#very good



I keep having dreams about picking boys up and them nuzzling their embarrassed face in the crook of my neck, sometimes even pushing them against a wall with their legs wrapped around my hips.. but when will That actually Happen

vasodilate:blackquill is the biggest bag of kinks ive ever seen its so good


blackquill is the biggest bag of kinks ive ever seen its so good

Post link


mood: sitting with a cutie in my lap, one hand in their hair and the other down their pants


Honestly? Grinding with clothes on is one of my biggest turn-ons. The desperation, feeling wanted, like god if only my clothes weren’t here. Feeling his bulge. Hole shit I cant.


He makes the most beautiful sounds when I touch him.

Sometimes, he’s so quiet I can barely hear it. Just a soft sigh as my hand moves along his side. A pronounced inhale when I circle his sensitive nipples. Maybe even the sound of silence as I touch his hip bones and he holds his breath.

Other times, he’s more vocal. I can bring him to a crescendo with a well-timed stroke. His moans blend into a harmony as his eyes close and he rests heavy against me. He murmurs when I move up his back and run my fingers into his hair.

I trace his body up and down, exploring every beautiful curve with my fingertips. I make him sing for me.


dumb comics drawn in warioware diy!


“You Can Cry, It’s Okay”

The Merry Whump of May - Day 9

[Hide and Seek | Phone Call | Midnight]
(tw: recapture, kidnapping)

“You can cry, it’s okay.”

Whumpee kept their palm clamped over their mouth and nose, breaths trembling even as they caught in the throat. Hot, slick tears crept into the crease between their fingers and cheek, trying to pry them apart. 

“Go on, cryyy,” Whumper cooed, their footsteps clicking just on the other side of the door. “No use being quiet on my account. I want to hear it.”

They didn’t move. Eyes wide and frantic, they sat perfectly still but for the shaking. They didn’t dare move, no matter how their legs pricked and tingled at the lack of circulation.

Whumper hummed, footsteps coming to a halt in the middle of the room. “Maybe I can make you make some noise.”

Whumpee jolted as the phone in their pocket vibrated, cracking their head back against the wall. No. No no no no no- They forced themself to still, heart skipping and slamming against their throat at each round of buzzing. 

Within moments, the closet door cracked open. Slits of light widened into pools, striking shadows across the small, dark space. 

“Aww, there you are,” Whumper hummed. “Now are you going to be an obedient little thing and crawl out? Or do I have to come get you myself.”


[The Merry Whump of May Masterlist]
Shoutout to @themerrywhumpofmay for putting on this event!

Keep reading


Ace gunner ❤️


Barroth armor , because you can’t always carry a teostra set


“Rumored” Diablos/Bazelgeuse hybrid

So this is a fun one, Oleander and I have a call out to go and investigate a supposed hybrid out at the Ancestral Steppe.

Of course, Oleander and I are both incredibly skeptical to this being an actual Hybrid. My betting is someone glanced at a Monoblos with some mishapen scales and panicked. Buuuutthe report does say that it was gliding.

Now, some Diablos and Monoblos can get a little bit of air time if they need to get out of dodge quickly, but it’s mostly just falling with a distinct lack of style.

Also; Diablos are herbivores. I know they look scary but they’re just hyper aggressive plant eaters - their biological make up would just not intersect with a Bazelgeuse’s at any point.

I understand that both are stupendously top heavy that true flight isn’t possible, and they both have shite eyesight - but that’s no grounds to assume that they can interbreed.

Also Bazelgeuse have a very distinctive roar, youcannot possibly interpret it as anything else.

-Leo Briarworth

Hearsay reports tend to be… untrustworthy… but if they think we’ve got something new on our hands, I don’t see why we shouldn’t humor them.

After all, the behaviors and physical traits that were described to us are definitely unusual, but well in line for both Diablos and Bazelgeuse. Hyper-aggression, limited flying ability, a clubbed tail, unusual scales around the neck, legs, and tail… And an apparently very loud, piercing roar. We can’t deny them that.

Honestly, I’m vying to give them the benefit of the doubt. We’ve seen weirder stuff while out on the field; another hybrid wouldn’t be out of the question, even if this one’s more outlandish than the others.


