
artseniccatnip: og trio audriam plusmore evil au crossover’s this time with @wandersong-brainrot‘s aartseniccatnip: og trio audriam plusmore evil au crossover’s this time with @wandersong-brainrot‘s a


og trio audriam plus

more evil au crossover’s this time with @wandersong-brainrot‘s au and pom not knowing how to handle such a pretty audrey (who is also super mean LOL)

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songwings: (Viridian) meant to sketch this, accidentally turned it into a whole piece in a hour so h


(Viridian) meant to sketch this, accidentally turned it into a whole piece in a hour so have evil lesbians (delphiswap audrey and wanderfell razzberry)

Image description: Audrey and Razzberry kissing each other in The Crater, a dance club. Audrey is running a hand through Raz’s hair, and they’re both embracing each other closely. They’re both blushing a lot with their eyes closed and seem to be enjoying making out.

Character descriptions:

Audrey, a woman with fair skin, black hair in the style of a bowlcut with shaven sides, and thick eyebrows. She’s wearing a crop top with sheer fabric sleeves that seem to wrap around her muscles and some black pants.

Razzberry, a long-nosed woman with pale pinkish skin, blue hair and eyebrows. She’s wearing a black witch hat with an elegant, strapless black dress and gloves that go up to her elbows. There are even magical blue fires coming from her hat and the corners of her long dress.

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the way i’ll never be normal about this character ( @wandersong-brainrot’s timekeeper)

the way i’ll never be normal about this character 

(@wandersong-brainrot’s timekeeper)

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alternate future wanderfell designs where they do NOT have kids 

alternate future wanderfell designs where they do NOT have kids 

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futurefell… (they are older !!)

plus one with their human + demigod kids they had with @wandersong-brainrot s character, timekeeper

songwings:(Kyka) runs your dragonfruit ragged @artseniccatnipImage description: The good version of songwings:(Kyka) runs your dragonfruit ragged @artseniccatnipImage description: The good version of


(Kyka) runs your dragonfruit ragged @artseniccatnip

Image description: The good version of Audrey, also known as Dragonfruit, drawn in the Wandersong sprite style, holding a sword. In the second image, she looks VERY tired, and her hair is messy.

(I think I’m going to try to simplify our image descriptions in the future, also I’m about as tired as Rags right now haha)

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