#vikings headcanons


I haven’t been able to post these past few days since I work weekends but I’m gonna get back to posting shit Monday night once I get back home ✌️Here’s the requests I’ve received so far:

- First kiss (Ubbe, Hvitserk & Ivar)

- Losing your Virginity (Ubbe & Hvitserk)

- Ivar having a crush on you

- Harald & Halfdan polyamorous relationship with reader

- Ivar + sexual advances towards modest wife

- Lothbroks + little sister

- Jealous Ivar

- Ivar breeding kink

- Halfdan aftercare

- Rough sex with Ragnar

- Ivar with volva s/o

If you wanna request any more headcanons for me to work on then feel free to. The kinkier the better because I’m a thirsty hoe tbh
