietta from a distance.

“I have to go now. The train is about to leave." 

I chased after Marietta.

I have to resolve the misunderstanding.

If I don’t resolve the misunderstanding right now, I feel that it will be confusing later on. 

We walked side by side and I started to talk. 

"I think you misunderstood, Marietta. The memory of a previous life that I am talking about is living in a different world from here. So, I don’t really know anything about the promise that you speak of." 

She looked shocked and sad hearing the truth. 

"So… you’re not like me?" 

"I’m sorry, apparently not." 

Marietta sadly gets on the train with her mother and a woman who seems to be her aunt.

We stared at each other through the train window. 

Marieta, who was sitting by the window, opened the window and called out to me.

"Since you don’t know, watch out for orange haired girls. When you turn seven, they will steal your life from you." 

What does that mean? 

"You may not believe me but I remember everything… I’ve been reliving this life countless times. After the world’s destruction, I will go back to being fifteen years old and return to the first day of school at the Magic Academy." 

Does that mean you’re looping? 

My face turned serious. 

I think I should listen to her properly. 

"Why is the world destroyed?" 

"I can’t count how many times I’ve repeated this life. I tried to run away several times, wasting the opportunity of being able to return. It’s useless because one way or another, the world perishes and I end up dying. The only fact I know regarding the world’s end is that a great sage is heavily involved in it. 

A great sage involved in the destruction of the world. I don’t know anything about that… 

Such a powerful character has never appeared or even mentioned in the game.

"Isabella, please believe me. You, who say have been reincarnated, are different from anyone I’ve ever met. You’re my only hope…" 

Tears started falling from her beautiful eyes. 

At that time, the whistle rang and the train slowly began to move.

While walking along with the movement of the train, I look up at Marietta’s beautiful pale green eyes.

"Okay. I believe you, Marietta. I will not let The Great Sage destroy the world. I promised my beloved fianceé that we will travel the world. I’ll cooperate with you." 

I run alongside the train as it moves faster. 

Marieta leaned to the window and nodded while her tears endlessly flowed.

"Thank you. Thank you, Isabella… Please help me save the world!!!" 

I run and shout while nearly bumping into people.

"Yeah!!! I promise!!! This is a new promise!!! Leave it to me Marietta!" 

Marieta shouts from the train window as I stand at the edge of the platform. 

"Isabella!!! Please, rescue me from this never-ending world!!!”


Human race: Marietta Preah (7) 





[The eldest daughter of the Preah family in the Roserial Kingdom]

[Roserial Kingdom Citizen]

Job Skills

[Magician’s Egg] [Swordfighter’s Egg] [Cook] [Saint’s Egg] [Healer] [Cleric

Special Skills

[Blessing] [Transfer]

Inherent Skills

[HP Consumption Mitigation] [HP Recovery Enhancement] [MP Consumption Mitigation] [MP Recovery Enhancement] [Lightning Magic] [Ice Magic] [Holy Magic] [Increased Strengthening Correction] [Space Magic] [Time Magic]


[Wind Attribute Magic] [Earth Attribute Magic] [Light Attribute Magic] [Wind Resistance] [Soil Resistance] [Light Resistance] [Cooking] [Collection] [Laundry] [Automatic Recovery] [Patience]

Title: Repeater (Replayer) 

I remembered what Ursch asked me to do the moment I encountered any game character. 

A lot of things don’t make sense to me. Things left me with more questions than answers. 

I noticed that my fianceé is no longer on the bench. 

For some reason I felt a chill in my back and went straight to her location. 

I grabbed her and she looked at me with surprise. I forced myself to calm down. 

“Thank you for waiting. Let’s go” I led Isabella away. I want to get her out of the train station as soon as I can.

“Ursch, you won’t believe this! I met…-" 

I was too late.

Isabella told me everything the heroine told her. 

One thing is running through my mind while listening. I never should have left her out of my sight.

Contrary to her belief, the only reason I pulled some strings to help the heroine is to keep her away from Isabella. I didn’t expect them to meet at the train station.

I didn’t want her to meet anyone anymore… It’s too dangerous. 

First things first, I should make that organization who is planning to harm my Isabella disappear. 

Fandom: The Villainess Wants To Marry A Commoner
Photo: Not mine
Note: I MTL-ed Chapter 86 of the Light Novel (and added some stuff in it.)