#vore digestion


Everyone is always talking about how great post vore burps are, and they just end up forgetting to give the OTHER form of post vore gas some much needed love.

Like yeah, sure, I won’t deny that a deep, bassy belch rippling the preds lips as their overstuffed gut relieves some pressure with a burst of hot wind isn’t totally amazing, but the same exact experience from the other side is also a joy to behold. Deep, crass, cheek wobbling butt-belches need some more appreciation dammit!!

Warning, this is an experimental vore post, going far beyond the forays of my typical, gushy, digestive delights. I’m trying out a darker, more filth inclined style. (Not a permanent change of content or style for this blog, just an experiment) Features all of the usual warnings and more. Please proceed at your own risk!

You probably don’t think of it as much, but the last swallow is the most momentous moment of a poor, helpless prey’s life. One final, decisive swallow condemns a meal like me to a lifetime of suffering. At least said lifetime never lasts much longer.

Once I’m in your stomach, I’m stuck there, trapped and helpless, held at your mercy. I get to endure the torments of my gastric prison, being soaked by churning acids as my flesh softens and melts, until your gut crushes me out of existence, down into a thick, pulpy sludge of ragged, torn flesh, bubbling, oozing blood, and shattered, crumpled bone. My story will come to a sudden, early conclusion with a sickening squelch. I’ll be reduced to nothing, whether I want it or not. Everything I’ve ever done before in life, every accomplishment and every relationship, in the end, they all will amount to little more than a thick, doughy layer of blubber sagging from your fat, overfed gut, and a few extra inches of nice, juicy jiggle on your hips, butt, and thighs.

And that’s not even the worst of it, for your meals like me at least. It’s not enough to torment a treat merely by making them line your waistband. Oh no, preds like you get the joy of making snacks like me float through your sewers too. Once I’ve been pulverized into slop, destroyed beyond all recognition and pumped through your greedy bowels to be drained of all nutritional value and to fatten you up, once I’ve become fuel for a few more rolls of lard on your bulging belly, nothing will remain of me, save for a hefty, smelly loaf of putrid shit nestled deep in your guts, preceded by a bubbly string of the foulest of farts. I’m sure you’ll reek of death and decay as I’m sluiced through you, crammed and piled up in your straining colon. I wouldn’t be suprised if passerby gag from the toxic fumes leaking from your puckered hole.

But that gets you excited, doesn’t it? The thought of turning me, a living, breathing person into nothing but a rancid pile of shit that will disappear down your toilet like every other meal you’ve ever eaten… Oh goodness gracious, I bet that really turns you on… The idea of feeling your gut tear a person apart, feeling it shred them into a bloody mass and braid their essence into your own fat is probably the most sexy things you could ever imagine, isn’t it? The feeling of your stomach clenching and tossing around the thick, chunky stew of my remains as they slosh about inside you…. The awful sloppy sound of me being pumped into your intestines and the accompanying feeling as your muscles, stretch and squeeze and contract, and force more mush through their tight, slimy confines. You probably savor the thought of feeling me die inside your gut, you probably fantasize over feeling my body being boiled and crushed, and hearing my screams and struggles silenced with a wet, gurgling crunch, reduced into a thick brownish-red mush, riddled with bone and lumps of solid meat, and pushed through your smelly bowels until what’s left of me has been processed away into fat, and farts, and shit. I bet you can’t wait to feel me pumping through you, my remains stretching out your intestines as they slither into your bowels, the hard bits tickling the walls of your sensitive colon, eager to swirl down your toilet.

What a way to assert dominance… the only reminders that the brown logs were ever once a human being would be the scaggly, acid-bleached strands of hair and the flaky, yellowed bone chips and shattered teeth, the whole smelly mess destined to be flushed away and forgotten forever.

Warning, very, very explicit vore, digestion, and disposal ahead!!

I’ll never know why I have some kind of strong, inescapable, perverse desire to end up as a squishy mass of ground-up, acid-softened, viscous soup squeezing through your intestines. It makes no sense! I’m a person, a living breathing human! There’s no way I should actually want to end up as gut-slop, as your literal fat and shit after experiencing the same, humiliating fate that every slice of pizza and every hamburger, every glass of soda or coffee, every plate of cookies and every single other piece of greasy, fatty junk food that’s ever ended up inside of youhas been forced to suffer

That would be weird, and just so horrible and gross… But while I don’t understand it, I remain drawn to such a fate anyways. I don’t really blame myself either. I mean, how could I ever hope to not fantasize over being forcibly swallowed whole as I scream and struggle, before my terrified, fighting body is slowly churned down into a goopy pulp of melted flesh and shattered bone? How could I ever resist the allure of being treated as nothing more than a juicy piece of meat, of being seen no differently than any other gutful of greasy, fattening junk food despite my screams, struggles, and pleas? Why wouldn’t I shudder in delight at the thought of my mushy, chymal remains draining and pumping down through the dank, smelly confines of your tight, winding bowels, feeding you, fattening you, letting your greedy, plump body leech away all of my nutrients, transforming my essence into roll after roll of soft, plush fat for your jiggling, pudgy form, before the useless leftovers are finally squeezed out of you as a massive pile of former gutslut a mere week or so after gulping me down?

