#bts namjoon


Happy 10 years Namgi

Euphoria - Jungkook DIGITAL ARTmore artwork on instagram: @ _gxner_This is one of my absolute favoriEuphoria - Jungkook DIGITAL ARTmore artwork on instagram: @ _gxner_This is one of my absolute favori

Euphoria- Jungkook 


more artwork on instagram: @ _gxner_

This is one of my absolute favorites. I didn’t like it at first but when I finished it and played around with some tools to create the background… now I love it. It is very simple. and it looks like a poster! 

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Suga! :)  wow Euphoria is such a beautiful song. I’s so ready for the comeback. (instagram @ is on tSuga! :)  wow Euphoria is such a beautiful song. I’s so ready for the comeback. (instagram @ is on t

Suga! :)  wow Euphoria is such a beautiful song. I’s so ready for the comeback. (instagram @ is on the 2nd. )  


art on instagram:  @ _gxner_

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Nerve || KNJ



Nerve [Namjoon x Reader]



Part 23.5 - Crisscross

Part 24 - Fortification

Part 25 - coming soon


Genre - cheating; aftermath; husband au;

Summary - You would never expect it really. He’s doting. He’s sweet. He’s hardworking. But he’s forgotten his morals. Suspecting it is one thing, but when he confirms it, will you stay or walk away.

Warning - Cheating(Aftermath);

Word Count - 6.3k


‘You know, I don’t see why we can’t just gatecrash the bachelorette party.’ Jimin whined over the phone.

‘Mini, I love you, I do, but it’s girl’s only.’ You rolled your eyes and smiled into the phone. ‘Plus, you guys have to be there for Kenta. Be the life of the party,’ you lifted your shoulders,’ I don’t know… guy talk.’

He scoffed. ‘It’s wayyy better to shake my ass with our party girls, and I know for a fact there’s going to be shit talking. The soulmates are the life of the party, y/n.’

You shut your car door and talked on your way up Yuna’s steps. ‘So be the life of thatparty.’

You heard him grumble to Taehyung who was probably next to him. 

Fidgeting with the spare key in your hand you sighed. ‘Okay let me do this, I have Kae-Lee, Ria, Lirrah and Jia with us tonight. So let me see where the night is headed, and if it’s cool with the girls, I’ll give you guys a sign to come through.’

‘What about Yuna?’

You snorted. ‘Please, that bitch would never mind the two of you.’

‘Okay. Let’s see if we can get this party started. If it sucks, we’re jumping ship.’

You chuckled at their lack of remorse. 'We’ll be happy to have you aboard.’

You jumped out of your skin as you heard a crash come from inside the house, then a scream.


'Gotta go.' 

Ending the call and shoving the phone in your pocket, you hurriedly twisted the knob on the door. Finding it open, you pushed your way inside.

'You are one crazy bitch!' 

The sound was that of a kitchen utensil hitting the floor, so you headed straight for the kitchen and rounded the corner to its entrance. 

'What the fuck is going on here?’ You looked at the tray and crumbs of broken muffins strewn across the floor then between the two individuals that shared the same face, but couldn’t be more different.

'Oh great.’ Helen let out a cold spurt of laughter. 'Here to save the day, as always, y/n.’

Helen and Yuna had had their fair share of fights. You and Helen had enough experience getting in each other’s way, but something… seemed different this time.

She looked wild, and unhinged. A cold trail built up your spine, one that had your protective instincts rearing its head.

Pushing aside any fear, you walked to Yuna, giving her a once over.

'Are you okay?’You pushed her hair out of her face and noted the shock etched on her features.

'I’m fine.’ She gave you a hard look. That look would fool anyone… anyone that didn’t know her.

She was scared, and in pain, and this may have never been your fight, but you would always choose to protect her, even if she hadn’t asked.

Eyes blazing, you turned on the cause of Yuna’s distress. 'What the fuck are you doing here, Helen?’

'This is my sister’s house.’ She feigned nonchalance, but you could see she was rattled. ‘I don’t owe you an explanation.’

'What. Do. You. Want?’ You ground out each word. You had no time for games.

She opened her mouth to speak and paused. Chuckling incredulously, she turned her head to the ceiling, hands on her hips, 'You are really a thorn in my side, y/n.’ Looking back at you she crossed her arms, and pursed her lips. 'You have been for a long time.’

Helen Mei was strong, independent and cutthroat. She did her job well. She carried herself well. She fought the system, was brutally honest and would never back down from a fight. As a person, it would hardly be a struggle to get along with her, as Yuna’s sister she was less than tolerable. You had an inkling and a fear about her true feelings toward you, a friction between the two of you that could never be bypassed or erased. But up until the fight you had weeks ago, and now, you didn’t know how far her insecurities ran. Then again, it wasn’t an insecurity if it was true. 

She continued without waiting for you to speak. 'It just wasn’t enough for you, was it?’ Her question didn’t sound rhetorical at all, as if she was actually looking for an explanation. 'It wasn’t enough to disappoint your family, disappointing your father,’ her voice felt like a whip cracking against old wounds, opening them up, 'to push them away, leave them high and dry,’ she frowned at you, 'you had to steal mine as well.’

'When I had none left!’ You flinched at her outburst and felt your throat flex with a hard swallow. You decided to bite your tongue against any of her words – this was a long time coming.

'My uncle,’ she said bitterly, 'God knows what made him just absolutely love you.’ Nausea roiled within you, a darker nightmare, trying to make itself known. 'My sister,’ she motioned to Yuna, 'still loves you, my parents…’ she offered a sad smile to the floor, her next words came out in a whisper, 'my parents are dead y/n.’

She looked up at you, her eyes accusing. 'They’re dead! I have no one. I only have me. Because of you!’

For the first time, in a long time, you almost felt remorse at pushing your parents out of your life. Almost. They were alive and well, but you centralized yourself in a maze that would take nothing but time to navigate and lead to sheer dissatisfaction. You never took their calls. You barely answered texts. Any advice you required from your father, any document requiring his signature was purely through conference call in actual professional meetings, and email. Ria could handle your father just fine, and perfected the skill so you had the privilege to dodge him.

You even kept your mom at arm’s length. 

Not to say they hadn’t tried to reach out, to meet, to make things right, but you weren’t ready. You might never be ready. 

Even Helen, for all the truth behind her temper, couldn’t make you regret your choices. 

The canary was missing from its gilded golden cage, its small door wide open. It would remain that way. 

'The only reason,’ Yuna stirred beside you, 'you are alone…’ she turned to face her sister fully, 'is because you are selfish, Helen.

Y/n has never told you no. When we were kids, she never only asked for me. She’s always included you. She’s never been anyone but herself… and yet you have hated her.’ Yuna’s tone was laced with contempt, 'You never gave her a chance.’

You resisted the urge to butt in. It was true that you captured more than your fair share of Yuna’s time, it was also true that you had tolerated Helen’s presence. It wasn’t mean or rude. Your energies didn’t gel, didn’t see eye to eye, couldn’t shake hands. That happened in life. But you had never asked Yuna to distance herself, or choose. You never would. Even now, you were willing to make sure Yuna stayed with her sister. 

’…ried to distance her from you. I had to hang out with her and not you. I could not have you whining, and brooding and hating one of the people that’s always been there for me. In front of me.’

'What about me? What about me!’ Helen pointed to herself, 'As soon as I was out of the picture… I was out of the fucking picture, Yuna. You had no time for me. You didn’t even make the effort to say, “Hey Helen, come join us”.' 

Helen looked less polished than usual. Her hair was unkempt. Her make-up, subpar, your internal monologue commented, as you  took her in. Her eyes had a twinge of purple peeking out, as if she wasn’t getting enough sleep. Before you could berate yourself for being so callous as she had a breakdown in front of you, she cracked. 'That, I could have understood. You created a space between her,’ you tried not to make a face as she pointed to you, 'and me. That was fine. But every time we were together… we couldn’t talk. You shut me out. As if the best secrets were for y/n, as if your best moments and your memories were y/n’s first. Y/n this. Y/n that. I asked y/n and she said this. Y/n. Y/n. Y/n! She took my fucking place!’ Helen pointed to herself. 'I was supposed to be the Maid of Honor. Me!’

'I told you, you could have it.’ It was a long shot. It wouldn’t fix anything. It wouldn’t take back all the years of personal vendetta she seemed to have against you. And as important as the role was to you, and to Yuna, you would give anything to fix this. 

It also remained that you didn’t want to be hated so badly. Other people were other people, but for someone that had known you for years, to hate you, to this extent…

Helen squeezed her eyes shut as if the very sound of your voice would set her off. 'I don’t need your pity.’

Emotion clogged your throat, needing her to see that you had never meant for any of this, that pushing her out of Yuna’s life was never a plan and you hadn’t actually stolen her twin from her. 'If it will make you come to the wedding, I do not mind stepping aside.’

'No.’ Yuna squeezed my wrist. 'The Maid of Honor, is the bride’s choice. It’s not the sister or the best friend or the closest one, it’s the person they need the most in one of the happiest moments of their lives. And that is you, y/n.’ You sucked in a deep breath, unable to look at her, knowing if you even glanced her way, you would both start crying. 

Instead you cleared your throat, and tamped down the panic you felt as the situation got more out of control. 'I can’t take back anything, Helen. Truly, I don’t know when this all started.’

'Of course, play dumb.’

You clenched your teeth. 'I don’t. As far as I knew, we were all friends, and then we weren’t. But now that I know, now that we know, it’s me and my presence, let’s start fresh.’ You implored her, trying your best to get through to her, honestly you wondered if a slap would wake her the fuck up. 'Yuna is leaving, Helen. She’s leaving. She won’t be near me for quite a while. You need to be there for her wedding and give her a proper goodbye.’

'Don’t you dare fucking tell me what to do,’ she charged at you, 'Don’t make it look like this is all my fault, that I need to be the bigger person.’

'Heli, stop it!’ Yuna surged forward and pushed her back. 'Just stop.’

'You’re always defending her!' 

'And I always will! Because she has always put me above everything.’ Yuna’s voice broke. 'She picks up my phone calls and comes over when I don’t ask her to. Y/n sits down with me when I’m sad or fucked up or having a bad day. Y/n picks me up off the floor and dusts me off to move on. Y/n listens and fights and is never afraid to be honest with me. Helen, y/n does not make plans with me, y/n moves her plans around me, if necessary. I would do the same. That is how important she is. So between you and her…’ Yuna squeezed your hand, placing everything into her next words, ’it will always be her.’

Helen was dumbstruck. The last few years were the last few years, but this moment, this declaration – it devastated her.

You couldn’t see Yuna’s face, but you had a good idea of her level of determination from how sure she sounded. No remorse. No regrets.

'You’re my sister.’ Helen whispered. 'You’re my twin.’ Her face twisted into a mask of cruelty, her eyes betrayed her anguish, 'Yuna, I’m blood!’

‘Yuna –,’ you tugged on her hand to stop her from putting any more nails in the coffin.

'Blood has never determined family.’ You closed your eyes against Yuna’s statement. There was no coming back from this.

'I have always given you the benefit of the doubt, Heli. But y/n has never given you a reason to hate her. You just have. And then you built on it and built on it and generalized and harbored so much of these negative feelings. But I have given you enough compassion… at some point, it’s your character… and I can’t deal with it anymore.’ She sniffed and turned her nose to the floor. ‘I mean, I offered you a muffin and now they’re on the floor.’ A pause, then a painful whisper. ’Says a lot.’

The tension was thick, almost suffocating, but you couldn’t run, you couldn’t speak, you couldn’t stop her either. 

'You are still my sister. You are still invited to my wedding.’ Yuna turned away to face the counter behind you. She stretched her arms across it to support herself. ‘I would very much like you there.' 

