#us supreme court



Need everyone to understand that:

1) Supreme Court draft opinions do not leak. Ever. It is unknown and unprecedented. It just does not happen.

2) Supreme Court clerks are generally right-out-of-law-school graduates and if whoever did this gets caught they will never be allowed to practice law. No state bar is ever going to take them. Their legal career is done for. This person risked their entire future.

I hope the court can’t prove anything. May we never know their name. 



In between all of the Met Gala stuff, Roe v. Wade was overturned.

Addendum: this information is from a leaked draft of the decision. The case is still pending but it’s going to be overturned unless someone changes their mind before the decision is final.

Don’t dismiss this. Don’t let it get by you, don’t sleep on this. That’s what they count on. Get mad, stay mad. Make your voices heard at the ballot box.

Controversial Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas received harsh criticism on Saturday for his take on what is eroding trust in the nation’s highest court.

in light of recent political and legal developments lol (but also in all seriousness)…

link if you need it: [x]

Ruth Bader Ginsburg did not fight cancer four times, over the course of twenty years, for you to sit out or throw away your vote this November.

Vote Blue. Flip the Senate. Do it for her.


i just want to say that while ruth bader ginsburg dying six weeks before the election is a nightmare and everything we all wished wouldn’t happen, rbg put up a herculean fight. for us. she pushed herself the way no human should, all to protect us, and i admire that. rest easy, ms ginsburg. we honor you. you did all that you could. we can’t ever ask or expect for more. and we won’t forget.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg did all she could to hang on long enough to have her seat filled by a president who will help continue her fight for justice and equality for women, LGBT+ people, and other marginalized groups. If we want to honor her legacy, we must do our part and vote in November. She did so much for us; do this for her.

GBN’s Daily Drop (bonus): Celebrating U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson (LISTEN)

GBN’s Daily Drop (bonus): Celebrating U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson (LISTEN)

by Lori Lakin Hutcherson (@lakinhutcherson)
Today’s GBN Daily Drop podcast is a bonus episode about U.S Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, whose historic appointment this week can’t be celebrated enough.
To read about her, read on. To hear about her, press PLAY:

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Her confidence in the court has been rocked?

Join the club, hun, we’ve got jackets.

 February 24th 1803: Marbury v. MadisonOn this day in 1803, in the case Marbury v. Madison the US Su February 24th 1803: Marbury v. MadisonOn this day in 1803, in the case Marbury v. Madison the US Su

February 24th 1803: Marbury v. Madison

On this day in 1803, in the case Marbury v. Madison the US Supreme Court established the principle of judicial review and gave the Court the power to declare laws ‘unconstitutional’. The principle was outlined in the majority opinion by Chief Justice John Marshall, the words of which are inscribed on the wall of the Supreme Court building. The case arose when Justice of the Peace for District of Columbia William Marbury was not delivered his commission documents which officially granted his title. The Court would not force the then Secretary of State James Madison to deliver them, but held that the provision of the 1789 Judiciary Act allowing Marbury to bring his claim to the Court was itself unconstitutional as it extended the Court’s constitutional jurisdiction. On February 24th, the Court ruled unanimously to this effect. The decision gave the Supreme Court the power to interpret the constitution and strike down laws as ‘unconstitutional’. Since then, the Court have made many high-profile rulings branding things unconstitutional, including school segregation in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954), school prayer in Engel v. Vitale (1962) and teaching creationism in science lessons in Edwards v. Aguillard(1987).

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Congratulations to Justice Gorsuch on his Senate confirmation to serve as an Associate Justice of th

Congratulations to Justice Gorsuch on his Senate confirmation to serve as an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Last year, President Trump promised to nominate a conservative, rule-of-law judge with impeccable qualifications to serve on our nation’s highest court, and he delivered on that promise. Throughout the confirmation process, not even the staunchest liberal Democrats questioned Justice Gorsuch’s credentials, experience or qualifications, including receiving the highest possible ratings form the American Bar Association on his ability to serve. Nevertheless, partisan obstructionists like Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters used unprecedented and extremist measures in a vain attempt to block this incredible jurist from taking his rightful place on the Supreme Court.

We commend the Republican Senate leadership for taking responsible action to confirm Justice Gorsuch and turn back the Democratic temper tantrum that made a mockery out of this solemn duty. Citizens across Michigan wanted Justice Gorsuch on our nation’s highest court because of his allegiance to our Constitution and to the rule of law. President Trump and Senate Republicans delivered on this nomination and confirmation, and once again the Senate Democrats, including Stabenow and Peters, struck out. The winners in this process are the U.S. Constitution and the American people.


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Let Sen. Stabenow know that you want Judge Gorsuch confirmed at http://migop.org/confirm-gorsuch

Sen. Stabenow is doing everything she can to not hear what Michigan voters have to say, so we need to work extra hard. Here are some other ways to get her attention:
(202) 224-4822, Washington Office
(517) 203-1760, East Lansing Office
Visithttp://www.stabenow.senate.gov/contact or email [email protected]
Tweet @SenStabenow


Let’s also not forget the Supreme Court in 2014 decided that asking protesters at an abortion clinic or Planned Parenthood to keep a minimum 35 feet of distance from the door as a “buffer zone” was a bridge too far.

Make them uncomfortable. If women can’t have reasonable access to safety and privacy when making medical decisions then neither should they.