Today I witnessed the most endearing thing practically ever hold on I gotta tell you.

Background: my city’s library system has a summer reading program, and I’m one of the volunteers to help run it at my local branch. Today I had a shift that I’d taken to fill the sign-up desk for the last few hours of the day because no one else was covering them, so I show up ready to be alone for the next three hours and…there’s someone already sitting behind the desk, the prior two volunteers very quickly explaining how things work and how to sign people up. I have never seen this person before, and she seems overwhelmed by information and is young, and looks a little nervous when she sees me standing there as the prior two volunteers leave, and I’m immediately overcome with such intense big sister energy like oh man I gotta look out for this kid, so I explain that I’m also a volunteer and join her behind the desk and she looks relieved and warms up and we chat for a moment

Now we’re behind the desk like normal and so her mom walks up, introduces herself and asks the girl if she’s all situated and ready, because this girl wasn’t at the orientation and has just showed up without any of the hour of prep all the other volunteers received.

The girl says yes, so her mom very excitedly goes over to get her little brother, whose like 8, and brings him over, this way she can specifically sign up her little brother and mom as the first people she helps. She explained the program, turning to me for help once to make sure she got it right, and got her family signed up. It was so adorable I can’t even explain it

And then the mom started to walk away to hang out in the library before turning back around to say “wait! I need to get a picture of [name’s] first day!] and pulls out a camera, taking a step back so she could take a picture of the two of us (I gave my permission to be in the photo) for this girl’s first day volunteering at the library

So now she’s behind the desk, has had a practice run, and I’m there to help if she forgets anything and we’re volunteering as normal. One of the things the staff does for us is provide a sketchbook and crayons (idk why crayons) to pass the time if we didn’t bring anything or don’t feel like reading at the moment, so the girl starts to mess around with the sketchbook and I’m reading next to her until I notice out of the corner of my eye, she’s written my name on the page.

My hair is dyed bright red, so when her little brother was trying to guess how many pom poms are in the guessing jar, the mom had asked me how I dyed it (Arctic Fox) and so under my name the girl had made a note of the brand, and I’m like oh cool! that way you can take that page of the sketchbook with you and won’t forget! and then because I happened to be paying a little closer attention, I saw when she turned the page this incomplete drawing of a face

as an artist myself I know it’s uncomfortable to have someone watching you so I tried to focus on other things, but the sketchbook is out on the table so I see it from time to time when I look up, and I notice a few minutes later…that she’s drawing me!She’s got the skin tone and my black mask, and then she starts to add my makeup and earrings and that bright red hair I mentioned before. And I’m just sitting here like oh fuck kid I would die for you. She was so sweet she was complaining about the crayons and how she messed up the ears so she turned them into elf ears and once she knew I’d realized she was drawing me she kept turning to look at me like "hmm let me see” to use my real life face as a reference. Like she’d just met me and thought my hair and makeup was cool so she started drawing me

She was only there for an hour, and I helped her mom get everything sorted out to sign up for volunteering hours because the girl is young enough that the normal system doesn’t really work for her and she wasn’t at the orientation, and her mom was so thankful for me just being there so the girl wasn’t at the table all on her own the very first time with such a quick intro from the previous volunteers. Instead she got to see me sign people up and hear the information repeated over and over and do it herself with someone to fall back on in case she forgot something

and she was so anxious about leaving, because it was just going to be me and she thought she had to wait for someone else to get there so I wouldn’t be alone and I was just there like honey I didn’t even think you were going to be here don’t you worry about it at all, I can take care of the desk on my own and then I watched her take another 15 minutes walking around the library before checking out like 10 books and I had this moment of “I used to be you.” Because that’s what I did at her age in the library.

and I might have to specifically sign up for an hour at the desk where she’s signed up just because she was so sweet and nice to be around and I wanna make sure she’s doing alright at the desk like aurhgu

another notable instance was when this person about my age walked up to the desk and we simultaneously complemented each others hair, like just “I love your hair” at the exactsame time, and then we both complemented each other’s makeup

anyway my point is people are incredible and kind and the world deserves kindness and also everyone should go to the library and pick up a book