Warning, very, very explicit vore, digestion, and disposal ahead!!

I’ll never know why I have some kind of strong, inescapable, perverse desire to end up as a squishy mass of ground-up, acid-softened, viscous soup squeezing through your intestines. It makes no sense! I’m a person, a living breathing human! There’s no way I should actually want to end up as gut-slop, as your literal fat and shit after experiencing the same, humiliating fate that every slice of pizza and every hamburger, every glass of soda or coffee, every plate of cookies and every single other piece of greasy, fatty junk food that’s ever ended up inside of youhas been forced to suffer

That would be weird, and just so horrible and gross… But while I don’t understand it, I remain drawn to such a fate anyways. I don’t really blame myself either. I mean, how could I ever hope to not fantasize over being forcibly swallowed whole as I scream and struggle, before my terrified, fighting body is slowly churned down into a goopy pulp of melted flesh and shattered bone? How could I ever resist the allure of being treated as nothing more than a juicy piece of meat, of being seen no differently than any other gutful of greasy, fattening junk food despite my screams, struggles, and pleas? Why wouldn’t I shudder in delight at the thought of my mushy, chymal remains draining and pumping down through the dank, smelly confines of your tight, winding bowels, feeding you, fattening you, letting your greedy, plump body leech away all of my nutrients, transforming my essence into roll after roll of soft, plush fat for your jiggling, pudgy form, before the useless leftovers are finally squeezed out of you as a massive pile of former gutslut a mere week or so after gulping me down?

Preds are honestly some of the luckiest people on the planet. I mean, what could ever hope to compare to the sheer ecstatic joy of getting to experience every single delicious second of a nice, filling meal.

Feeling their wild wriggles and struggles slowly die down into a few soft, gentle twitches and spasms. Hearing their muffled moans and cries slowly fade away, drowned out by the steadily growing digestive cacophony of wet, sloppy gurgles, crunches, pops, slurps, and sloshes…

Feeling the distinctive lumps and bulges of their limbs soften and fade beneath your tight skin and fat, breaking down beneath your fingertips as the taut orb of flesh works away at the meal within, slowly rounding out as it grinds down the helpless food’s form and consistency.

Feeling your tightly packed, satisfied belly slowly deflate and shrink into a sagging, sloshy potbelly of gurgling, meaty stew as your meal’s pulverized remains sluice through your guts, the thick, sloppy pulp settling deep within your cramped, smelly bowels.

Preds have it great, I can’t think of anything that could possibly feel more overwhelmingly enjoyable.

Warning, heavy themes of vore, digestion, and post vore ahead

Your girlfriend? Hmm… BWHOAAPP!! OH, yeah, that’s right! I remember her! Great tasting, & a real fighter too! She lasted almost 3 days, but got pretty still & quiet about halfway through


Hmm? Where is she now? Well, from the sound and feel of it, her lumpy, sloppy remains are pumping through my dank, smelly guts. C'mon, don’t be a baby! I know you want to rub & stoke my belly, maybe give it a little squeeze here and there to hear her squelch & squish


Don’t lie, I can tell from the look on your face! It’s painfully obvious that you actually want to listen & to feel the pulpy mess of her corpse sliding around within me, buried beneath layers of soft, jiggling fat & powerful, merciless muscle


Be honest, I just KNOW that you actually want to feel the gelatinous, mushy bulge of her slushy remnants move lower and lower beneath your fingertips, slowly making it’s way down to pack her into my colon


C'mon, you might as well help me out with a rub here, I know you want it! Besides, I’m doing you a favor, so you owe me one!


What do you mean “What favor?” Isn’t it obvious? I’m gonna ‘dump’ her so that you don’t have to!

Oh gee whiz I’m vorny once again, who could’ve seen this coming?! I can’t believe that once more, I’m getting all hot and bothered at the thought of a swollen, groaning stomach noisily churning another person into bubbling sludge!

Some of my meals just don’t know when to give up. Its fine though, feels good inside me and all that effort means nothing for my appetite.

Protein and brotein, gotta grow by all means necessary even if it means putting my own teammates to good use. All that matters to me is that Im the biggest player and keep that title. Coach is gonna find out soon enough whats been happening to his players. Anyways, gotta put all these nutrients to good use, muscle milk and a whole teammate, Im sure this belly is gonna grow more and handle more meals.


Go on, tell me what you’d do to my gut

You know you wanna join my gut and be part of its mass


Bear+Bowser=Bearser, idk, just felt cute

Careful now, dont get too close to my belly. Im aware the size of my belly attracts prey, and they know what will happen.

I wonder when coach is gonna figure out what Ive been doing to the team. Ima keep this up for awhile so long as he keeps recruiting new players. More food for me I say. Part 2 soon

Tycario Ate Some Prey. [VORE]

Shawn’s Bountys Been Doubled. [VORE]

Slosh" Slorsh"

Very Stuffed Rigby. [VORE] (In Color)

FT Eaten By Tic Tock Crocodile. (VORE)

Cerin Enjoying His Wolfy. (VORE)

Lugiasune (VORE) Remastered Art

Big B’s Afternoon Snacks. (VORE)

“The Fox and The Rooster”. (VORE)
