#villain characters

 Christmas will be here very soon! So in the Christmas spirit, here are three pieces I did of the ch Christmas will be here very soon! So in the Christmas spirit, here are three pieces I did of the ch Christmas will be here very soon! So in the Christmas spirit, here are three pieces I did of the ch

Christmas will be here very soon! So in the Christmas spirit, here are three pieces I did of the characters that have been introduced so far in holiday clothing and costumes!!

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it and have a safe holiday!


Curator of the Blog,

Ayden (@grand-metropolis)

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Anton Brooke is in the HOOOOUSE! Anton has appeared!——————&mdashAnton Brooke is in the HOOOOUSE! Anton has appeared!——————&mdashAnton Brooke is in the HOOOOUSE! Anton has appeared!——————&mdashAnton Brooke is in the HOOOOUSE! Anton has appeared!——————&mdash

Anton Brooke is in the HOOOOUSE! Anton has appeared!


Anton Brooke

Anton Brooke, known for being an infamous teenage gang leader back on his island, but a nasty troublemaker in Hedgehog Town, giving himself the self-proclaimed title as the #1 Hooligan of Hedgehog Town. He is the oldest in a family cavalcade of mischief. Anton is known for being a bully, and isn’t afraid to pick on someone OR start fights. Not to mention that he’s also full of himself, has quite the ego and could get away with the things he wanted at home. While not having the best of stamina, this reptile is smarter than he would seem at first glance. He can utilize his tail as a weapon to knock his enemies away with extreme force. Anton will not hesitate to hurt you if he wants to get physical (if you’re not a totalnuisance to him).

Age: 15

Birthplace: Mystic Cave Zone, Westside Island

Likes: Taking charge of literally anything, Revving around in his Jeep, Being the best there is (Well that’s what he tells himself, anyway…)

Anton’s “Classic Outfit” is his base outfit for promo stuff, doodles, or if I run out of clothing ideas. Designing this guy was a MESS. Anton, next to Vector, is one of the first and still VERY few reptiles (as in Crocodile kinda reptile.) across the series. So at first his design was based heavily on Vector the Crocodile’s as seen in my 2016 version of him. Then as I found some sort of design stride for him as I continued with concepts for the comic leading up to now.

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