#use these handy tools



Filtering on tumblr!

I recently discovered (was shown by a kind soul) how great the filter function on tumblr is, and figured I would share the knowledge! We all know (and love) the block button, but you still see reblogged content from accounts you have blocked. Well here comes the filter function!

Select the gear icon to access your settings

Choose “general settings”

Select “filtering”

Select “new” and type in the blog and/or content you want to avoid

And there you have it! You don’t even have to send anyone a nasty anon or spend time leaving comments on something you don’t even like! You can of course, you are free to do whatever you want, but this is the kinder way to treat yourself and others

Oh! And if you really want to see that content at some point you still can! It will appear on your dash like this:

Anyway huge thanks to everyone out there who silently blocks me instead of lashing out! You do you and I love that! Sincerely.
