#vanessa rojas



Can you do 39 “Well, my sibling never told me they worked with someone so attractive” with Ruzek’s sister and you can pick who you want to write it with.

Words: 1126
Warnings: None
Pairing: Kevin Atwater x Ruzek!Reader
A/N: Hope you like it, hun!


You waltz into the 21st Precinct, a spring in your step and a smile plastered on your face. The stony-faced woman behind the front desk stares you down, a scowl on her face, and her silver hair in a low ponytail. You slowly approach her, unable to hide your smile and grasping the strap of your purse.

“Hi!” You say, earning a scowl from the woman as she looks at you from above her glasses. “I’m here to see Adam Ruzek? I’m his sister, (Y/N) Ruzek.”

“And how is that my problem?” She snaps, making you blink twice in shock.

“It’s not, but I was wondering if you could help me, maybe?” You say, raising your brows hopefully.

She points behind you and you hear a buzz, turning around to see your brother come out of a cage-looking structure around a staircase. You wave excitedly at him and he laughs, opening his arms as you hop to him for a hug.

“You weren’t supposed to arrive so early!” He says, pulling away from the hug. “You could have called, I would have gone and picked you up.”

“I got an Uber, it’s no biggie. You’re here doing some big-shot police work, I couldn’t bring myself to pull you away from it.” You say, hearing a scoff come from the silver-haired woman behind the desk.

“He’s not a big-shot, hun.” She says, not even looking up from the forms on the table. You chuckle and turn back to him, seeing the sheepish look on his face.

“Thanks, Sergeant Platt. Ever so kind to me.” He mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck. “How’s the business treating you?”

“I got my own office now, it’s really nice. I feel like I’m actually helping people.” You say, grinning. “All those years slaving away at psychology textbooks paid off, finally.”

“That’s great!” He says, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you to him. “Want to come upstairs and meet the rest of the guys?”

You nod and he guides you to the small cage-like thing in the staircase.

“What’s this all about?” You ask, gesturing at the metal structure as he scans his palm and the door buzzes open. “You’re in a police station, this seems like overkill.”

“I don’t know either.” He admits, letting you through before closing the door behind the two of you. “But let’s go up so you can meet everyone, I was just about to get out to have some lunch anyway, you can meet them real quick before we go out and eat.”

“Sounds good to me!” You say, smiling as the two of you climb the stairs. He goes in front of you and pulls you behind him, quickly positioning you in sight for the whole team.

“Hey, guys!” He says, gathering the attention of everyone in the room. “This is my sister, (Y/N).”

You give a shy wave to everyone, bouncing on the balls of your feet as everyone looks at you. The two women in the team are the first to move forward to you, extending their hands.

“Hi, I’m Kim!” The paler woman says, and you narrow your eyes slightly.

“You look familiar.” You reply, cocking your head as she blushes.

“Yeah, Adam and I used to date…” She admits, making you gasp as you grab her hands.

“I’m sorry! I’m happy that you ditched him, he’s a pain in the ass.” You say, making her laugh as an offended huff sounds out behind you. The tanner woman outstretches her arm and you shake her hand, smiling at her.

“I’m Vanessa.” She says, a tight smile on her face.

“Nice to meet you, Vanessa.” You say, turning as the two women stand to the side and being replaced with three men. The oldest one intimidates you with the way he stares you down while you greet the light-eyed man.

“I’m Jay.” He says, giving you a small smile that you return. The older man outstretches his hand and gives yours a firm handshake, and you hope you’re being able to hide the uneasiness you’re feeling.

“Hank Voight.” He says curtly, making you only nod as you shake his hand back.

“It’s a pleasure.” You manage to mumble before he steps away, turning to look at your brother with wide eyes before turning back, doing a doubletake when you see the man in front of you. “Oh wow.”

You turn about 20 different shades of blushing when you realize that you said it out loud, the hysterical cackle coming from your brother eliciting even more embarrassment. The man has a couple of inches on your brother, making him the tallest person in the room; his width matches his height, his hair and beard are neatly trimmed and groomed, and the grin he throws at you makes your knees turn to jelly.

“I’m Kevin. Nice to meet you, Miss. And don’t mind Sergeant Voight, he’s always like that.” He says, gently shaking your hand.

“It’s doctor, actually.” Adam butts in, making you glare at him. “(Y/N) Ruzek, PhD in Psychology and Psychiatry, with her own office now!”

“Can you be any more embarrassing? I’m starting to think you take some sort of evil pleasure out of it.” You huff at him, poking your pointer finger in his chest before lowering your voice to a whisper. “Why didn’t you warn me about that hot piece of man right there?”

“What, Kevin?” He says loudly, smirking as you recoil like someone had just punched you in the stomach.

“Shut up Adam, I swear to God I’m going to kill your sorry ass.” You hiss, feeling the blood rushing up your neck and into your cheeks.

“He’s coming over. Own it.” The words barely leave his lips before you whip around and take a step back, ending up with your back against Adam’s arm and with barely two inches between you and Kevin.

“You guys called?” Kevin asks, and Adam nods towards you. If you had a hole nearby, you’d be hiding already.

“It’s just- ah- I- Well, er, Adam never told me he worked with someone so attractive.” You manage to choke out, mentally berating yourself for stuttering. Kevin blinks before he flashes you another dashing smile.

“I’m flattered to get that sort of compliment from someone like yourself, (Y/N).” He says, making you blush even further. “Say, do you have plans for later or would you be interested in going for a beer with me?”

“I’d love that.” You answer, feeling and hearing your brother beginning to argue before you elbow him in the stomach and make him double over, a sweet smile always plastered on your face as Kevin’s brows rise and he chuckles. “How does 8 work for you?”