You curled your own arm around one of hers and felt the tension bleed out of her.

Never taking your eyes off Helen, you watched as tears cascaded down her face, the wild panic in her gaze, a person that was well and truly lost. Her lips tightened, and she shook her head before whispering, 'You’ve made your choice.’

Against your better judgment, you wished to hug her, to hold her and reassure her that despite your role in Yuna’s life and how deep it went, she was Yuna’s twin, her sister, always would be. 

You resisted the urge to suck in a harsh breath when she met your gaze. 'How does it feel? Princess!’ She spat the word, as if it was a slur. 'How does it feel to have everything?’

She swiped at her tears, removing evidence of her pain and her rage. 

You didn’t have everything. More than most, you would admit. But not everything. You wanted to fix this, but how? How?! With no answer, no solution, you let yourself feel the words she threw at you and took full responsibility. It felt heavy, insanely heavy, a certain pressure in your chest as Helen Mei looked at you, as if you had shattered her heart. 

'Remember it.’ A chill went up your spine at her tone, all traces of sadness replaced with vehemence. 'Remember the feeling for when you have nothing left.’

You watched her leave and felt a tear roll down your eye at the curse she’d thrown so easily. You wished, if there was a law in the universe that bad things shouldn’t happen to good people, despite the countless individuals that had to go through it to prove it wrong, you wouldn’t be one of them. 


Orbit. Anyone would think it a funny name for a nightclub. Anyone that didn’t know the owner, that is. But everyone knew Braelyn. 

She was the wild Barbie of her three sisters and made good in her role by managing a thriving nightclub in the middle of the idol circle of Seoul.

Hazlyn, aka Hazey, was the moon, Candelyn, aka Clandy, the Earth and Braelyn, more commonly, Bree, was the sun that the two older sisters orbited.

Kenta looked into all three women when y/n started associating herself with them. A single father, moved to Seoul with his three young daughters, adored them, loved them and left them an equal share of all his money before passing peacefully in his sleep. Despite being foreigners, not born, but raised in the community, the women made their own circles that the elite and the known wanted to be in. 

Kenta had to hand it to y/n. Business was business, make or break, but bonds stood firm. She had a knack for earning the handshake and head nods of people with potential, because she exercised an ability her father never could; impartiality. Kim Y/n gave respect to both the doorman and the boss, and it took her very far in her line of work.

In his prime, Sung Y/l/n, would not be caught dead, doing renovations for the “middle class”. High-rise, skyscrapers, towers with glass that shattered light, that was how far he reached – a contradiction to his down to Earth daughter. 

But y/n backpedaled when she took over. Kenta could hear her now, “the bigger picture can only be done one portion at a time”. Four years and three renovations later, renovations that y/n quoted for less than half her actual price, Kim Y/n had three trusted, powerful women in her corner, should a favor ever need to be called.

Hazey’s Bar, Clandy’s Cafe, Bree’s Orbit, all regulars for the rich and famous. It helped that the locations lived up to their names. 

The bar was quiet, steady, a night cap, a couple of stories, a way to look back or contemplate. The cafe was the day, collecting snippets of people’s daily lives and routines, short conversations and the before or after, for work headaches and hard days. The nightclub was where the memories were made, reckless abandon, emotions spilling over quite literally, and housing a number of regrets that led a person to the bar a couple roads away.

It shouldn’t seem that deep. It already was.

As Kenta walked through the empty dance floor, a contrast to the sea of bodies that usually riddled it, he couldn’t help admiring the handiwork of his charge.

Y/n was no copycat. No one he knew would add textured wallpaper in a deep burgundy and pair it with black trimmings. It would seem gaudy… and yet. The overhead lights, blue and white, danced across the skeleton of the black roof trusses and exposed scaffolding painted the same color. She had no fear in showcasing her originality and she had a better understanding of people’s energies than she gave herself credit for. The nightclub screamed Braelyn – a dark Barbie that would stab with her stiletto as easily as she would walk the runway with it. 

Y/n wasn’t psychic. But Kenta had learned the hard way to trust y/n’s gut and her receptiveness to energy.

At a meeting when she was eighteen, and he wasn’t her designated bodyguard, y/n had to meet one of her fathers old clients, a woman in her late forties that owned several upscale salons and make-up artists that were well sought after. Y/n usually showed respect. She did just that, save for the furrowed brow and the fidgety fingers, y/n addressed the lady with utmost civility.

Kenta and y/n had their cordial interactions, and had seen each other on a daily basis for at least a year till that meeting. Of course he asked his boss’s daughter if something was wrong when it was adjourned.

Y/n merely shrugged, and muttered “she feels… off”. She left straight after. Upon further inspection, by his own means that Kenta would never admit to having access to, the woman had an appetite for young boys. A sickening, downgraded version of Mrs. Robinson, in Kenta’s opinion.

Right then, despite the nine year gap between them, Kenta learned to trust y/n more. 

'Which VIP room did y/n book?’ Huru flanked Kenta, as they walked through the empty club, courtesy of the owner who was just upstairs in her office.

Bree would cause a rebellion over the type of vodka that should be used in any Blue Curaçao cocktail, but she would never question security, especially for her high-end clients.

Y/n happened to be a paying friend, she was as high-end as it got, before anyone made it to the sister circle.

'VIP 3.’ Kenta pointed it out. 'It’s the one on the far end, at the edge of the stage, where the DJ will set up tonight.’

'Isn’t that too loud?' 

Kenta’s lip curved upwards on the right. 'They’re going to be too drunk to care.’ Settling back into his signature poker face, Kenta decided to pry. 'Why are you here?’

Kenta did these alone. He had no actual reason to believe anyone from Bree’s staff or Bree herself, would invade Yuna or Y/n’s privacy, but he could never be too careful. He would do a necessary check of the room, liaise with Orbit’s security for the night, who would clock in anytime after 3pm to do their rounds, and confer with his team. He would touch all bases. 

'Scoping out the area.’ Huru glanced up to the second floor and further. The ceiling was in the shape of a pyramid, the point at the most central part above the dancefloor. Huru definitely noticed that Bree’s main office sat behind an incline of the stained glass ceiling, a hidden third floor, an easy way to observe. He made no comment about it. 'I’ve never been to this place and I don’t have other jobs lined up.’ He met Kenta’s eyes. 'So why not?’

Kenta let it fly for now. He had a job to do. Entering the room he reminded himself to be thorough considering one of his favorite human’s and the love of his life would be partying where he stood. And he’d be damned if he didn’t keep them safe.

It was pretty standard, except for the pink… everything. The couches were pink. The champagne flutes and ice bucket were pink. The fucking bottles of alcohol lining the bar on the left, pink only. He almost smirked at the face y/n would make as she sipped on any of the pink stuff. Y/n was by far the most tomboyish person he’d ever met, and yet she pulled off the ice-queen thing perfectly. He smiled inwardly. She was anything but. 

A sudden wave of protectiveness ensnared him. He would rather be on the job tonight. But his best men were adamant about him doing a bachelor party and he would not refuse his new found family.

It would be fine. His team would take over, and he would trust them. Zwahn, Yeon, Kiri, Xan, and Yoshi would lead. He’d sent Jinx back into training to get her ass handed to her by Sylo.

Xan was the most inexperienced and the youngest, but he’d be in the club, as the playboy looking for a good fuck. Zwahn was already filling in for a bouncer; Yeon by his side. Kiri would be bartending, and Yoshi would do what Kenta did, make sure everyone was in place. Kenta sipped water that looked like vodka in settings like these and chose the top floors to scope out everyone’s position. It was easy for him to be eyes and ears. He liked it. More importantly, Yoshi was at home in Kenta’s shadow.

Although…Kenta spared a side glance to the other male he had grown to afford a significant amount of trust, Huru had asked y/n for Kenta’s position already.

If recent encounters were anything to judge by, Kenta was almost sure, y/n would agree to it.

It’s not that he was against the idea. Huru by all means, could handle y/n’s protection. He had a black belt in taekwondo, knew his weapons on sight and could watch people without getting antsy. But Kenta had never just protected y/n.

Y/n at eighteen, was a quiet woman that worked hard with her head down and listened to her father. Y/n, at nineteen, because of a man drunk on power, had to become a fully grown mature woman, robbed of the perks a young adult life had to offer. Y/n at twenty something took over said father. Y/n by herself, ate less, barely had any social interaction outside of work and lost herself. Kenta forced food toward her when she forgot to eat or didn’t eat. Kenta carried y/n from her office chair to the couch and covered her with a throw blanket when she fell asleep at her desk. Kenta pulled y/n out of the crowds and hid her from view when she had a panic attack. He knew about Namjoon first. He knew about Hoseok first. He knew her favorite foods and her countless ill-timed reactions, her temper tantrums, any health problems, her past, her parents, her company growth, Kenta was not just a bodyguard and Kenta did not have a problem with another bodyguard.

He had a problem with anyone, including Huru, ever taking his place with y/n.

It was an immature thought, an insecure one. So he would assure himself. Regardless of who she picked or how many, the minute he wanted back in, she would allow it.

That was not at the forefront of his concerns, though. Kenta especially had a problem with Huru learning y/n’s secrets and about her mindless babbling, and her incoherent sentences when she cried at the drop of a hat. But not because Huru, robot-like as he was, wouldn’t react in the correct manner or show sympathy, of course there was that minor detail, but really, Huru paid too much attention to y/n. Huru took to y/n. Huru had never taken to anyone.

Y/n would never cheat, but temptation was a bitch and Huru cared a little too much than Kenta was comfortable with. Most importantly, though he would never admit it, he didn’t want anyone seeing y/n that vulnerable and developing a need to protect her. He knew firsthand.

‘I’m not keen on broaching this subject, but I have to.’ Kenta started his search on the lining of the door frame. ‘Why are you so invested in y/n?’

Huru averted his gaze, making his way to the opposite end of the room. Avoiding eye contact. Hmm. Probably one of the most human things he’d done today. Kenta wasn’t even sure the man’s lungs took a breath without controlled precision. 

‘I –,’

‘Anddon’t bullshit me.’ Kenta cut him off when he started. 'I know you better than you think I do.’

And skirting around the truth did absolutely fuckall.

Kenta may have been the subordinate within the organization once upon a time, but this was his world now. 

They had a mini stare down before Huru sighed, his body going lax. ‘She’s… intriguing.’

Huru and Kenta were mismatched. Kenta got into Sylo’s company the same year Huru branched out on his own. Huru was two years his senior and taught Kenta the ins and outs till he said his goodbyes. The only reason they actually got along, was because of their aversion to people and kissing ass. 

‘As far as I know, no one, nothing, has ever intrigued you.’ Of course, in the beginning, Kenta didn’t take kindly to Huru’s superiority, and Huru wanted to smack Kenta upside the head for his disrespect.

Yuna had fun hearing the stories, a true writer in her own right, took crib notes of their original characters and character development. Kenta would have to keep an eye out for a bodyguard script some time in the future. 

Huru’s lips curved slightly on one end, it was as close to a smirk as he’d get. ‘Can you blame me?’ As they circled each other in the room, and went about their business, it seemed incidental, but both men out of habit kept their backs away from each other, like two alphas seconds away from pouncing. ‘Considering how protective you are, trying to ask me something without actually asking… you understand that she’s worth the time. You care.’

‘She is important.’ Kenta agreed. He would never refute the simple fact. He got on his knees to check underneath the inside of the bar, and around the many shades of pink bottles. 

‘She’s trouble and very stubborn.’

Kenta fought the urge to smile, but not from amusement. He just knew damn well how much trouble she could be. ‘She’s gotten under your skin.’

