


I went to the Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance exhibit at the Atlanta Center for Puppetry Arts today!! I took WAY more photos than will fit into a single post, so I’ll be dividing them up throughout the week. First up is skekGra and urGoh’s puppet show because I am totally biased but also it’s amazing ❤

Fun little things:

-They’re way bigger than you’d think they are! I guess because we’re thinking of them in relation to our own hands rather than larger puppet hands

- You can see where the urSkek flips over into the castle

-The amount of detail even on just these little things is absurd- the Gra puppet in particular has so much more going on than you can see in the show (though curiously yep, no nail)

-SkekGra’s gloves are a textured fabric, not knitted. I refuse to accept this, they’re still knitted in my head

-Let them hug dammit

Stay tuned for more soon!
