#vanguard action squad


Dabi: Fuck you.

Shigaraki: Suck my dick.

Dabi: Okay.

Shigaraki: What?

Dabi: Drop your pants I’ll suck your dick right now.

Shigaraki: Dude that was an expression. Right? That was an expression, right guys?

Rest of the League: *nod collectively*

Shigaraki: Not an invitation.

Dabi: I’ll suck all your dicks right now. Go ahead, push ‘em together like a dick sandwich. I’m hungry for lunch.

Why Magne is NOT transphobic.

Before y'all say “But Ross, you aren’t trans. You can’t speak on this?” No, I’m not. But I have done much research on this topic and asked transgender friends about this.

Oh y'all wanted a twist ay? Come on MHA fandom, lets get controversial!

So! Some of y'all may know that I love Magne. I do. She’s my best girl. And if you’ve forgotten who Magne was, here:

That’s my girl.

Anyway, many people who are fans of the show are angry at the portrayal of her. Magne is a transgender woman. Which is cool!

Fans argue that she is too masculine for a woman which kind of is fucked up?

By saying Magne is too masculine is perpetuating the stereotype that women have to be feminine and the transphobic stereotype that transgender women have to be overly feminine. She may not be feminine in her looks, but she is feminine in the way she acts, the things she does, and what she says. Be it, her calling people “sugar” and other like names, or holding her hands up when she’s frustrated. Her mannerisms are like those shown by cisgender women and feminine people.

Another thing that I don’t see many people talk about is where she is at with her transition. I notice that many people only accept a transgender woman after she has started hormones, gotten surgery, etc. In Japan, being transgender is not accept anywhere near as much as it is in countries like the UK or the USA. On television and in media, transwomen and drag queens are just big stereotypical caricatures. They are seen just as comedic value. It’s harder to transition in Japan. And being a villain, she would have very little money. It can cost thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars to transition. (I headcannon that’s why she robbed a bank). She wouldn’t be able to do a lot of the things that other transwomen do because she is a wanted criminal.

Magne, I presume, is older. I say around 32/35. (But you can have your own headcannons.) The life expectancy of a transwoman, especially a transwoman of colour is low. A lot lower than that of a ciswoman. Perhaps Magne put off her transition for fear of this statistic. Which is very likely and a common occurrence of transgender people in countries like Japan.

And someone tried to argue with me over Instagram that Asian people weren’t POC. Shut up?

The other transgender character in the show is Tiger, the male Pussycat. Here’s him if you forgot who he was:

The misconception about Tiger is that he is a transgender woman as well. Which is not true and actually the opposite. Horikoshi writes on his character page:

“Formerly female, then he took the trip to Thailand.”

Which is rad! Not only do we have transgender characters, we also have two ends of the same spectrum. A woman, and a man.

This also brings up the point that Tiger had to have faced discrimination while transitioning. Even in a big city where there are probably some accepting people, there are more unaccepting.

However, Tiger took that negativity and all that hate and became a hero. Because that’s what he wanted to do was help people. Even though they didn’t accept him and pushed him away, he still knew that he was a hero.

Magne went the opposite direction. She took the hatred and negativity and turned to villainy. The world had hurt her, so she wanted to hurt it back. It’s heavily hinted that Magne only has one or two people that she feels close to and trusts.

It’s so interesting to see two characters take a similar situation and turn it into something so different.

But back to Magne.

The league accepts her. She isn’t misgendered while in their group by anyone. In fact after her…unfortunate battle with Overhaul, Twice comes to her defense. Chisaki refers to Magne as “him” and Twice is immediately on him.

“It’s her, not he! Bastard! That’s the secound time you’ve done that!”

(Something along those lines. I couldn’t find the exact panel.)

So the League knows and they don’t care. They just love their big sis.

!!! Something I forgot to mention, the league members, most notably, Spinner, refer to her as Magu-nee. Which the honorific -nee means big sister. Cute! !!!

That’s all I have for now! Tell me if you have any other points I didn’t bring up! Thank you for reading and I hope I changed your mind. Because I love my big sis and it makes me sad to see people hate on her. :(

My face when I remember why a lot of people don’t draw Magne in League art

My friend sent this picture to me at 11:12pm (4:12am his time) with no other context other than

And I haven’t been right since.

@ all the transgender BNHA fans:

When you feel sad for getting misgendered, remember that Twice would hella validate you.