Kenta immediately scowled in disapproval after he said the words. Huru was dangerous and his controlling nature was a front for a dark obsession if ever he had one. He wouldn’t presume anything yet, but it was concerning that Huru didn’t bother to deny or hide it. ‘Regardless, I’m finding it hard to fathom your growing interest in her, going as far as to offer yourself up for my position.’

Huru liked the shadows, flexible ties or none at all. It’s why he traveled, moved coast to coast, and blended in. Being Kim Y/n’s bodyguard, was the opposite of blending in. It was also an indication of how far Huru’s fixation went. But how far was he willing to go, before giving up? 

‘Am I overstepping?’ 

‘With me, no.’ Kenta lied. Huru didn’t need to know that. They were not so close that Kenta would confess his fear of losing his place with y/n. 'But I believe, with your skill and experience… It’s a downgrade.’ Truth be told, they weren’t close. In their line of work trust was akin to gold; Kenta and Huru knew each other’s abilities. Huru was an expert sniper, Kenta was specialist in hand-to-hand combat, one preferred guns, the other knives, should an intruder walk in, they would be able to handle him without words. That was as close as it got. 

However,’ Kenta straightened up. 'You overstepped when you insulted the leader in front of his band and his wife.’ 

Jungkook, usually the most complacent of all seven members, was lethal in his curiosity. Huru, the PI, was already a known and unspoken, undesirable individual. Namjoon was Alpha. His pack, especially the most loyal, wouldn’t take kindly to any threat of their Alpha. 

And so the youngest, instead of cornering y/n or comforting his leader hyung, came after Kenta, the source. The maknae was smarter and sharper than he was given credit for. He had no qualms in giving Kenta a play by play, and voicing his concerns over the interactions he’d witnessed within the board room. 

Huru shot Kenta a dark look. ‘The self-righteous leader doesn’t appreciate what he has.’ 

‘And you feel you will?’ Kenta couldn’t keep the challenge out of his voice. He felt a twinge of annoyance at the jab and felt protective over y/n and her relationship. Kim Namjoon was not under the impression that he was superior by any means, unless he was playing his part of RM.

'Don’t accuse me. I haven’t pursued her. But, make no mistake, Kenta, my woman, whoever she may be… is mine, I wouldn’t cheat on her.' 

Well… fuck.

Huru and Kenta were both beyond beating around the bush and beyond lies. But hearing a confirmation made Kenta wary. Huru might actually like, y/n. 

As Huru pulled up the blueprint of the club on his phone, Kenta sidled up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. ‘I trust y/n. But she is vulnerable, right now. The last thing anyone needs is a picture of what “can be”.’

Huru pinned him with a look. ‘At least, you agree I would treat her better.' 

Kenta wanted to dispute him, but the fact remained, that Namjoon had cheated on her. Any defense against it would be a waste of time.

Sensing Kenta’s uneasiness, Huru dropped the eye contact once more and Kenta’s hand fell away. 'I won’t make her cheat on her husband Kenta. If you didn’t already know, she has stars in her eyes for the leader.’

Kenta frowned, not only at the condescension laced in the two words. ‘It’s that deep.’ Somehow a statement and a question. 

‘Truthfully, no.’ Huru blinked. 'But she has a nice smile. And she makes me pause.’ a shadow fell over his features. 'It’s disconcerting.' 

Kenta could imagine it was. Yuna did that to him. Sure, he smiled at the guys, y/n especially, he was himself with them. But it only happened over time, over experiences and memories and conversations. With Yuna, Kenta had never been able to get a good grip on his emotions. She caused a tick in his jaw, and his eye twitched under his dark sunglasses when she went above and beyond to piss him off. Like her best friend, Yuna didn’t do well with orders. And unlike y/n, who stayed away from men, Yuna got the blood raging under Kentas skin, to knock the teeth out of the mouth of every fucking prick she dated and do even worse to the sleazebags in the entertainment industry that tried to get into her panties. 

Shelving his fury at past encounters that still enraged him, he could admit to himself that he wanted her. Every part of every minute, every day. He wanted to kiss Yuna and claim her and protect her in any way he could. Yuna was fucking frustrating and loud, she loved pink and shopping and she had high standards. She didn’t keep up an outward persona like y/n. What you see, is what you get. If she hated a cupcake, she would frown, if she loved a series she’d be content, if Yuna loved, she loved with all her heart, and if she hated, she had no trouble in making it known. 

Kenta had exercised his emotions for the better part of his life, but Yuna steamrolled those fortified walls, causing him to feel something fierce, and he still didn’t know how to navigate the waters. He didn’t know how to be… normal. Hell, the idea of standing at the foot of that aisle in a tailored suit and polished shoes, and preparing for a waltz of all things, it all almost had him bolting to the hills when he had never considered it an option before. But he wanted Yuna. So he would do it all. He would figure it out. He would learn how to be a husband and someday a great father. He would leave his old life behind and transition to something new. 

'Any other day, I would be very happy for you. But not, y/n.’ He was sincere in both his support and his underlying threat. 

'Your disapproval is so heavy, Kenta.’ Huru’s voice dripped with sarcasm. ‘You shouldn’t be worrying about such things when you’re getting married in a day.’

Kenta ignored him. Everyone underestimated his role in Y/n’s life – they learned the hard way. Taking Huru’s phone, he swiped on the blueprints of the club and refreshed his memory, noting the entrances and emergency exits. He already had a visual on where his team would be positioned. 

He pulled out his own phone to text his team… and stopped. Yoshi would be leading sooner rather than later. It would be prudent to allow him to take the lead. 

'What if she’s not happy anymore, Ken?’ Kenta lifted his head to find Huru at the bar, a bottle of vodka that looked entirely too expensive to open in his hand. 'What then?' 

Huru still hadn’t made eye contact for more than a couple of seconds. Kenta relied on eye contact. For once, he was unsure of Huru and his line of thinking, which made foreshadowing his actions impossible. 'Doesn’t mean you will make her happy.' 

'You don’t know that.' 

Kenta bristled. Huru was asking to get punched. 'I do know.’ He did. Without a doubt. 'I know y/n. I know she only has eyes for Namjoon.’ Done with the bullshit, Kenta bypassed the tension and set the record straight. 'She gives you time of day, because y/n likes puzzles. Her foundation of Kim Y/n is built on emotion. So your robot-like nature makes her want to poke, till you snap your teeth at her. She is being friendly and trusting because she trusts me. Do not break that trust. Do not make me regret ever including you in her life. You are not Kim Namjoon, Huru. You cannot ever overstep with Kim Y/n. He is her heart. He is a part of her.’

Huru stepped up to him. 'I have no intention of shaming you. You can trust me to take care of her. I will. I am capable of protecting her.’

'That’s up to her to choose.’

‘Now, whose bullshitting?’ Huru called him out. ‘She would say yes or no, depending on your decision.’ 

Damn straight.

‘Maybe,’ Kenta neither confirmed or denied it. ’But know this, she will stay in her marriage and she will only be whole with Namjoon. She’s forgiven him… It’s only a matter of time that they continue to build on an already solid foundation. All that said, there doesn’t seem to be any room for you in that picture. So if you do anything to hurt her emotionally, if you do anything to fuck with her mentally…’

Kenta didn’t finish his sentence. Truly, he didn’t know what he would do. But it would be a bloodbath if Huru and Kenta ever came to blows. And in any battlefield he would be on the side of his family. The band. Namjoon. Hoseok. Yuna. Y/n. 

‘You think so little of me.’ 

Huru didn’t sound offended. Kenta would be if the roles were reversed, but the stakes were too high for him to care. Anything Kim Y/n related was personal. ‘A bodyguard’s role is to protect, defend and evacuate,’ Kenta stood at his full height and let Huru read him loud and clear, ‘you are one wrong word away from identifying yourself as a threat.’

Huru’s grip on the bottle tightened, before he reined himself in. 'That’s that then.’ Huru turned on his heel and set the bottle down, and spent more than a few seconds, turning the label to face the front. 'Ken,’ he released a pent-up breath. 'I may be wrong. But… from what I gather about your ice-queen and the way she thinks … she’s forgiven her husband, as you say…but…’ The stark honesty in Huru’s gaze when he lifted his head and his words thereafter, turned the blood in Kenta’s veins to ice. 'Will she be able to forgive herself for staying?’

Taglist - @casnextdoor@jaysdimples@belliebell@pinkcherrybombs@sweetjellyfishland@blushingatyou@jiminiesfavouritecolourisblue@somewhereinthestarss@k-brownsugar@namsona17@taejinxkoya@notsooperfect@zae007live@its-hopes-world@shina913@bri-mal@piecesofapril11@kissme-ornot@toriluvsfics@agustdmwah@lochness-butmakeitsexy@petalsofink@definetlythinkimanalien@masterpiecejoonie@gcintia@danietoww04@roguesthetic@rjsmochii@amymikaelson@hello-kittyy@mschievous247@onlythehobi@deliciousdetectivestranger@daddypkj@callmemadhatter@rkivecenter@codeinebelle@creolesoul2seoul[open]


Part 23.5 - Crisscross

Part 24 || Fortification

Part 25 - coming soon


Nerve || KNJ



Nerve [Namjoon x Reader]



Part 23 || Vindication

Part 23.5 - Crisscross

Part 24 || Fortification


Genre - cheating; aftermath; husband au;

Summary - You would never expect it really. He’s doting. He’s sweet. He’s hardworking. But he’s forgotten his morals. Suspecting it is one thing, but when he confirms it, will you stay or walk away.

Warning - Cheating(Aftermath); Borderline Smut;

Word Count - 4.6k


During the course of the day, tensions settled somewhat since the meeting that morning. Having a wedding around the corner, being deep in planning and helping out, as well as feeling the aftereffects of the tempest of y/n and Namjoon’s relationship, Jin made the decision to have a huge supper at the dorm.

When ordering out, it was ideal to get food from one location. But since the band felt more like a band after the meeting earlier, Jin decided everyone should get their preference.

Chaos ensued during the decision making with seven different menus going around the room, but eventually Jin and Namjoon got everyone’s orders and had food on its way from no less than four restaurants.

Going their separate ways for the moment, Namjoon currently hovered near the entrance of the dorm with Jimin across from him. God knows how he was left to do collections, when he was the klutz.

‘How likely is it for a fashion emergency to happen at the wedding?’

Namjoon looked up from his phone. He was aimlessly scrolling through his texts and watching the time tick by. Secretly, he hoped the pizzas that were ordered would be delivered after thirty minutes, so they could get it free.

Y/n would make fun of him for being a millionaire and yet biding his time for free pizza, but old habits die hard and some things help keep a person grounded. For some it was memories that backtracked to the days ago where the position and lifestyle and financial standing was difficult, for some it was reminding themselves to save for a rainy day, like a trauma response to deal with the guilt of overspending, for some, like Namjoon, it was the Earth and the rain and y/n and a free pizza.

Namjoon had no doubt in his mind that Jin had his timer on his watch set as well.

'Well, the odds are pretty slim, considering how meticulous y/n and Yuna are about their clothing and that you and Tae will be handling the final touches of everyone’s outfits and approving before we leave our respective rooms.’ Namjoon watched Jimin scarf down his alcohol in one gulp as if it was water, 'but then again, anything can happen.’

Jimin shook his head, a frown playing on his features. 'I feel a bit useless. We just have the outfits to cover.’ He looked at Namjoon pointedly. 'Which, of course, is important. But once the ceremony is going on, and after, what then?’

Namjoon regarded his dongsaeng for a minute. He knew why y/n kept the soulmates free. They were a wild card and a soothing presence, Taehyung and Jimin, in that order. Which meant they could stand in, handle, inform, and save any situation, any issue, any problem that made itself known.

