


Difference between Black Mask and Crow


Porcelain Face Part 2

Some secrets are revealed and a promise is made.

After being grilled by his brothers, Minato went to his room and quite literally crashed on the bed. Even without an expression, you could tell he was tired. Minato was use to being asked tons of questions by the two because of the school hopping and all, but this time however, was more tiring. Every time he mentioned an amazing feature of his new friend, he expressed how amazing it was through his face. He wasn’t quite sure what was so different about Ren that made him want to express his feelings on his face.


Minato lifted his phone to face to see the message, coincidentally from Ren.

Ren: Hey, I just wanted to text you to see if I had the right numbers.

Minato: Well, you got it right ding ding.

Ren: Wow, you’re way more sarcastic when you text.

Minato: Nah, I just wasn’t being sarcastic to you today. I wasn’t in the mood.

Ren: After losing the marker right? It’s seems precious to you. If you don’t mind me asking, why is it so precious?

Minato paused for a moment. He wasn’t sure what to do. He’s never told the story to anyone other than Jun and Tatsuya. Then again, he’s never made a proper friend before.

Ren: Ah, sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I was just curious. You don’t have to tell me.

Minato: No, it’s fine. The marker was a gift from my mom for my birthday. She had it specially made for me. It costs a fortune, but she got it for me. She and my dad died a week later in a car crash. That marker is a memory of my parents but more so my mom. My dad was rarely home, so I never really got to know him.

There was a long pause after he sent the message. Minato internally panicked, but calmed down when Ren finally responded.

Ren: Wow. That’s rough. Do you live with relatives now?

Minato: No. My relatives really didn’t want to deal with my ‘problems’, so they sent me to some people they know. Don’t worry though. Jun and Tatsuya are very nice. They even treat me like their little brother, so it’s not terrible.

Ren: Your problems? You mean the fact that you use a sketchbook to express your emotions?

Minato: Yeah. They didn’t want a weird child to be apart of their family.

Ren: I don’t think it’s weird.

Minato stared at his screen for a whole minute. He almost thought he was dreaming. Someone understands and doesn’t think he’s weird.

Minato: It’s nice to hear that from someone other than Jun and Tatsuya. Not many people understand.

Ren: It’s really not that weird. You could say I have a similar problem.

The blue haired boy was now confused. This boy with perfect skin that rivals a porcelain doll’s has a similar problem.

Minato: Oh, and I realized we live pretty close to each other. You wanna walk to school together.

Ren: Sure, but just so you know I have to make a detour for something. If you don’t mind, I’d be glad to walk to school with you.

Minato expression changed. He was glad that he’s able to walk with his new friend. He’s also glad that he’s no longer lonely at school.

Minato: I don’t mind. It’s getting late. Good night Ren.

Ren: Night Minato.

