

Hello, I have discovered your blog not so long ago and I must say that I really like your writing!! I loveee any au related to vampires and demons tbh so I’m really happy I found your blog haha. I don’t know if it’s been already asked or not as I haven’t gone through all your writing yet, but I was wondering if I could request a baekhyun headcannon where his s/o discovers that he’s a vampire? Thank you and have a nice day


baekhyun bites on the first date

✿so most of your date is him telling you everything about him 

✿it’s okay the next few dates will be all about you if you’re his mate

✿he had a good feeling about you bc his skin warmed up 

✿he can’t bring the big paintings of him along to show you how much his fashion has changed so he has them all on his phone

✿his favourite looks are from the 70s

✿bc what the actual fuck were they thinking

✿why was it okay to go out dressed like that 

✿his most favourite thing to talk about is the whole mate bond 

✿it’s the loveliest thing ever to him 

✿if you’re critical he’ll hold your hand over his chest so you can feel the nothing 

✿”would i out myself with a perm and flares if i wasn’t serious?” 

✿he absolutely throws the most embarrassing stories about his members in there

✿he doesn’t go into his transition period bc that shit’s sad

✿and this is a good vibes only zone

✿he asks in the sweetest way possible to drink your blood 

✿he goes hard on the reassurance 

✿he doesn’t wanna feed he just wants to see if you’re the one he’s gonna spend the rest of his life with 

✿he spends a solid 10 minutes kissing your skin before sinking his fangs into you 

✿then he tucks you into bed for the night 

✿queue waking up to him running around your home with his newly formed fat ass 