Jimin could calm anyone down, clear a fight, provide clarity, anything the wedding party would require. Taehyung was a charmer, he would handle guests, he would maneuver his way through the technical roles such as the photography and the music and still keep up a playful ruse.

'I think y/n is using you both as safety nets, should anything happen.’ Namjoon had no qualms in saying it out loud. 'She relies and trusts the both of you.’

Jimin grimaced. 'Hyung, I’m drinking right now. You and I both know, I don’t need a reason to be emotional.’

'Kinda late for that considering how the day has gone.’ Namjoon regarded himself and shook his head at the memories. 'I need a drink or two myself.’

'Don’t berate yourself, hyung.’ Jimin picked his glass up, and held it against the light, 'I’ll tell on you.’

Namjoon did not want that. He wasn’t a pussy. But y/n was a force to be reckoned with, and he’d already used his quota of overruling her for the day. 'It just feels premature.’

Neither of them needed to clarify what the leader was talking about.

'It’s life. Whatever has to happen next, will happen. We just have to… control our emotions. I wish I could switch mine off.’ Jimin added as an afterthought.

'Hey,’ Namjoon straightened his posture, 'emotions have always been your strength.’

'Yeah,’ Jimin’s expression dulled, despite the pep his alcohol should have provided. 'Things have been wack these days, I just want to drink and eat good food, and call it a night.’

Namjoon felt a crease from between his eyebrows. 'What’s the matter with you?’ Somehow this felt less about the band and more about Jimin. Even during the meeting, he wasn’t his usual, opinionated self.

Besides the meeting, Jimin didn’t hide his feelings, nor did he talk about them as if they were a hindrance. He was the most emotional of all the members. Clearly, something else was going on for the male to be so wound up.

'Nothing,’ his dongsaeng, shrugged, but he didn’t look Namjoon in the eye. A clear lie.

'Come on, Chim,’ Namjoon urged, 'you can talk to me.’

Come to think of it, Jimin was missing his sass and his attitude. It was that extra pop in his presence that captured attention and kept him on the fence of both his soft and hard personalities.

But tonight, Jimin’s bags showed under his eyes, he looked… dare Namjoon think the word, but Jimin looked thin, and somehow, if it made any sense to anyone at all, Jimin looked older, like a male in his late twenties, no longer Namjoon’s softest maknae.

No. This was a man that had something going on. That had nothing to do with any of his brothers.

Jimin opened his mouth to answer when – 'Namjoon,’ y/n called from above them, as she leaned over the balustrade, 'a minute please.’

'I’ll be up in a sec,’ Namjoon instinctively called back.

Wait. This was it… wasn’t it. This was what he did all the time. Y/n always had to wait, had to come second, had to be patient.

When y/n called or needed something, Namjoon didn’t always drop everything and leave. And she didn’t complain, nor did she ask for explanations.

This was why there was insecurity in her heart.

But, he looked at Jimin, his dongsaeng, who he’d just had a big fight with and was going to confide in Namjoon…

As if making a decision for his hyung, Jimin motioned to y/n with his empty glass, Jimin mouthed the word 'Later.’

Namjoon hesitated, 'Are you sure?’

A curt nod. 'Later. Promise.’

Namjoon was not convinced but he filed a reminder in his brain to circle back to Jimin once the night was over.

He trudged up the stairs to where y/n entered the home gym, through the door next to Jungkook’s.

When he walked in, y/n was pacing and immediately his adrenaline skyrocketed. He eyed her form, noting her hair, no marks, no physical hurt, no objects around her were broken, that was good… but something was clearly wrong.

But he didn’t show his anxiety. He didn’t dare show it. This was a response he’d have to handle.

For all he knew, she could be stressed about the wedding or Yuna or really anything in the world, it didn’t mean she was pissed at him, or that she was leaving him.

He shut the door behind him and closed his eyes for a second. Breathe, Namjoon. Breathe.

He cleared his throat and turned around to face his wife, 'Y/n?’

She stopped pacing, crossed her arms and nodded her head slowly, as if putting pieces together in her brain. That was nothelping.He immediately knew he did something wrong. But what?

'So,’well fuck that tone, 'I had to visit the office this morning.’ She motioned to him, 'as you know.’

He nodded, his eyes wide and biding the seconds through the suspense in the air.

'You see, Ria got some feedback…’ she narrowed her eyes, 'on the materials I was compensated for, some time ago,’ her tongue poked her cheek, 'and apparently these suppliers were visited by lawyers, big-shot, no-nonsense kinda lawyers.’ Fuck. Double fuck.

She walked slowly toward him and he resisted the urge to step back as her tone grazed over his body like a velvet cover on a sharp-edged knife. 'Do you think it’s fair… that you didn’t tell me about this?’

He wouldn’t bother lying. He wouldn’t lie to her. He didn’t do it when he cheated. He wouldn’t do it over something like this. 'We weren’t talking y/n.’

She threw her hands up in the air. 'So you’re gonna fight my battles for me. Like what,’ she narrowed her eyes, 'some damsel in distress.’ She spat the words, as if it was the biggest insult.

'It’s not like that!’ He protested. Fuck no. He didn’t like it when she was upset, but he would never ever disrespect her independence. 'They fucked up your order, I wanted to get your money back. That’s it.’

She ran her fingers through her hair, looking away from him and back. 'I would have taken the loss Namjoon. I didn’t ask for you to step in. You’ve never overstepped like this before.’ Her jaw clenched, as if reigning in her emotions.

He knew of the line she spoke of. He never meddled with the affairs of her company, just like she held her tongue about his idol life until they were behind closed doors. But he wouldn’t back down.

'You were already stressed out about me, y/n,’ he pointed to himself, 'I wanted to help and I knew you wouldn’t have let me.’

'So instead of offering help, you went behind my back instead?’ She spread her arms wide.

Oh. Stones. They were throwing stones. Okay. Unable to help himself he replied through his teeth. 'The same way you spoke to Heeyoung without informing me.’

A momentary pause. 'That has nothing to do with this.’

'Like hell! It’s the same situation.’ He stalked her this time. 'I wanted to save you without you knowing and I did. You wanted to protect our family without me knowing and you did.’

'Namjoon –,’ she moved back, trying to maintain distance from him.

He knew why. He was her kryptonite. He was always her kryptonite. His scent. His face. His presence. His cock. The unwavering, ice queen melted only with him. And he fucking loved it. She knew, she knew, he would always give as good as he got from her. But he was not in a mood to play. Not yet.

'Are you sure this is about the materials?’ He backed her against the wall and placed a hand above her head.

'What?’ Her eyes flashed. Fuck. He would never get over her. He towered her, and yet she tipped, her chin up, relentless and unyielding.

He got his cock and the brain cells connected to it under control somehow. 'Are you not mad about the article or about the discussion earlier and you’re just projecting?’

'Don’t fucking discount the validity of my feelings!’ A hard shove from her took him by surprise, but he didn’t go far. 'I’ve told you enough times that I am not mad about the article. And the decision about Maiya is done.’ She made a cut off motion with her hand.

'I feel like you’re lying.’ He believed her. He believed she believed what she was saying. But after the breakdown she’d had and the shortcomings he’d realized, he would rather make sure. And the only way to get anything out of y/n when she was in denial, was by pushing her.

It wasn’t ideal. It wasn’t very healthy either. But he refused to go backwards.

'Oh for fucks sake!’ She grabbed onto his lapels and tried to bring herself to his height pushing herself to her tiptoes. 'Namjoon,’ she softened her tone, his name a caress, 'the party was fake. Everything you did… was fake. You told me. Jin told me. Yoongi told me. The maknaes told me. Even Kenta vouched for you, that the whole thing was fake. And I kinda knew.’ Tired, she sat back on her heels and looked away.

'But Maiya wasn’t fake. I was mad about Maiya and I hated that article because I know it wasn’t fake, she actually had your cock in her mouth and she flaunted it.’

She pulled away from him, and faced the window on her right. She hugged herself as she watched the city lights below her.

'You’re an idol Namjoon. You’re a freaking loved idol. Some women are actually crazy enough to kill me to make sure you’re available for the off chance that you could fall for them. There’s not much that can scare you about the media after six years. So the article.’ She clicked her tongue, much like his Yoongi hyung would, after a nonsense statement, 'sand through my hand.’

Meaning it had already fallen through the cracks of her fingers and would not be picked up again.

His hands found her hips, and pulled her body flush against him. One, because he knew her quick fuse was almost out, and two, because he couldn’t bear to not hold her in his arms. As far as he knew, she was in his imagination, a figment, a dream he never wanted to wake up from.

'I’m sorry, for accusing you.’ He placed a chaste peck on her exposed shoulder. 'I’m just rattled. I’m just,’ he closed his eyes ‘… Fuck!’

He hid his face in her hair. How did he explain? That he was being himself, as he was before the cheating, but still didn’t know if he was saying the right things, doing the right things, making it worse, pushing her away…

He felt her turn in his hold and placed gentle fingers on his nape. 'Scared,’ she whispered against his lips, when he opened his eyes to look at her. 'I know. I caused this. And I’m sorry it’s become this voice in your head.’ She placed her forehead against his jaw, 'but I am telling the truth. I am not mad about that article. Our family discussed things today… and made a choice. I have to accept that, even if it breaks my heart.’

He inhaled her scent, and reveled in her touch, she held herself to him, she held him to the Earth.

'We have the weight of our world on our shoulders, Joon. If I’m not honest with you, especially about my feelings, all of this is for nothing.’

He flexed his hand on her hip, enjoying the feel of her, the proximity, she responded by getting closer. 'I’m sorry for going to see Heeyoung behind your back.’

'I’m sorry for threatening your suppliers behind yours.’ His fingers grazed the edge of her waistline, the exposed skin forming tiny bumps of goose flesh.

'Oreos?’ She moved her head back and forth, brushing her hair against his jawline.

'Coffee.’ He replied instantly, feeling… safe and somehow feeling… claimed.

He felt her fingers lock behind his neck and he pulled her flush against him.

'So…’ she lifted her head, 'how much did it cost to get the studio lawyers to handle the legalities?’

He almost smiled at her stubbornness. 'If I don’t tell you, you’ll phone Ji-ho and compensate me accordingly anyway.’

She shook her head. ‘Arem will.’

Hmm. 'Arem paying RM.’ He snorted at the homophone and conceded. 'I’ll get you the figures.’

She tilted her head to the side and smirked at him.

'What?’ He brushed his lips against her forehead, curious to know what was going through his head.

'RM. Real Me.’

He scrunched his eyebrows. 'What about it?’

'I mean, it could stand for… other things.’


Her hand moved to cup his cheek, and she tipped up her head to speak against his lips.

'I feel it’s more like… Rail Me.’

He closed his eyes and let out a groan. 'I should get sainthood for having any sort of willpower against you.’

She peppered kisses along his jaw, ’… if you didn’t have willpower… what would you do?’

His hand splayed across her back, keeping her flush against him, his other hand cupped her ass. 'Are we really doing this?’ He growled. 'After our conversation yesterday? Are you sure? You have to be sure.

'I am.’

He searched her face for any indication, anything at all, that refuted her consent.

'Y/n…’ He breathed.

'No. No more waiting. I’m doing what you asked.’

He wanted to listen to her, he wanted her, but he would not get this wrong, 'I don’t think you’re ready to sleep with me again, baby.’

'But that,’ she nipped at him, 'is up to me. Right?’

Her bite, as light as it was, made its way straight to his cock and he answered with it in mind. 'Right.’

Not waiting for any further explanation, she continued, 'So tell me, what would you do if you didn’t have willpower.’

