

Hello, I have discovered your blog not so long ago and I must say that I really like your writing!! I loveee any au related to vampires and demons tbh so I’m really happy I found your blog haha. I don’t know if it’s been already asked or not as I haven’t gone through all your writing yet, but I was wondering if I could request a baekhyun headcannon where his s/o discovers that he’s a vampire? Thank you and have a nice day


baekhyun bites on the first date

✿so most of your date is him telling you everything about him 

✿it’s okay the next few dates will be all about you if you’re his mate

✿he had a good feeling about you bc his skin warmed up 

✿he can’t bring the big paintings of him along to show you how much his fashion has changed so he has them all on his phone

✿his favourite looks are from the 70s

✿bc what the actual fuck were they thinking

✿why was it okay to go out dressed like that 

✿his most favourite thing to talk about is the whole mate bond 

✿it’s the loveliest thing ever to him 

✿if you’re critical he’ll hold your hand over his chest so you can feel the nothing 

✿”would i out myself with a perm and flares if i wasn’t serious?” 

✿he absolutely throws the most embarrassing stories about his members in there

✿he doesn’t go into his transition period bc that shit’s sad

✿and this is a good vibes only zone

✿he asks in the sweetest way possible to drink your blood 

✿he goes hard on the reassurance 

✿he doesn’t wanna feed he just wants to see if you’re the one he’s gonna spend the rest of his life with 

✿he spends a solid 10 minutes kissing your skin before sinking his fangs into you 

✿then he tucks you into bed for the night 

✿queue waking up to him running around your home with his newly formed fat ass 

Could I request a (reaction I guess? Idk? Scenario? Whatever fits?) For Exo finding out their crush is actually older than them & has a kid? Ty if you decide to (and even if you don’t, ty for sharing your writing here!)



✿he met your child before he met you  

✿he was out trying to find his cat so she could eat dinner 

✿the cat was playing with your child

✿while he was calling for tan you were calling them to have their own dinner

✿he promised they could play together again and handed his number over

✿your child and tan are best friends 

✿when he hears faint knocks on his door he knows it’s your child ready to play with his cat

✿he thanks tan every night for helping him find you 

✿it’s nice to watch tan socialise 

✿it’s also nice to get time with you 



✿you’ve told him stories and keep him up to date with your child 

✿they never met until you went to spend a weekend at the exo mansion

✿he spends so long getting a room ready for them

✿he knows pretty much everything about them so he can get them everything they love and need

✿exo don’t interact!!!!!!!!!

✿your child was very shy when they first met the prince

✿but after a few hours of goofing together they’re best friends



✿he pretty much kicks your door down the second you give him the go ahead to meet your child

✿he comes with arms full of things you’ve told him your child likes

✿they’re gonna bond instantly because he’s a huge idiot   

✿buys himself a “worlds best dad” mug after one day with them 

✿he’s so grateful to be able to have a mate and a child all in one go 



✿he doesn’t have alot of experience with kids

✿he’s been around them and cared for them for small amounts of time

✿but he’s never sat down and got to know one

✿he listens to every single word your child says

✿he remembers everything about them

✿their bonding thing is watching cooking shows

✿your child likes when he points out that they’re doing it wrong n making fun of them 



✿Y E S 

✿he collects godchildren 

✿so he’s excellent with kids

✿he studies your routine and tries his best to fit in and help out

✿he loves telling your child stories of his past 

✿and your child loves to hear them

✿they’re young but now they’re an encyclopaedia of supernatural information  



✿when he finds out he’s sad that you’ve already gone through such a big step without him 

✿it also sends him into a little depression session because if you’re changed you’re gonna see your child age and die and that’s gonna be hard will you let him change your child too????????? why is everything so hard junmyeon come figure his life out for him 

✿another big problem is that he’s been babied by exo for years

✿is he ready to grow up???

✿the second he meets your child the answer is yes

✿he is very old and mature and ready to be a parent 

✿being with your child is a thrill to him

✿he loves going to parks and reading kids books and watching cartoons 
