#v imagine


Human Fountains

블랭키는 어딨어? Where’s your blankie?

Description: Jin is left alone with his daughter and he calls on his best friends for some company. Namjoon is still a little unfamiliar as to how to interact with a baby. 
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff, Dad!Jin with Uncles!BTS
Word Count: 1.5k



“Should we go let your uncles in?” Jin coos and picks up Yerin. Settling her on his hip, he carries her over to the front door where the boys had been rapidly knocking before Yoongi’s muffled scolding voice stopped them.

Unlocking the door, Jin reveals the six smiling guys who are excited to spend some time with their non-blood related niece.

“Hey, I wasn’t expecting you guys for another hour.” Jin comments and side steps to let the guys in.

“We told you we were coming at 1, didn’t we?” Hobi questions, plopping himself onto the couch quickly.

“You said 2.” Jin says as Taehyung stops in front of him and waves at Yerin with a sweet smile. She gets shy from the attention and presses closer to Jin’s chest.

“Oh, Yerin.” Jin readjusts his grip on his daughter, “It’s Uncle Tae. Say hi.” He tries to coax her into saying hello but she just buries her face into Jin’s shirt. “Alright alright.” Jin bounces up and down and rubs her back soothingly.

Taehyung closes the door once everyone’s inside and Jin makes his way to the living room where the others have settled themselves.

“I swear we said 1…” Hobi trails off looking through their very chatty group chat room.

Jin shrugs, “It’s whatever. You’re here now.”

“So how is baby duty without (y/n) around?” Jimin asks while Jin sits on the floor and sets Yerin down on her soft playmate.

“It’s not as bad as I thought it would be.” Jin answers, “Plus I can rope you guys into helping me so it’s not that difficult.” He teases while keeping an eye on Yerin as she crawls across the mat towards her toys.

“Who said we’re getting roped in?” Jungkook asks, looking wide eyed and playing with Yerin as she giggles at him.

“I got roped in.” Yoongi throws an arm over his eyes as he leans back on the couch.

“Keep it in, whiny.” Jimin throws Yoongi a glare and switches back to a loving uncle before Yerin can see.

Jin chuckles and lays back on the floor with an exhausted sigh. “She’s gotta take a nap soon so if the three youngens could tire her out, that’d make my life so much easier.”

“Oh, hyung,” Jungkook sits up straight with a calm expression and a hand up, “I’ve had three coffees already today, I will tire out this child like it’s nobody’s business.”

“He’s the energizer bunny.” Taehyung giggles and gives Yerin an open mouthed smile as she makes her way over to him.

“When is he not?” Jin questions and turns his head to watch his daughter tap her hands against Taehyung’s legs.

Namjoon opens his mouth to answer the question but closes it again when he realizes that he can’t recall a time when Jungkook isn’t at least a little energizer bunny.

Yoongi and Hobi chuckle at Namjoon while Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook focus their attention on Yerin who’s now crawling her way to Jimin because he has her favorite toy in his hand.

“So what is the wife up to today?” Yoongi asks.

“(y/n)’s at a spa day with her friends.” Jin answers.

“Ooh, the spa sounds really nice.” Namjoon sighs, “Hey, we should go next week.”

“Next week when?” Hobi questions, “We’re booked like 24/7.”

“Okay, what about the- oh wait, we have the recording that week.” Namjoon corrects himself mid sentence.

Jin chuckles, “We’ll find a time. Eventually.”

“Yeah, when we’re all old and tired.” Yoongi deadpans and Jungkook quickly covers Yerin’s ears.

“Hey, there is a child here.” He throws a glare at Yoongi, releasing Yerin’s ears from his grasp.

“Says the child.” Jimin laughs which earns him a light slap from Jungkook.

Taehyung quickly places a hand in front of Yerin’s eyes as she stares at the two youngest members. “Guys, watch the violence. The baby shouldn’t learn those things.”

Jin waves a hand at the maknae line, “It’s fine. She’s attacked me and stepped on me and has hit places that I have since become very protective over.”

“Dadda.” Yerin says, turning and noticing Jin talking and laying on the floor. She crawls over with bright eyes and an even brighter smile.

She reaches Jin quickly and leans against his stomach.

