#valkyrie m


Pairing: Valkyrie (Brunnhilde) x gn!Reader


Summary: As a Queen, Valkyrie is always busy. You find a way to get her away from royal duties.

Word count:256

Prompt:@flufftober2021 Day 2 - Sneaking Out Together

A/N: This one turned out super short, but it’s cute.

Main Masterlist

Flufftober 2021 Masterlist

As Queen of New Asgard, Valkyrie was always busy. She had to constantly available to solve conflicts and make decisions. Some of her actions were vital, but some were way less important than the people searching for her thought. It was hard to spend quality time with your girlfriend when date night was interrupted  by the urgent need to know who owned the goat who ate Birger’s carrots.

After the fifth date cut short by bickering neighbors, you decided to take action. You sneaked into Val’s room an hour before the time you were supposed to arrive, immediately dropping to one knee when she saw you.

“Your Majesty, there is an emergency. This loyal servant of yours needs your expertise for the rest of the night. You see, I have prepared a private banquet that can only be consumed in Your Majesty’s presence, and a series of activities that will require your full attention until the morning.”

Valkyrie laughed out loud, walking slowly towards you to play along.

“Should I alert my advisers to clear my schedule for the next twelve hours or so?”

She gestured for you to stand up, and you did, with a wicked smirk.

“That won’t be necessary, Your Majesty. It’s way easier if the advisers simply don’t know where to find you until you want to be found again.”

Val closed the distance between you, pulling you into a playful kiss.

“I like the way you think. Give me ten minutes, love. It’s about damn time we disappear for a bit.”
