

Pattern: Vogue v1643 view D

Fabric: Super 120 wool suiting. Trim: Vintage Petersham grosgrain ribbon.

Modification: Added lining. Waist band reshaped into yoke.

Notes: A beautiful classic pleated dress but the fit is a unforgiving. It features hard pleats that are sewn all the way below tummy so it could be unflattering after having a big meal. That said, I do think this is nice change from my usual style. The skirt is fairly easy by itself if you don’t need a lot of modification for the fit. Most challenging part is getting the pleats even. For that I simply forgo all the blasting stitch from the instructions and take the fabric straight to the ironing board. I found that easier and quicker but that could be just me. Adding lining could be a bit of work because you have to do all the pleating twice (that, or pleat with double layer, your choice). At the end you are rewarded with a beautiful skirt so it’s all worth it.

Possible improvement: I would consider reducing the pleat stitich by a couple inches so they don’t go below the tummy. The fit would be more forgiving but of course, the style would be different too.
