#vote in november


This is not a surprise, and note, this is a DRAFT opinion (dated to February). But yes, it’s happening. And if they overturn something that’s been law for 50 years, be sure same-sex marriage and other rights are next up for axing.

If you live in the US, VOTE this November, dammit. I don’t care if you don’t like whoever is the Democratic candidate, or they’re not progressive enough for you. VOTE like your freedoms depend on it. Because they do.


i just want to say that while ruth bader ginsburg dying six weeks before the election is a nightmare and everything we all wished wouldn’t happen, rbg put up a herculean fight. for us. she pushed herself the way no human should, all to protect us, and i admire that. rest easy, ms ginsburg. we honor you. you did all that you could. we can’t ever ask or expect for more. and we won’t forget.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg did all she could to hang on long enough to have her seat filled by a president who will help continue her fight for justice and equality for women, LGBT+ people, and other marginalized groups. If we want to honor her legacy, we must do our part and vote in November. She did so much for us; do this for her.