He pressed his hand to the glass behind her and pushed her up against it, caging her in. A masculine part of him stretched languidly at his actions, that part of him watching, and waiting, and willing for more. 'I can’t hold back, y/n,’ he ground out, 'it’s been too long without you…’

'Namjoon.’ Her hands moved to tug on his hair. ‘What would you do to me?’

His fingers curled around her nape, and he responded with the two words that started this. 'I’d rail you.’

Unphased, she moved her hands to his chest, enjoying the feel of him, 'Jin will not be very happy,’ she rubbed her cheek on his jaw, 'with us doing it on the gym floor.’ Pulling back, she bit her lip, aiming to tease, and succeeding. 'Think of his carpets.’

'The carpets and my hyung,’ he hissed, 'are the last things on my mind… when you’re biting your lip the way you are.’

'You don’t play fair, either.’ He felt her leg curl around his calf. 'Do you have any idea how good you look in black?’

'Don’t throw stones baby,’ his freehand moved to brush a finger across her nipple, 'you’re not using a bra under this shirt.’

He elicited a gasp from her. 'Because I had a sweater over this.’

'… and now your nipples are poking through your shirt. What if I bit one of them right now?’ He whispered.

She clearly didn’t think through her response. 'Why don’t you?’

His eyes snapped to hers. 'Don’t push me. Your dirty mouth has been crossing lines even before today.’ He pulled back, trying to leash his harsh tone, 'I don’t want to hurt you, y/n.’

'Aww, but you said I had pretty lips yesterday.’

His pulse hammered, he could feel he thrum of it, because the fucking sass on this woman. His woman. 'They get you in your fair share of trouble.’ He didn’t bother to bring back the last time they spoke about her lips. Then again, the separation of the two subject matters seemed to help.

'You never had a problem with that.’ Desire coated her gaze, dripping from her words. He wanted to rip her clothes off and make good on his word for baiting him.

'I don’t. It makes sinking my cock into you much more enjoyable.’ He flexed the palm at her head, as it rested against the window. If he wrapped it in her hair, this would be over. She would be on the floor, legs spread and she wouldn’t stop him.

She leaned back, dropping her head against the glass, 'Joon.’ The mental image didn’t help him either, if the tightness in his pants was any indication.

She was so close. Her knee between his legs, just barely reaching his hard on. Her one hand on his chest, the other cradling his jaw.

He rubbed his jaw along her chest, 'Fuck, I miss touching you. And I miss being inside you.’

She shivered as her lips parted and her breaths became uneven.

He pressed an open mouthed kiss on the base of her neck and when her fingers clawed at his back, he felt it through his shirt. Y/n, as independent as she was, enjoyed submitting. That didn’t mean she would ever come quietly.

Biting the juncture between her shoulder and neck to reprimand her, her body arched against him.

'Baby,’ he whispered, trailing his nose along her jaw, and stopping directly in front of her lips. 'Tell me to stop. If this isn’t working and it’s not good for you…. tell me to stop.’

She answered by leaning forward to kiss his forehead and made her way down to his lips.

Her gentleness was just a ruse, he soon found out, when she teased his front with her nails. His hips jerked in a slight reaction.

He growled, ‘You’ll pay for that.’ He made her do exactly that when he moved his head and bit her nipple through her shirt.

Her back arched, inadvertently pushing her breasts closer. 'Namjoon,’ she inhaled sharply at the sting, but she leaned further into him.

‘Say my name just like that.’ Her hands moved to cradle his head as he sucked hard at the nipple that was between his teeth. She moaned this time, and the sound went straight to his throbbing cock.

This was heaven for Namjoon. His brain brought up a surge of memories of his wife being vulnerable and open and pliant, her moans and her screams, calling out his name like a mantra, the tears that were caused by the overwhelming pleasure and love they shared… Only he had that right, only he had that claim, no one was ever allowed to have her like this.

It only just occurred to him when he saw how easily she let him in, that her body would be pining for him as much as he was for her.

And if the rush of sensation would overwhelm her with pleasure, help her fight her thoughts and her demons, he’d be damned if he didn’t do a good job of it.

Truth be told, he wanted to reach between them and shove his fingers into her panties, but he knew she’d be wet and ready, and he would probably go insane. He was a law unto himself when Y/n was involved. His logic, calm, clarity… all out the fucking window.

So he fought for his control as he reached for her neglected nipple and played with the hard bud with his fingers.

She whimpered when he pinched hard and she tightened her hold in retaliation. 'Fucking tease.’

He felt his lips lift at the corners. God, he loved her, and he loved her breasts. He loved her ass and he loved y/n and he loved so many more things, but her breasts in his hands, in his hold, fuck they were so sexy, she was so sexy.

He let go and used both thumbs to rub across both nipples flicking hard.

'Fuck,’ she groaned, letting him do whatever he wanted, as he wanted, but not for long.

Y/n was not an easy lover, she would beg, and whimper, and give and give and keep giving, but she also knew when to bite, when to demand, and when to take when she wanted.

She tugged hard at the strands of his hair so he met her eyes and no one, not even the voice in his mind could dispute the fire and the need in them.

Deep inside of him, elation broke through the haze of arousal, because his lover, his wife, his y/n was coming back to him. This was all her. And she was allhis.

'Catch.’ She hopped, and he instinctively caught both her legs, crossing them over his thighs and pulled her further into the heat of his body.

He took advantage, the feel of her fueling him, and pushed his hard on at the softness between her legs, rocking his hips into hers in a harsh motion. ‘Fuck,’ he groaned. And he did it again when she cried out.

He loved her moans and her cries, it drove him in a way nothing else would in the bedroom. Chasing her pleasure, chasing her release, watching her come undone under, so uniquely satisfying.

As he rocked into her, teasing, their breaths mingling, his cock threatening to burst out of his pants, he realized how far this was going.

If he didn’t stop… but he couldn’t think, he couldn’t think of the logic that they were in the gym, at the dorm, that he was fueling a need they both held back from and craved for so long, there was no stopping if he continued. He ground against her core anyway, and her back arched harshly against the glass, her head thrown back, her eyes closed, completely lost in the sensations he was causing. She chased her high with his ministrations.

When she finally opened her eyes, he saw the frustration, and reveled in it, because y/n was no longer teasing. She was not toying with him. She wanted to cum. He resisted the urge to plaster a feral smirk on his face at the satisfaction.

She wrapped her arms around his back and surged forward, squeezing his backside with her crossed legs, stopping a hair’s breadth away from his lips, her tongue running across the bottom one, 'Kiss me.’

Thank fuck. She was breathless and needy and all his. He wanted to kiss her. To taste her. To mark her –

'Hyung, the food is – AH!’

Her legs dropped from around his waist, as they broke apart. Only his hands on her ass kept her upright against him, or she would have fallen flat when Jimin walked in.

'Fuck!’ He growled out in frustration, as the hyung of the maknae line walked out the same door before it could swing shut.

Namjoon was breathing hard against her forehead, and y/n was in no better shape, her chest rose and fell at a rapid pace, her pupils blown wide with arousal. Neither of them went after Jimin.

The thought only came to him, when the momentary fog faded, whispers of their arousal still dancing around them.

He knew this fear, the apprehension he tried not to show. After dancing around each other for so long, would it be too soon to play a happy couple, would it be weird for any of their family to see them kissing or doing more than the hugs and the hand holding.

The last thing they wanted was to make anyone uncomfortable. ‘Steady?’ he asked her, but it came out more like a rumble.

She licked her bottom lip, a breathless, ‘Yeah,’ leaving her lips and he dropped his hands.

He nodded and swallowed hard, ‘Go on ahead, I, uh… I need a minute.’ He placed a hand on the glass in front of him, sinking into the cool touch at his fingertips as he tried to get his raging hard on under control. They were literally going to have sex in the gym of dorm.

A knowing smirk formed on her lips and she moved completely out of his arms to follow their maknae, but before she could take a step to the door, they heard Jimin from down the hall.

'Jin hyung! Y/n and Namjoon hyung are being ugly in the gym!’

He looked at y/n, at the same time she turned to him and their eye contact was immediate, Matching grins broke out a second later.

Y/n dropped her head onto his chest and he felt the vibrations of her laughter as she relaxed into him again.

He enclosed her in his embrace as warmth bloomed in his chest at the sound, her laughter curling around his heart like a blanket. This was y/n, this was his wife, this was home. The moment may have been ruined. But it would happen again, he’d have a lifetime to prove his love to her.

'Jin hyung’s gonna kill us,’ he murmured against her hair.

'Nope.’ She giggled, unrepentant, 'Jin’s gonna kill you.’

Taglist - @casnextdoor@jaysdimples@belliebell@pinkcherrybombs@sweetjellyfishland@blushingatyou@jiminiesfavouritecolourisblue@somewhereinthestarss@k-brownsugar@namsona17@taejinxkoya@notsooperfect@zae007live@its-hopes-world@shina913@bri-mal@piecesofapril11@kissme-ornot@toriluvsfics@agustdmwah@lochness-butmakeitsexy@petalsofink@definetlythinkimanalien@masterpiecejoonie@gcintia@danietoww04@roguesthetic@rjsmochii@amymikaelson@hello-kittyy@mschievous247@onlythehobi@deliciousdetectivestranger@daddypkj@callmemadhatter@rkivecenter@codeinebelle@creolesoul2seoul[open]


Part 23 || Vindication

Part 23.5 - Crisscross

Part 24 || Fortification


Nerve || KNJ



Nerve [Namjoon x Reader]



Part 22.5 - Yami Y/n

Part 23 || Vindication

Part 23.5- Crisscross


Genre - cheating; aftermath; husband au;

Summary - You would never expect it really. He’s doting. He’s sweet. He’s hardworking. But he’s forgotten his morals. Suspecting it is one thing, but when he confirms it, will you stay or walk away.

Warning - Cheating(Aftermath);

Word Count - 6.3k


A/N - Additional Warning - The topics in the following update hit closer to home for some of us than I care to admit. Should the concept of future disbandment be a trigger, I suggest treading carefully.


‘No, you’re incorrect, you fuck!’ You slammed the damned laptop closed after trying your password three times.

You glared in Jimin’s direction and your hand twitched for the stapler when you heard his loud convulsive laughter from opposite the table.

Instead of following through, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. 'Jiminie,’ you placed a saccharine smile on your face, still not opening your eyes, 'shut the fuckup.’

For the life of you, you couldn’t remember your password. It was muscle memory for the longest time and the desktop showed up on its own some days. But today, when you actually needed to get into the work laptop, you couldn’t remember your password.

'What do you expect me to do, when you react like that. It’s entertaining to me.’

You frowned, but didn’t reply. A part of you was happy you made him laugh, but your more serious side needed to know what your executive assistant was up your ass about. Ria had been blowing up your phone all morning. The woman was supposed to be enjoying her Christmas holidays away from the snow in the bustle of Mumbai and yet, she was texting you at odd hours of the morning to check your mail.

A part of you felt ashamed, being a business owner meant that work didn’t stop and there should always be an open door for communication, but your last few weeks were a whirlwind to say the least and your first baby, your Arem, was being neglected.

The company was still standing, of course, you had the best staff, a loyal right-hand like Ria and a legal and PR team at the ready, but it deserved more attention when the new year kicked off.

'Close your eyes and do it.’ Jimin suggested from his sunk-in position in the office chair. His back was going to hurt later.

'Yeah, if it’s muscle memory, it’ll work.’ Tae backed him up from his position on the couch, at your right, his finger swiping aimlessly on one of his socials.

The soulmates had accompanied you to work, which wouldn’t even be an option if Ria just fucking told you what the issue was. The problem arose when you realized your work email wasn’t signed in on your phone. So work was the next best bet, because your work email was signed onto the work laptop. Usually you’d sync the devices, but it wasn’t working for some reason. And the only device automatically signed in…at work. Hence, your predicament. Technology was a blessing and a curse.