The cardboard kid shut his phone off and got ready for bed. He was excited for tomorrow.

~~~Next Day~~~

Minato got up early that morning grabbing his bag and sketchbook and left sort of excited. And trust me when I say Jun was holding back the urge to hug the boy when he saw him excited. Although no expression was involved, Jun was pleasantly surprised when Minato was out of bed and happy.

Minato left and walked to Le Blanc, where Ren was already waiting outside.

“Hey Minato.” The bespectacled boy greeted. Though, his greeting was ignored by other teen when Minato saw Ren’s face. Ren had a mask on covering his face, from his chin to the bridge of his nose.

Minato flipped open to the confuse face, which seemed to become a common expression when he was with Ren.

“Ah, the mask. Don’t worry, nothing’s wrong. It- I’ll explain when we get to my detour stop.”

Minato flipped through to his resting face and then the boys took off to this place Ren needed to go to. Their destination was a small apartment close to the train station they just got off at. Ren rang the bell and out came a tall, blue haired boy. His hair was similar to Minato, if not for the fact it was more well kept.

“Ah, Ren I was wondering when you would get here, and who is this sketchbook friend of yours.”

“This is Minato. We’re walking together today. And Minato this is my friend Yusuke.”

Yusuke stared at the boy for a while before speaking again. “Well come in. I already have the makeup prepped, so you’ll be out in no time.”

Meanwhile, Minato was very confused. Ren’s mask, this stranger, and the talk about makeup. As they entered the apartment, the first thing Minato noticed was the vast amount of paintings. They ranged from different colors, emotions, and styles. They soon reach a small living room with a coffee table scattered with brushes. Yusuke motioned for Minato to sit on the couch while the other two went to sit on the stools. As Ren sat down, he put down his bag and removed his mask.

Minato’s eyes widened when he saw Ren’s face. When they first met, Minato thought Ren was a perfect porcelain doll. A beautiful man with an unflawed face, but what he saw now was a site. Ren’s face was scattered with scars. A few on each of his cheeks and a really noticeable one on his chin. Yusuke immediately got to work applying the makeup to cover up the scars.

“So, Minato, do you like to draw?” This question came from the makeup artist working on Ren.

“Yeah, it’s relaxing for me. I mostly draw expressions to use, but sometimes I draw random things.”

“I suppose you use those drawings of expressions to express your emotions because your face can’t.”

As if answering his question, Minato flipped to a page with a surprised face on it. “How did you know?”

“Oh, it was a simple guess.” The artist paused to change brushes. “I’m an artist myself, so I kind of understand those kinds of things, and to be honest the faces I’ve seen are pretty cute.”

Minato immediately switched to flustered. He’s never really gotten compliments from anyone for the faces he’s drawn. Then again, he’s never met an artist before either.

“And finished. Alright Ren, we’re good to go.” Minato looked at Ren once again. As if Yusuke had healing powers, all the scars were no longer there.

“Thanks Yusuke. I really appreciate it.”

The two left the artist’s humble abode and headed towards school. Minato, as much as he didn’t want to pry, wanted to know about the scars. Before he could open his mouth however, Ren spoke first.

“I guess I owe you an explanation for the scars. I did say I would tell you.”

The cardboard boy listened as the porcelain boy spoke.

“Back in my hometown, I was out taking a walk and I saw this woman being assaulted by this drunk man. I tried to help her, but this man had a blade and he marked up my face and arms pretty badly. Luckily a police car drove by and stopped the man before he could do more damage. Most of the wounds healed, but some of them left scars. The man did get arrested, but my parents decided to send me out here for a while to recover. They thought being there would trigger memories of that night.”

Minato didn’t really know how to react. He thought he had it bad with all the bullying and school hopping, but Ren’s story was something else.

“You don’t have to worry Minato. I’m fine now, just self conscious about my scars that’s all.”

After a moment of silence, the blue haired teen finally responded. “I don’t think you’re scars look that bad. They kind of look nice and give you personality.”

Minato internally screamed at himself. Did he really just say that? Thank God Minato had his sketchbook over his face, otherwise Ren would’ve seen how red it was. Instead of receiving the response he thought he was going to get, all Minato received was a chuckle from Ren. God, Minato didn’t know such a small chuckle could make his cheeks flare.

“You really think that way about my scars. Maybe one day I’ll go to school without makeup, but when I do, I want you to promise me something.”


They both stopped and stared at each other. Ren smiled and finished. “I want you to spend that day without your sketchbook.”

Minato didn’t expect this from anyone other than Tatsuya or Jun. Really, he didn’t think Ren cared about his expression problem.

“I don’t know why, but I have the feeling you can express your emotions on your face if you tried. You’ve mentioned when we were drinking coffee that sometimes it happens, sometimes doesn’t. I think you could control that and actually express yourself.”

Faith. There were only four other people who believed he could express himself. His mom, his dad, Tatsuya, and Jun. Not many people thought he could do it. Nobody really had faith, but the teen had finally met someone who believed in him. A tear almost came out, but right now he didn’t want it.

“Deal. I’ll do it.”

Ren smiled and it made the other’s heart flutter. Minato didn’t know why or how this happened, but one things for sure. He was glad he met the boy with the porcelain face.

Part 1 | Part 2 (you are here) |

Yeah, so in this Fic all the palace bosses, not including Sae, are not pricks to my Phantom Thief children. Shido’s in jail, where he belongs, Kamoshida’s actually a decent person, and Madarame and Kaneshiro were Thanos snapped out of existence. Also Yusuke is financially stable and lives in a nice apartment, and Morgana is a nice cat, happily living with Sojiro and Futaba. I feel terrible for scarring Ren Shido deserves to burn in the firery pits of hell but all is good now because he has cinnamon roll to heal him. ☺️
