#vi arcane


Dinner things ~

i always wanted to draw Moira and Mercy in fancy dinner things but Blizzard had to go ruin shit so now I’m projecting all my unused ideas on Violyn instead -

Universal rule: your drawing will turn out incredibly good whenever you use a random (and possibly shitty) piece of paper

Look! I can do line-work! Sometimes… I also watched Arcane and have a Vi problem.

the symbolism in jinx still being number 2 on the leader board under vi :(

i can’t get over how every scene in arcane is so pretty

thought shes cute

To compliment the Caitlyn piece…

Following this two-day tradition of amazing announcements on the Pride Month. Can we get some new on Arcane? I miss Vi and Caitlyn. ❤️

Long absense bc messed up joints but here’s something something I managed to pop out in about 8 hour

Long absense bc messed up joints but here’s something something I managed to pop out in about 8 hours

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Vi: I can haunt you

Jayce: pfft go for it

Vi: an octopus is just a wet spider

[later that night]

Jayce, staring at the ceiling thinking about wet spiders:fuck

Vi: you’re my best friend, but I’d fuck you if you asked



Jayce, from across the room: SHE SAID SHE’D FUCK YOU IF YOU ASKED!

Vi: I hate being touched. The only physical contact I would tolerate is punching someone in the face

Jayce:Caitlynis literally hugging you, right now

Vi: t-this is completely different
