#vlds7 spoilers


Ever think about the creative decision behind just casually choosing to reveal Shiro is attracted to dudes in the most Shiro and Keith centered episode out of aaaaaaall the places and times they could have done that in the show? 

Annnd on the way also casually establishing that Shiro is in fact single right now, for no particular reason.. oh wait, it’s cuz they wanted to show he’s “been through stuff and is more mature than the rest" 

damn I love this brotherly relationship lol

lol Shiro’s arc is literally about him going from a strong independent man who don’t need no man 

to understanding that he kinda do need one sometimes and that’s ok and it’s kinda nice to have someone who protects you and you can be weak with



So uh…. Good morning.

So I think it’s pretty obvious by now that the reception to season 7 has been less than… good. The fan base has been shattered. People are upset, angry, and abandoning this series in droves (I’ve lost over 50 followers as I write this, just from people no longer wanting anythingto do with this show) and have been incredibly vocal as to the reason why.

They killed Adam. 

After two weeks of receiving praise for the relationship that was revealed at San Diego Comic Con, fans discovered on Friday night that Adam’s existence would be short lived, further contributing to this popular “Bury Your Gays” trope. 

And I’ve seen people confused at this outcry. They don’t understand why people are so upset at this tiny side character’s death. What’s the big deal, right? It’s war! There’s supposed to be casualties!


And to that kind of response I have to narrow my eyes and go:

“Oh…. maybe you understand the history of this.”

Because it is a history. A rich one. “Bury your gays” isn’t a trope in the same why that “Fake dating” is a trope. It’s not popular out of coincidence and I feel like many people are ignorant of that, which is FAIR! Because most voltron fans are young, most tumblr users are young, so I don’t expect you to be watching documentaries on LGBT+ cinema in between studying for your chemistry exams. 

So that’s where I come in. Buckle in children as I take you on a journey on why the “Bury your gays” trope exists, and the harmful ramifications that it has had on the LGBT+ community since its inception.

Keep reading

I would like to add to this that Shiro wasn’t even explicitly confirmed gay in the show which is another huge problem.

And it’s not that they couldn’t have made it more explicit because they were worried about homophobic countries out there that they wouldn’t be able to show the series in and therefor lose money.

It could have been as simple as instead of making Shiro say “The Garrison doesn’t want me to go, neither does Adam” say  “neither does my BOYFRIEND”.

Which can easily be changed in any dub.

So it does makes you wonder if Netflix and Dreamworks and whoever is also in charge ever really wanted to give us LGBT representation and confirm Shiro is gay. Since they never really committed to the LGBT rep they allowed them to do.

And yeah, maybe no company wants to make a political stand on the still controversial LGBT issue, but by choosing not to make a clear stand you’re also kinda making a stand.

And this is a tough situation to be in as a fan, because the show is amazing and deserves all the praise and the creative team is the best and they worked so hard and fought for us, and you want this show to succeed and make money, but DW also did a big disservice to the LGBT community. So as fans what do we do?

Every single review that came out about season 7 praises the show but all agree on the poor handling of the LGBT representation. 

So I guess praise the show but respectfully criticize the way it handled their LGBT characters. Because that wasn’t right and everyone needs to know that.

LGBT people deserve better, LGBT people matter.

hyteriart: Sheith post season 7 - Hospital visit because I’m a sucker for these types of scenes. hyteriart: Sheith post season 7 - Hospital visit because I’m a sucker for these types of scenes. hyteriart: Sheith post season 7 - Hospital visit because I’m a sucker for these types of scenes. hyteriart: Sheith post season 7 - Hospital visit because I’m a sucker for these types of scenes. 


Sheith post season 7 - Hospital visit because I’m a sucker for these types of scenes. 

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“Voltron is queerbaiting because they killed off Shiro’s love interest and the gay rep”



Found a third version of the Shiro and Adam fight haha

#voltron    #shadam    #adashi    #vlds7 spoilers    #i had to haha    #thoughts and stuff    

These shots are I guess foreshadowing to who’s gonna get what lion when the paladins retire? 

Black/Red - Griffin 

Yellow - Leifsdottir 

Green - Rizavi 

Blue - Kinkade 

Red (???) Veronica? 

It’s hard to say if Griffin get’s Red or Black because Veronica is kinda part of Atlas team.. Also her shot is different.

If Veronica is not supposed to be a paladin but stays with Atlas, then it means Keith will stay in Black with a new team I guess. It would be a shame to remove him from the role since he just settled down in that role after such a long journey.. I wouldn’t mind him leading the BOM tho

I got ALOT of questions about Acxa and Keith, so I’m just say what I think in this post. Cause things kinda fell into place for me right now through some twitter convos.

First of all:

Romance not gonna happen, for the only reason that this show has done nothing but break molds and do things we haven’t already seen 10000 times in other shows.

There’s no way in hell that a talented writing team like theirs is gonna go the cliche way of “boy and girl look at eachother 3 times and fall in love”, no way.

This kind of plot is a disservice to both Acxa and Keith’s characters.

What I think is gonna happen is that Acxa has been following Keith for the same reason she’s been following Lotor, because she is looking for a good leader to lead the Galra. 

But what Acxa needs to realize is that maybe she doesn’t need to follow someone who is a good leader, but to actually have faith in herself and become a good leader herself. 

So I guess Acxa will be the new Galra empress, and that would be super cool.

This show has had nothing but complex powerful women, and Acxa is not gonna be any different.

Keith is gonna stay with Shiro and his new team of paladins when the others retire, because he has just gotten into the leadership role, he didn’t struggle so much to get to that place just to go do something else now, I think.

So yeah, that’s my answer to all your fearful kacxa questions haha

Coran:  "I don’t need you anyway! I’ll rewrite the show! Get rid of the whole lot of ya! Replace you with new paladins! And the show will be better than ever before! Except for you, Shiro. I’ll never get rid of you. You’re our most popular character.“

Season 7:

Introduces 5 new characters


Makes Shiro the only one that can pilot Atlas


Edit: Since Keith wasn’t in that episode and Veronica is part of Atlas, this means Keith will probably stay as Black Paladin.

Well that explains why Keith was able to bring Shiro back to life when all Altean ancient magic failed haha

 Ever thought about how Adam probably had to go through the exact same thing?

Ever thought about how Adam probably had to go through the exact same thing?

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