#void state



I have a very important announcement to make regarding the future of this blog. Lately, life has been amazing. I’m enjoying being around my soul family, studying for a career I love & working passionately on projects that have insane potential. It honestly cannot get any better. And now, there are also huge changes in my life that need my full attention. New beginnings that make me glad to be alive.

However, this means that I won’t have the time to be online anymore. I won’t delete my blog but I’ll disable the ask function. Most of my asks are repetitive and can be easily solved by assuming your result & persisting. I just don’t have the spare time or the energy tbh to answer them anymore.

I will however log in once a week to:

-drop a post on the law/spirituality that is going to be super helpful to y’all.

-post your success stories that you can send in as submissions.

Thank you for being a part of my journey to become a master manifestor. Eventhough I’m not leaving, I will dearly miss interacting with you all.

If you want to keep in touch & become friends, feel free to add me on discord: yenshu#3749 But please respect my wishes and don’t ask me manifestation questions there. I will not be answering them anymore.

Until then, stay safe & healthy! Manifesting infinite happiness for you all ‍♀️


Mini Success Story

Came back real quick to say I am still doing @pl6netgirl’s Just Do It challenge.

All I’ve been affirming is ‘The 3D conforms to all of my desires instantly’ and some more affirmations in relation to the void since I took a break from that. I’ve been brazenly impudent about the void though. I always talk about it like I’ve been there and can get in whenever and however I want.

Any way quick success: I commanded my subconscious mind to get me $600 just bc. Opened a letter from my school with a 1k+ check I wasn’t expecting at all. Like seriously, y’all should’ve seen my face then I was like “duh money has to come to me”

Other things have happened as well that have blown me away!

Get off of social media and do the challenge yall.

I have like one more day but I may extend the challenge since I am enjoying it and enjoying being off of Tumblr. No one is saying/posting anything revolutionary about the Law. Stop getting lost in reading everyones posts and asking questions you deep down already know the answer to. DO THE WORK!

The void is the next goal and I have no doubt I’ll get in in a jiffy