“Hiya, Yerin.” Jin pokes her cheek, “Are you having fun with your uncles?”

Yerin giggles and Jin, and the other guys, take that as a ‘yes.’

“Where’s your blankie?” Jin asks with wide eyes.

“Blankie…” Yerin trails off and looks around to room. She quickly spots the blanket in Namjoon’s hands and makes her way over to him.

“Do you guys want anything to drink?” Jin asks, sitting up, “Once she’s down for her nap, the coffee machine is out of commission. Too loud.” He explains.

“Coffee.” Yoongi raises his hand.

“Same here.” Taehyung adds and Jimin raises his hand as well.

Jungkook rises to be kneeling but Jin shuts him down.

“No more coffee for you.” He gives Jungkook a pointed look.

Jungkook lowers himself to sit on his heels in silent defeat.

Jimin teases Jungkook as Jin makes his way into the kitchen to prepare four cups of coffee, the fourth being for himself. Yerin had him up at 5am.

Meanwhile, back in the living room, Namjoon is playing with Yerin under the watchful eyes of literally everyone in the room. They know he doesn’t mean to be a clutz but they are still watchful incase anything should happen. So far so good as Yerin is laughing and smiling at Namjoon as he twirls her blanket around her head.

With his confidence growing, Namjoon plays with her more and starts poke her tummy. With one little poke, he momentarily forgets to use his baby voice and reverts to a lower tone.

Yerin pauses and just stares at him.

Namjoon is still thinking she’s enjoying it.

Yerin’s lips start to frown.

Namjoon is confused.

Yerin’s bottom lip starts to tremble and her eyes turn downwards.

Namjoon is now panicking. She’s gonna cry and the fact that it was his fault has his eyes wide.

Just as the first cry sounds from her mouth, Taehyung quickly scoops her up in his arms and bounces her up and down in an attempt to soothe her crying.

“Oh, it’s okay. It’s okay.” Taehyung coos as Yerin continues to cry and Namjoon still sits so confused as to what made her cry.

Jimin, Jungkook, and Hobi on the other hand cannot contain their laughter at their leader.

“What did I do?” Namjoon wonders, a little sad that he made his niece cry.

“You’re face must’ve scared her.” Jimin laughs out and Jin appears in the room to check on why his daughter is suddenly crying.

Yoongi pushes Jimin over with his foot before explaining to Namjoon, “You’re voice dropped like three octaves for a second and I think the switch scared her.”

Jin takes a sniffling Yerin from Taehyung’s arms and she clings to her father tightly. “It was probably that.” Jin tells Namjoon, “She’s not quite used to my lower ranger either. I still scare her sometimes.” He chuckles and leans back to wipe Yerin’s tears away with his sleeve.

Taehyung comes around behind Jin and strokes Yerin’s cheek softly. Her eyes slowly blink as sleep begins to sweep her away.

“Is it nap time?” Taehyung coos at her and her only response is to blink her eyes slowly at him.

“I think it is.” Jin answers instead and holds her close to his body then turns his attention to the males in his living room, “Coffee’s made. Pour it yourself and don’t let Jungkook near it.”

Hobi grabs Jungkook’s shoulders, holding him in place, “I got it!”

Since her uncles had played with her for a bit, Yerin is put down for her nap in record time and Jin is quickly able to join his best friends in the living room.

“Sorry for makin’ her cry.” Namjoon says as Jin settles onto the couch with his cup of coffee.

“Don’t be.” Jin says after taking a sip, “She’ll grow out of it. And trust me when I say I’ve made her cry more time than I care to admit for things smaller than a voice change.”

“Like what?” Jimin asks, amusement in his eyes.

Jin leans back in thought before answering, “I once touched her pinkie when we were playing and she bawled. I couldn’t even calm her down. (y/n) had to calm her down.”

“It’s from being raised by a giant baby.” Hobi jokes.

“I am not a child.” Jin defends him then quickly corrects himself, “Er, most of the time I’m not.”

“My wife says I need to spend more time with babies.” Namjoon nods at himself, “Turns out I do.”

Jin sets a hand on Namjoon’s shoulder, “When you become a father, instincts will kick in and you’ll do just fine.”

“Wow,” Yoongi jokes with his mouth agape, “The baby became the father in a split second.”