You threw your hands up in the air. 'I’m not usually like this! You know I keep lists and passwords and I know what’s going on.’

Taehyung shrugged. 'Chill, everyone forgets their passwords.’

You caught Jimin’s gaze and he motioned to the laptop with his eyes. Oh yeah. You were supposed to close your eyes and input your password.


Fuck this!’ you pulled out your phone, having no choice but to get in touch with your IT department head.

Y/n [10.31] : Seo-Hyun, apologies for being an inconvenience on your holiday, but can you give me access to my work laptop please.

Seo-Hyun [10.32] : Do you ever take a break? Also, this is the third time this year I’m overriding on a day off. Did you forget again?

Y/n [10.33] : If you double up, I’ll get your department that expensive cappuccino machine you’ve been raving about.

Y/n [10.33] : Please.

Y/n [10.33] : I’ll explain at our annual meeting.

Seo-Hyun [10.34] : Give me a couple of minutes.

Y/n [10.34] : I’ll put the order in ASAP.

‘Are you sure you typed it in right?’ Tae asked, as you drummed your nails on the table in wait.

You nodded, feeling too antsy to reply. Ria was a professional. A cold, calculated, meticulous professional. She wouldn’t push if it wasn’t urgent, but also, if it was that urgent why couldn’t she just tell you.

‘Okay,’ Tae came to stand at your table, ‘how about, close your eyes, and as you feel the distance between the keys, open your eyes and make sure you press the correct one. So one key at a time.’

‘Come on, we’ll do it with you.’ Jimin leaned over the table toward you.

Tae clicked on the spacebar. ‘What’s your password?’

‘AremArc, shift, the first three numbers on the top.’

Tae and Jimin met each other’s eyes and then yours. ‘How the hell are you going to remember that type of password.’

‘It’s always been AremArc,’ you averted your gaze, ‘it was my dad’s, I just added the numbers.’

Sensing the change in your tone, they let the subject drop immediately. In all honesty, you didn’t have an explanation as to why you carried over your dad’s password. It just felt weird to notuse it.

Taehyung moved to cover your eyes with his hand and Jimin pulled your hands forward to hover at the keyboard.

‘Okay, feel it out.’

You rested the front of your wrists directly in front of the spacebar, following Jimin’s words, you typed without thinking.

You knew the Arem had a capital letter, Jimin helped with that, the Arc had another and then Tae held the shift button while you typed in the numbers.

‘Ah, you hesitated!’ Taehyung exclaimed.

Opening your eyes you watched your fingers hover over the numbers. Your ring finger felt right, as it rested on the ‘1’, the middle finger on the ‘2’ but your forefinger was…off. It was curved to match the ‘3’, but you didn’t remember curving the finger. Straightening it out, your forefinger met the ‘4’ and that felt right. A side glance affirmed that Tae still had the shift key down, so you tapped on the ‘4’.

Almost immediately the desktop came into view.

‘Well,’ Tae straightened up and crossed his arms. ‘We see why it was such a mission before.’

‘Thank you,’ You muttered ruefully, trying to hide your smile as Jimin reached over to fistbump his soulmate.

Looking back at your screen, you watched as a mouse moved on the screen of its own accord and a white pop up box requesting the change of your password was ticked. Seo-Hyun’s teamviewer did it’s thing and you panicked for your phone to tell her you got in.

'Check your stuff,’ Jimin reminded you, ‘it’s almost time to leave for the studio.’

'Actually,’ your doors swung open, revealing Seokjin, 'we just decided to crash here.’

One by one, they found a place in your office, as if they’d been here a hundred times and felt right at home.

You raised your eyebrows. 'I don’t recall giving anyone access.’

Unbothered, Jungkook plopped himself next to Tae, who returned to his original seat, Hoseok lounged opposite them, his arms spread wide across the back of the sofa and crossed legs on the table in front of him. Yoongi went to stand by your floor length windows, Jin came to stand by your chair, Namjoon sat on your desk on your right after pressing a light kiss to your hair and Ji-ho, your favorite lawyer, placed his books on your desk, evidently claiming the office chair, next to Jimin.

Your question might imply such, but you were far from annoyed. Your family was allowed in any of your spaces at any time, but you were confused as to how they got in.

During the holiday season, only you and necessary personnel knew the codes to get in and out, unless you trusted someone enough to share them.

None of the band members had codes to your company, not even Namjoon, because business was business. They were idols, a band, your architecture firm was not on their daily route, not even Hoseok and Jin.

Hurudid have access… depending, because it would be futile to not give him a code considering he frequented Arem to update you and he was capable of acquiring any access codes on his own. Why fool yourself and waste either of your time?

The only other person who had access to any location you frequented and reason to make calls and perform actions without clearing it with you was – 'Kenta,’ Jin tapped your chair and answered your statement.

That one word puts you at ease. Kenta would have been subtle. Satisfied with the answer, you leaned back in your leather chair, and rested your elbows on either side, like a lady in wait.

'Why the location change?’ Jimin voiced your next question.

‘I don’t come here often.’ Ji-ho answered, as if that was enough explanation. ‘I love your view, y/n.’ He walked around the office, stopping to scan your shelf, his finger brushing across your Map of the Seven 7 Album before rounding on you. 'Can I visit you anytime?’

Namjoon gave him the side-eye.

Ji-ho played up his serious persona, but even you could see the glint in his eye.‘You know,’ he put both hands in his pockets, blatantly ignoring Namjoon’s gaze, ‘if ever paperwork needs signing… or have a heart to heart or… something.’

‘Okay, let’s cut to the chase.’ Every single member smirked as Namjoon turned fully to Ji-ho who held his hands up in surrender.

Namjoon tried to be playful, you could see a smirk playing at the side of his lips, but it wasn’t genuine.

You could do nothing but shake your head at the situation.

Logically speaking, Ji-ho was a very handsome male, single, in a good job with impeccable financial wit and an open personality, but he would never make a move on you, he was very loyal to Namjoon and friends with him for a long time. But Namjoon, well… he was not logical when you were involved and even banter was a thin-ice sort of thing. Hoseok, Jin, the maknaes, even Yoongi, Namjoon would be fine with alone visits, but despite the deep friendship, Ji-ho was not family, he was not Kenta, and he existed outside the small circle of people Namjoon would trust blindly.

There was a difference with your husband. He loved deep, and he loved in levels. Love was love and trust was trust. Blind, unquestionable trust was a different tier.

Reaching over to lace your fingers through his, he looked down at you, a warm smile gracing his features, but his eyes were hard, serious, slightly protective even.

You were reminded all over again, of how deeply embedded he was in your existence, how there would never and could never be anyone else. The past was the past. It had to be. You had a future to build with this man.

Ji-ho made his way to his seat and placed three different booklets in front of Namjoon. Within those seconds, as a unit, the energy in the room shifted. It could practically be felt, the way the band stood at attention, despite their relaxed stances.

‘Wait!’ Seokjin stopped Ji-ho just as he opened his mouth. 'I brought bubble wrap.’

True enough, Jin pulled out a piece of bubble wrap from his coat pocket.

'Why do you need bubble wrap?’ Ji-ho asked with genuine confusion.

'For y/n.’ Jin passed it over. 'Bubble wrap relaxes her.’

You giddily, made grabby hands and started popping them one by one, quietly and in sequence.

'Okay. So. What does everyone know?’

'Wait, wait,’ Taehyung interrupted Ji-ho, 'Jin hyung, we’ll be using swear words.’

It wasn’t a question and it wasn’t lost on anyone that Taehyung was not asking for permission.

'Since we’re being honest, hyung.’ Jimin came to his soulmate’s aid.

'Namjoon?’ The man in question turned his chin toward the leader.

Your husband looked down at you and you shrugged. Swear words and blunt talk did nothing for you or to you. You preferred it.

Namjoon pressed, 'Are you comfortable with that?’

You assured him. 'I’ve thought worse.’

'And said it.’ Jimin muttered under his breath.

You kicked him under the table and felt satisfaction at his soft 'Ow’.

'Hyung,’ Namjoon addressed his Jin, 'no language barriers since this is an open and honest discussion.’

Seokjin sighed. 'I need bubble wrap too.’

'Okay,’ Ji-ho, started, 'again,’ he looked around the room, searching for any opening mouths and add ons, 'What do we know?’

The answers came fast.

'That Namjoon hyung cheated at a bar sometime in October.’ Jungkook stated.

You didn’t even flinch, neither did Namjoon. Props to both of you. Either it was getting better, you were stronger, or maybe it was because of who stated it, Jungkook held no malice in his tone. He’d just stated a fact.

Smart move. Coming from a hyung, it could have been taken as disappointment, from a maknae, as judgment, but Jungkook was one of the maknaes that provided clarity instead of further confusion. Fact was fact. That’s all it was now. Namjoon had cheated. It was time to move on.

'That the bitch signed two NDAs one of which cannot be used against her and the second has a partial loophole to work with.’ Hoseok looked to be sucking on a sweet in his mouth, the round shape of it being pushed to either cheek when he spoke, 'She also submitted photos via her brother, which we got on video feed from Heeyoung.’

'Maiya makes herself look put together,’ Yoongi has his back turned to everyone, hands in his pockets as he watched the skyline before him, 'but she’s had a hard life, a hard past and despite her job, she makes it look like she comes from money, which we all initially thought, but she’s struggling and she’s taking care of her problematic brother.’

'A brother who was down the wrong path and caught in such, and is still on the run.’ You felt Jin’s hand by your head, on the back of your chair. 'She kept blaming a roommate that she supposedly had and now can’t be found. A bullshit story if we’ve ever heard one.’ Jin derided without humor, 'Why lie if you can’t do it properly?’ He asked no one in particular.

'Her lawyer fell off the face of the earth after leaving a prestigious company and has probably washed her hands of her brother’s case. So,’ Jimin clicked his tongue, 'no way out, no end in sight. A bar, an idol, money, … five seconds of fame.’

'So she’s broke, desperate and sees Namjoon hyung as an opening,’ Taehyung stands up, and walks around Hoseok’s couch, 'she wants to wash her hands off the situation once she signs the NDA and gets her money and payment from the company for keeping her mouth shut, maybe to save her brother to pay that lawyer, or buy a new life altogether…’ he stops next to his Yoongi hyung. 'But then she gets vindictive when we dismiss her. Greedy. Manipulative.’

'But we have y/n’s NDA,’ you felt Namjoon’s pride in you, his tone holding nothing back, 'with an acute connection, but a connection nonetheless, which we enforce.’

And ruin her.

You blinked at the intrusive thought. Blowing out a breath, quickly and quietly so as not to draw any attention from the men beside you, you pushed the negativity away. Yes, you hated her. You wanted to wring her fucking neck, truly and probably go to far. Even then, you might not feel remorse. In reality you weren’t capable of such cruelty, but that didn’t mean you weren’t angry.

'Alright,’ Ji-ho clapped his hand together, 'everyone’s on par.’

He pulled forward one of the booklets and entered lawyer mode. 'Well, let’s not beat around the bush, the brother is going to be taken into custody, we know this. He can’t clear his name. And he’s racked up quite the rap sheet.’ He picked up what looked like a criminal record and scanned it quickly before putting it back. 'Unfortunately,’ he looked up at you and sighed. 'There is nothing that can be done to save him, from what I know, because there are no witnesses on his side, the owner caught him fair and square and the video feed wasn’t working.’

Steepling his fingers, he watched as Yoongi moved to stand behind Jin, leaning casually against the wall, hands still in his pocket.

You understood. Some felt closer to others. Some felt more protective of others. It was why Jin leaned on your office chair, his forearms crossed over the back as he loomed over you. Yoongi behind him.

