#warning post


so be prepared for a bunch of posts about him. I love his voice. I think he’s got incredible integrity. And well… being a 6'6" cowboy he’s definitely got my attention. ;)


Davis (AKA “Samsy”), going under the usernames @/transfeminine on deviantart and now @/bendy on buzzly.art, along with her girlfriend, are child abusers. You can view the full callout here.

Over the last year or so, she’s been trying to avoid any sites were people know what she and her girlfriend did (tumblr, twitter, etc), and weasel her way into the LGBT flag/stamp making communities on deviantart and buzzly.art. Davis is even still interacting with minors(as seen here),despite her and her girlfriends past behavior.

‼️ Do not use her edits, block and report her accounts immediately, and warn others about her behavior! ‼️

(This is a new, shortened version of an older post, because I want people to be able to see the main stuff without having to scroll through a very long, now outdated post. For those who’re still interested, here’s a link to the original post,testimony from a survivor of Kath and Davis’s abuse, and a debunking of the rumor that Davis based her nonbinary lesbian flag off the MAP “pride” flag.)


The following is a Google Document detailing what Kath (formerly @/aliceangels) and Davis (now known as Sammy/Samsy, @/devilic) have done over the past few years. During this time, Kath had been invalidating and even mocking a young teen’s triggers and boundaries, culminating in Kath publicly calling out said teen and further disrespecting and bullying him. Davis, while appearing to try and apologize for Kath’s actions, nothing constructive ever came of it despite saying that Kath was being abusive to a child, and they remain together today. The two of them also outed the teen to his abusive parents and called CPS about events going on at the teens home, against the wishes of said teen, leading to more abuse that home.

Alongside this, Davis and Kath ran a heavily manipulative environment where they controlled who could watch, say, or do anything that they approved of. In doing this, not only were they extremely hypocritical in what they banned, their actions were nearly impossible to criticize due to how their environment led one to become dependent on them, letting Kath and Davis’s unacceptable actions never be resolved. Nearly all of these “friends” of Davis and Kath were teens, or young adults who met Davis and Kath as teens.

Davis is the creator of the pink and yellow nonbinary lesbian flag, as pictured below. Currently, she is trying to move into the LGBT flag creation scene on Twitter and DeviantART.


This document was written and overseen by various people, all of us victims to Kath and Davis’s manipulation. The point of this document and blog is not harassment, nor do we condone any harassment upon these individuals. This blog and document does not violate Tumblr guidelines. We recommend anyone who used to be mutuals with these two, or anyone who has used this flag, to read this.