Hoseok and Jungkook were up and both leaning on the back of a single seater couch, crossed arms, facing you.

'We have to remember that it’s deep in the holiday season.’ The lawyer leaned back in his chair as Taehyung, last to form the protective circle, sat on your desk, his feet on the space of Jimin’s chair. It was a laughable situation. There was enough space, but everyone practically hovered over one another and it felt… right. 'The best I could do from my side was get a signature from our CEO on a written document stating the threat of her being sued and that she could be required to pay’ he reached over to open the second booklet, 'financial damages and related costs, as we have stated.’ He put the page down. Most probably a mock up of her NDA.

'Why can’t things be simple?’ Hoseok rolled his eyes in impatience.

You tilted your head to the side. Your Hobi, lovely Hobi, filled with so much love. The person that would eventually feel the full force of that love, would be truly blessed.

'If only.’ Taehyung derided after his hyungs annoyed statement.

'So now, we just have another pending issue.’ Jin asked pointedly, his arms crossed, making him out to be the hyung with the most business sense and legal knowledge.

'Well, yeah, I can’t call a court in session in the middle of the holiday, hyung, especially one of this magnitude. It’s not like we’re on a remand list. This is new.’ Ji-ho held his own against the oldest irritation. 'This band, even a minor picture, of someone unknown, a random fact that could be taken negatively, would cause uproar. Your fans are… passionate.’

You dropped your face to hide your smile and popped another couple of bubbles slowly.

Internally, you cheered Ji-ho on. The boys were very protective of their ARMY. Rightly so. But being a part of them, having your own hidden stan Twitter, having read Tumblr fanfic and seen reactions first-hand, some of them were borderline problematic and delusional.

The good ones made up for it. Yeah. Some of the soft stans were so loving and pure. Some of the hardstans were the most honest and savage. They made up for it.

'So, I will enforce this as soon as I can, and I will in no way back down, or settle for any sum of money because,’ he looked at you and Namjoon, 'it’s the two of you. Regardless of the shortcomings you see in yourselves, you are two upstanding citizens in society. You, y/n, represent yourself, a progressive female that develops the community and country, and you represent Namjoon, as a backbone of the band, his family and the leader that he is. Namjoon I don’t need to explain to you who you are.

Because of this, a case like this would draw a lot of attention. She would not look good of course, but neither will we.’

You liked how he said 'we’. As a company you would face this. Together.

'The question,’ Ji-ho stood up, and walked to the center of the room, addressing all of you at once, 'will be why are we going so hard, why are we pushing for this.’

'But first,’ he looked at Yoongi, 'What are NDAs?’

The man looked mildly startled, but replied after clearing his throat. 'Non-disclosure agreements.’

'Yes, but what do they stand for.’

'They’re a barrier.’ Namjoon narrowed his eyes, following Ji-ho’s prompting. 'They safeguard, doing their best to keep them in place as well as state consequences of crossing those barriers.’

'Exactly.’ A curl of his lip on one end, and then poker face. 'If we enforce this NDA, the consequences for Maiya Song will already be taking place.’ He motioned with his hands, from one position to another. Moving from one side to the other. You blinked. Like crossing a bridge.

Jin straightened up so fast you felt a draft by the movement. 'Which means there’s no barrier.’

His tone had your eyes widening.

'Which means she can reveal that I cheated.’ Namjoon mimicked his hyungs tone.

The realization was heavy, and caused internal panic to start building within you. Because how the fuck could you be so stupid.

Ji-ho stood in front of your family, unnerved. 'I am here with paperwork that I will get to processing in the new year, and I will take her down. I needed all of you, because I am asking the seven of you… to think about this again.’ You watched his eyes move to each face. 'Because once Namjoon is labeled a cheater, there is significant risk for not only him, but for this band.’

The silence that descended on your family… was deafening.

This was… this was new information. You wanted to laugh. Hysterically so. The bubble wrap discarded on your desk you viewed the small samurai sword set in front of you.

Yoongi had gifted you those. For the longest time, Yoongi kept you at arms length. It was who he was. Because he cared about his band, he cared about his brothers and his music. No one had the right to ruin that.

But here you were, getting justice, for a fucking blowjob, being vindictive, letting them go through with this when the world could turn against them.

They wouldn’t understand. They wouldn’t get it. Namjoon was not a bad person. Namjoon was the best human being. He was so much more than just a leader and a millionaire and an idol. He wove dreams from threads as delicate as spiderwebs, he valued the world around him, his surroundings, his family, his parents and his brothers, his life, his heart, his soul was built on the monumental victories of sharing his feelings, of his words translating onto paper, to create new meanings, to create a safety net that held people to the Earth between life and death.

People needed to see that. People needed to understand. One mistake didn’t undo his rights. And that one mistake couldn’t steal six other futures.

You felt the sting at the edge of your eye. Your throat tightened at the thought of any of their realities being altered.

The mere potential of someone pushing them into early retirement, the alarm that made wee-woo fucking sounds in your brain sounded out at the thought of the band nolo her being a band.

No comeback. No more harmonies and concepts. No tours. No concerts. Separate ways.

You looked up at Namjoon, almost hyperventilating, in his separate lifestyle he’d choose music, composing, mentoring, producing like Yoongi, but none of it, absolutely none of it would go smoothly if he was labeled a cheater.

'Well, we’ve had a good run.’ Jungkook pulled you out of your thoughts.

The last person you expected to say something like that.

'Excuse me?’ You seethed. Clenching your fists to keep from growling at the maknae.

He met your hard stare, unflinching. 'We have.’

'No,’ you stood up and pushed your chair back with enough force to send it backwards. 'Hello. This,’ you pointed at everyone, including him, 'is the band. The fucking band, we are talking about. I don’t need to say the full fucking name for any of you to know what I’m emphasising.’ You felt Namjoon’s hand at your back and closed your eyes to take a deep shuddering breath. Tears spilled out of your eyes. You couldn’t pinpoint why. 'This changes everything, Ji-ho.’

'I can’t believe we didn’t think of this.’ Jin whispered next to you as if you weren’t shouting.

'Realistically speaking,’ Namjoon mumbled, 'as cocky as it may sound, I have pulled in the industry. I would be the known face, and she would be the outsider.’ His voice grew loud. 'Therefore my supposed story is more believable.’

Ji-ho shook his head. 'You’d still be under scrutiny. Everything would change. You would not be the desired, saintlike, grounded, humble male that everyone sees of you.’

'You will hear words like, 'I knew something was wrong with him.“ You scoffed, willing yourself to stop leaking fucking tears when you weren’t crying. Frustration was a helluva bitch.

'Somethingis wrong with me.’ He plastered his body against yours. 'I cheated on my wife. I did the wrong thing. I deserve anything I get for it.’

You attempted to shrug out of his hold as he grabbed a tissue to wipe your cheeks. 'This isn’t just about you.’ Grabbing the tissue from your husband’s hand, you turned back to Ji-ho. 'Don’t do it.’

'Now, y/n,’ he offered you an apologetic smile, 'unfortunately, your say in this, has to be put aside. I need the band’s consent. Management will be on your asses as soon as I get this paperwork to them, you all know this.’

Yoongi pushed off the wall. 'Why does it sound like you’re convincing us to not sue her?’

Was he out of his mind? The most ruthless of the group. The most protective. Was he actually considering going through with this?

'I adore y/n, hyung. But this isn’t just about your band. This is the intent of the message you carry across in your songs, this is the validity of your statements, these are profits, and finance, and stocks. It’s tourism and globalization. This band is not just a band.’

No one could dispute his statement.

'This is a family first, before a band.’ Jin stood tall, taking his place as the solid head of a structure. 'We understand where Ji-ho is coming from. So, everyone… thoughts.’

Taehyung waved his hand. 'Sue the bitch.’

'Y/n deserves justice.’ Jimin didn’t look up, his finger tracing a pattern on Taehyung’s pants.

'Hey now, wait –,’ you protested.

'We’ll survive,’ Hoseok raised his eyebrow at you, 'we can do other things.’

They were being so nonchalant, so agreeable. What the fuck!

Jungkook nodded to Ji-ho. 'Do your thing, hyung.’

'Guys, stop!’ You shouted, but no one seemed to be listening.

'Priorities change.’ Yoongi added. Somehow the two words said so much.

'That’s it!’ You banged the table. 'Are you all crazy? We can’t have anyone knowing exactly what happened.’

'Baby,’ Namjoon soothed, crowding you with his presence, his scent, his hand on your thigh.

He was calling to you so calmly. As if you weren’t in a frenzy, as if the consequences be damned.

You broke out of his hold and walked up to Ji-ho threateningly. 'Fuck that bitch. And fuck her brother and fuck what happened. Whatever. It’s over. She doesn’t have any other leverage, since she handed the pictures. The NDA is still in place to make sure she keeps her cock sucking mouth shut and she has her money.’ You breathed hard as you offloaded on the lawyer who looked taken aback. You didn’t care. You didn’t give a fuck.

Raising a shaky hand, you pointed a threatening finger in his face. 'You will save this band. And you will save my husband. We are not risking this.’ You closed your hand into a fist and turned away, hands on your hips. The emotions churned inside you as you held your head. Feeling a fresh wave of vindication, you whipped back to him. 'Let her go. Let her brother go. Fuck her lawyer and her case. Screw her plans, fuck her life, and fuck her fucking lipstick color, just fuck it!’

Namjoon grabbed your arm and pulled you into his hold before you could say anymore. Shaking like a leaf, you hid in his jacket, in his warmth, wanting to scream at the new developments and downright refusing to accept the end of one of most glorious eras you had ever had the blessing to experience.

You dared not peep at Namjoon. You knew what you would find. Sadness and resignation only, as he held you so close to his heart. His arms around you were so tight, it was as if he wanted to keep you there forever. He started rocking from side to side and kissed your forehead.

'You’re going to court Ji-ho.’

You attempted to push out of his hold, your panic rising again, but he held strong, he held you to him. He was making himself clear, he would be making this decision. He would not listen to you.

'Namjoon,’ you tried shoved at his chest and tried to protest, but it came out muffled.

'No.’ He held strong at your neck and met your eye. 'I’ve wronged you. And you have done enough for me and this family. It’s time for us to show you how much we love you. It’s time for change.’

'ARMY’s –,’

’– will understand.’ Jin completed for you.

You looked above Namjoon’s shoulder blade to see your comfort human offer a sad smile.

You closed your eyes and stopped shoving, burying yourself in Namjoons hold.

'I am human, y/n.’ He sounded like he was reminding himself as much as you. 'And if your true love can accept that, and make sense of it, then my real fans will. If it comes out.’

'Joon, please.’ You whispered into his shoulder.

'Shh,’ he rocked you again. He kissed your forehead again. 'Shh.’

In any other setting, with anyone else, you would never let anyone see what power Namjoon had over you, but you couldn’t care, this time, power dynamics were the least of your problems.

'Unless…’ Yoongi murmured.

Your eyes snapped open to the male behind Jin.

'Unless what?’ Jin voiced your question.

'Namjoon makes a statement instead.’ Yoongi looked behind you, silently asking Ji-ho for his opinion.

'Take the ball completely out of her court.’ A deep respect laced the words that came from behind you.

'No.’ You shook your head stubbornly. 'As admirable and as brave as that is. We’d rather not go that far.’

What was the use? The consequences racing through your mind was for a 'what if’ situation. If Namjoon put out a statement, it would be a sure thing.

Namjoon shifted you back, keeping you at arm’s length. 'You trust me right. Right, y/n?’

'I do.’ The words left your lips, as your fingers dug into his forearm. You were under scrutiny. Such a question, in such a setting, a moment’s hesitation would have been warranted, and it would have made a world of difference.

But the fact that you could answer, as you looked into your husband’s face and held onto his hands, in front of your whole family, without doubt – it was a testament to the strength of the foundation of your marriage.

Namjoon leaned forward, an arm curling around your waist, a thumb and forefinger tipping up your chin. 'Will you leave me,’ he breathed against you, 'when the world thinks bad of me?’

The refutation was instant. 'No!’ Your hands curled into fists on his jacket. 'We’re in this together.’

A slow smirk graced his face and uplifted your heart. He brushed his nose against yours and… you crumbled. Closing your eyes, taking in the feel of him, his unshakeable resolve wafted over you. That easily, the fight was lost to you.

'Ji-ho.’ Your husband lifted his head and said after a moment. 'A statementif things go south.’

'I’ll inform the authorities about her brother. And send the letter thereafter.’

You could feel Ji-ho move, stopping directly behind you. You felt a gentle hand on your hair a second later.

'Sleep with one eye open, Ji-ho.’ You threatened lowly.

Namjoon’s lips twitched.

No one said anything as the lawyer sighed, gathered his stuff and showed himself out.

The ones left, were family only. This was the necessary circle.

Namjoon met his hyungs eyes and then each of the members in turn, a silent message that bared so much understanding, passing between each of them, his knees buckled and you yelped, grabbing a hold of whatever material you could between your fingers as Hoseok and Jungkook caught him and Jimin pushed Ji-ho’s discarded chair under him.

'Joon,’ you whispered in concern as he dropped his head in his hand and covered his eyes with his palm.

You stood next to him, petting his hair, his face near your abdomen. No one said anything.

He finally looked up, after minutes of silence. 'I’m sorry.’

'No.’ The person you least expected, came toward his fellow 94-liner. 'No more apologizing.’

Hoseok looked ready for war. It did everyone good to see that the most optimistic one, was finally on the same page as the leader.

'I don’t know if she will reveal it.’ Jin had a Jungkook attached to his back. You almost smiled, the maknae would go to his comfort place too. 'And if she does there’s no guarantee that our days as a band will come to an end. But we always knew it was numbered.’

'Our ages.’ Yoongi stated, his focus back on the skyline.

'Our schedules.’ Taehyung suggested.

That reason would come from him because he would go into acting full-time.

'Our lives.’ Jimin muttered. His leg up on the chair, the other resting below. 'We can finally have workable, breathable, lives.’

'And we’re adults now. It’s not always going to be hopeful and happy.’ Jungkook reminded everyone. The maknae had to know though, he would always be the baby.

'This could be a real outlook for everyone actually.’ Jin nodded his head as the wheels turned in his head. 'We’ve grown up, so why can’t our message?

In fact, our message only gets carried across as it does, because we’re being true to ourselves. Like what’s happening in our hearts and brains and our lives. It would only make sense to be true to ourselves and our journey by expressing it through our music.’

'We can all express this change through our music.’ Hoseok admitted, following his hyungs train of thought.

'There was a fear before of not being able to date or show significant others or get married because of the fan base and the demographic and the desirability,’ Taehyung looked up, and met Namjoon’s eyes, 'but you took that step hyung, and we are still thriving. We have packed schedules for at least the next two years and plenty of comebacks individually and together. We won’t fall apart yet. And we have time to put ourselves across and build our Plan B.’

'We are allowed to step out of the boundaries they had for us.’ Jin’s determination carried itself across. 'This is life and it will not always be great but we will learn from it. And maybe someone could save their marriage or think differently or remember to forgive when it’s necessary.’

'This band,’ Yoongi finally looked at you, 'is what it is, because we make our own path and take risks. And some of them were worth it.’ Seeing the tumultuous emotions on your face, that you felt inside, he looked away before continuing. 'And besides being a band, we are a family. We want wives. Kids. Lives. Soon.’

'No more running.’ Jimin stated, more to himself.

The wording confused you. Running? From what? From… who?

'I find it easy these days.’ Jungkook said from behind Jin’s back.

'What’s that, Kook?’ Jin asked over his shoulder.

'To not care about anyone’s approval and disapproval.’

Jungkook struggled a lot with himself and his fans. He didn’t want to embarrass anyone or feel embarrassed. Being himself was one thing, but for such a long time, he gave what was asked and showed only what was wanted. To say those words and be confident in himself… it was a feat.

You felt Namjoon’s palm at your back and the side of his face placed at your stomach.

Instantly your brain whipped up one word, 'submission.’

Namjoon, Kim Namjoon, the leader, the idol, the rapper, was holding onto you for strength, in front of his band.

You didn’t push him away. You were slightly confused with his actions. But you would never push him away. He needed comfort. His family was saving him from his own mess. He’d need all the strength you had to offer.

So you settled both your hands in his hair instead. His other arm pulled you closer to him straight after.

'Kook’s right.’ Taehyung reaffirmed his only dongsaeng’s words. 'When was the last time we looked for approval?’

'The only people that matter… are in this room.’ Hoseok crouched low, and Namjoon turned away from you to meet the eyes of his fellow 94 liner. Hoseok swallowed hard before saying his piece. ’'Even when this rain stops, when the clouds go away, I stand here, just the same.”

'Hobi –,’

Iam here.’ Hoseok touched Namjoon’s knee. 'Your best friend. I will be here through it all. We will do this.’ Once Joon nodded, Hoseok stood up and checked on each member. 'Everyone here needs to remember that there are always second chances, no matter what happens, and with whatever does happen, we can get through it together.’

Head nods, affirmations, high-fives were met all round and you bent forward to place a kiss on Namjoons head.

To others, it would seem dramatic. But to the band, to the ones that had experienced Hoseok and Namjoon first hand, it was a shift.

No one, no one ever, fucked with their family. Even backed into a corner, they would adapt and stay strong, and they would fight, should the need arise.

You always knew this day would come. But for it to be so real and for such a reason…

'Not that this is relevant at all,’ Taehyung lifted his shoulders, as if what he was about to say was no big deal, 'but y/n… what’s wrong with Maiya’s lipstick shade?’

Taglist - @casnextdoor@jaysdimples@belliebell@pinkcherrybombs@sweetjellyfishland@blushingatyou@jiminiesfavouritecolourisblue@somewhereinthestarss@k-brownsugar@namsona17@taejinxkoya@notsooperfect@zae007live@its-hopes-world@shina913@bri-mal@piecesofapril11@kissme-ornot@toriluvsfics@agustdmwah@lochness-butmakeitsexy@petalsofink@definetlythinkimanalien@masterpiecejoonie@gcintia@danietoww04@roguesthetic@rjsmochii@amymikaelson@hello-kittyy@mschievous247@onlythehobi@deliciousdetectivestranger@daddypkj@callmemadhatter@rkivecenter@codeinebelle@creolesoul2seoul[open]


Part 22.5 - Yami Y/n

Part 23 || Vindication

Part 23.5 - Crisscross


Kinktober 2020

The last seven are open for requests! If no one has any I will fill it in at a later date

1.Pretty Baby – Sub!jk –  edging

2.Done deal – Demon Jimin

3.Spa day – soft Yoongi – physical touch/praise (foot fetish if you squint)

4.Rainy day – Hoseok - dom

5.Sweet like candy – Taehyung – food play

6.Online – Jin - professor

7.Good morning – Kim Namjoon – somnophilia

8.Play time – OT7 – Orgy

9.Dinner time – dom!jk – spanking/cockwarming

10.Wild night – brat!Jimin – Brat tamer

11.Beach fun – yoongi – exhibition

12.Clean? – hoseok – shower sex

13.Innocence – Jin – virgin reader

14.Magic mirror – warlock!tae – mirror sex, Dom!tae

15.Music to my ears – reluctant sub!Joon – boy moans, recording

16.Green eyed monster – Jealousy reactions

Hyung line

Maknae line

17.Noona – jk  has something to prove to a dismissive friend

18.Mine- yandere!Jimin – f2l (stalker/voyeurism?)

19.Iced out – Yoongi – temperature play

20.DIY – Tae – mutual masturbation

21.Masquerade – Hoseok – anonymous sex

22.Hate you more- Jin – hate sex

23.Baby blues – Namjoon – breeding

24.Just one more - Jungkook - overstim begging

25.Subspace - Jimin - sub

26.Relax - Yoongi - sweet fluffy, studio sex

27.Caught up - Hoseok - bondage

28.New toy - Taehyung - escaping handcuffs

29.Pent up - Jin - dry humping

30.Giddy up - Namjoon - thigh riding

31.Happy Halloween – OT7

Main Masterlist

Requesthere - Give yourself an emoji so I can tag you and it’s easier for you to find

Feel free to let me know what you think! I crave attention

Extra tiny drabbles because I can’t turn down a request

Tae - oral fixation

⋙Warning: This contains sexual content.

⋙Requests: Do you still do visual imagines? If you do, can I have how bts would suck/tease and play with his g/f’s nipples and breasts thx

⋙A/N: I’m sorry, I tried to make it a visual imagine but Tumblr doesn’t allow it anymore. I hope that this is also okay :) 

Feel free to join my Discord server



Jin always made sure to treat you like a goddess. He has gentle touches on your body, especially with your nipples. His fingers would trail down from your collarbones, down to your breasts as you ride. His breathing would be loud and a moan would leave both of your mouths when he starts pinching your nipples. His touch left goosebumps all over your body. This man really knew how to make love to you and you wouldn’t trade it for anything else.


Yoongi just loved your boobs. He would always put it in his mouth, as if he couldn’t live without them. His moves were always rough and it wouldn’t take him long to destroy your pussy after you released your boobs out in the air. He’d suck on your nipples hard and his tongue would make fast circles around them, making you just as hot as he was for you.


For him it wouldn’t be necessary to have sex to play with your breasts. Sometimes he would just pin you down on the bed, sit on your waist and pull off your shirt. Your bra was off in no time too and then he’d start squashing your breasts together, of course in a gentle way. His thumbs would glide over your nipples, making them hard and perky. He loved the sight. he could do this the whole day, just laying on you and playing with your boobs until the time had come to sleep.


Namjoon had the biggest kink for your boobs. He knew they were your weakness too and as the kinky shit he was, he would throw some BDSM-equipment into it. He’d attach your nipples to some chains, making them sensitive and maybe hurt a bit. You both liked it hard like this and he made fully use of that through these chains. He loved the way your boobs would bounce and swing around as he pounds into you from behind. 


Jimin didn’t need to do much to turn you on. He would just have you seated on his lab, half naked. His hands would slowly make circles around your nipples. The tingling sensation would send you straight to heaven, getting your panties weak in a minute or less. Jimin loved to make you horny and needy like this for him. He didn’t need to do much more before you would go down on your knees and repay the favor. ‘You’re always so good for daddy.’


Just as he had arrived home, he’d see you stand in your black lingerie. He noticed you were waiting for him, waiting for her boyfriend to fuck her right. He’d let his bag fall on the ground and would walk up to you. He’d loosen his tie before he scoops you up from the ground, bringing you to the couch and letting you down on his lab. His hands would pull down your bra and his lips would immediately be planted on your nipples. You’d moan out of relieve, being happy your boyfriend finally fulfills your needs. The one hand he has free, he would use to aggressively play with your nipples. This is why he loved to come home to you, you’re always full of surprises. 


Jungkook loved to play with your nipples. He’d always take his time with you, giving every boob it’s own amountof attention. His tongue would make small circles around your nipples before pulling on it, leaving your nipples hard and perky. He loved the moans and whines he dragged out of you by his actions.

i’m gonna take my horse to the old town road…

Me: I’m going on a diet!

Me one hour later:

Don’t mind me. Just sharing proof Namjoon is a koala
