#watership down

glumshoe:Man I made this as a joke but I keep coming back to it and going “this is cool as hell actuglumshoe:Man I made this as a joke but I keep coming back to it and going “this is cool as hell actuglumshoe:Man I made this as a joke but I keep coming back to it and going “this is cool as hell actuglumshoe:Man I made this as a joke but I keep coming back to it and going “this is cool as hell actu


Man I made this as a joke but I keep coming back to it and going “this is cool as hell actually”. I rescind my irony.

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owsalfa:“Fight scene” storyboards by Jakob Fogedowsalfa:“Fight scene” storyboards by Jakob Fogedowsalfa:“Fight scene” storyboards by Jakob Fogedowsalfa:“Fight scene” storyboards by Jakob Fogedowsalfa:“Fight scene” storyboards by Jakob Fogedowsalfa:“Fight scene” storyboards by Jakob Foged


“Fight scene” storyboards by Jakob Foged

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Hi, I am still alive! Somehow. I had a crazy summer and now I am back at university.

Sadly around a month ago my good old laptop died, so I had to say goodbye to photoshop. If you like my traditional stuff, I am on Instagram as Imbirart

aspenceart:“You must understand, El-ahrairah, that I have no wish to make you suffer.  I am not one


“You must understand, El-ahrairah, that I have no wish to make you suffer.  I am not one of the thousand.  I repeat, you may stay or leave as you please.  But if you are going to remain, perhaps you would care to hear a story; and to tell one yourself, if you like.” -Watership Down, El-ahrairah and the Black Rabbit of Inle

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El-Ahrairah piece I think I’m not going to finish out. Had a lot of fun with it conceptually and mak

El-Ahrairah piece I think I’m not going to finish out. Had a lot of fun with it conceptually and making the wolf forms but I’ve been losing enthusiasm for it and having trouble with getting the cohesion I want. I’ll probably take another stab at a different composition of this eventually though. I’ve wanted to do a nice “Prince of a Thousand” piece for a while. 

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Chainmail for rabbits in iron, sterling silver, jute fabric, and canvas fabric. One of my master’s theses has since also been shown at the National Museum’s exhibition “Konceptdesign”.

el ahrairah is donefucking around

some recent sketches from my instagram (@steendraws) where i’m doing the 100 day project as a way tosome recent sketches from my instagram (@steendraws) where i’m doing the 100 day project as a way tosome recent sketches from my instagram (@steendraws) where i’m doing the 100 day project as a way tosome recent sketches from my instagram (@steendraws) where i’m doing the 100 day project as a way tosome recent sketches from my instagram (@steendraws) where i’m doing the 100 day project as a way tosome recent sketches from my instagram (@steendraws) where i’m doing the 100 day project as a way tosome recent sketches from my instagram (@steendraws) where i’m doing the 100 day project as a way tosome recent sketches from my instagram (@steendraws) where i’m doing the 100 day project as a way tosome recent sketches from my instagram (@steendraws) where i’m doing the 100 day project as a way to

some recent sketches from my instagram (@steendraws) where i’m doing the 100 day project as a way to force myself back into drawing more regularly.  a little over halfway done now!

various mediums & sizes

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steendraws: “The last bridge will fall behind you and the last lights will go out, followed by the s


“The last bridge will fall behind you and the last lights will go out, followed by the sun, the moon and the stars; and still you will have to go on.” - Watership Down by Richard Adams

ink and digital

(I’m in a very transitionary period with my work, hence the radio silence!  If you like this, consider following my on instagram!  Same handle!  @steendraws)

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“The last bridge will fall behind you and the last lights will go out, followed by the sun, the moon

“The last bridge will fall behind you and the last lights will go out, followed by the sun, the moon and the stars; and still you will have to go on.” - Watership Down by Richard Adams

ink and digital

(I’m in a very transitionary period with my work, hence the radio silence!  If you like this, consider following my on instagram!  Same handle!  @steendraws)

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A black-and-white two-page spread illustration depicting a quote from Watership Down, with the text overlaid on top of the drawing. Quote reads as follows: "All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed." The drawing depicts a large swarm of rabbits encroaching on one rabbit in the center of the left page, which is silhouetted against a white circle with rays of light emanating off of it. All the rabbits are drawn in white line against the black background. The swarming rabbits have feral, snarling expressions and are all staring at the rabbit in the center. The rabbit in the center is in an alert pose and has wide eyes staring at the reader.
Same image as the first, cropped to the left page.
Same image as the first, cropped to the right page.

school assignment, making a storybook illustration for a quote. i chose watership down.

composite photo of the Black Rabbit of Inlé.[image description: Three rabbits (hares?) in a field of

composite photo of the Black Rabbit of Inlé.

[image description: Three rabbits (hares?) in a field of clover, maybe. The colors are completely unsaturated such that the rabbits look like black silhouettes on a grainy whitish field. The rabbit on the left is in mid-stride, facing left. The rabbit int he center is sitting facing the camera. The rabbit on the right is sitting facing left. /end description]

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I think conlangs are cool as a concept but I also feel that an author has to earn the right to inflict them upon me. Subjecting me to your fake language is an intimate act and I expect to be wooed first by quality writing and immersive worldbuilding.

Oh, the “silflay hraka u embleer hrair” payoff

I misquoted, it’s “u embleer rah” and it’s from Watership Down. The author went to a lot of trouble for the payoff so I won’t spoil it

Can someone spoil it please I don’t have the time or energy to read much for leisure anymore and I hate getting left out of jokes

it isn’t so much of a joke but I get this!

- watership down is a book about rabbits. Their fictional language is called Lapine.

- in the book the language is revealed one word at a time with context and footnotes. It is reinforced much as one would teach a language, and the reader picks it up naturally. Different contexts and nuance are noted, like how rabbits can only found to four due to having four toes, so five-plus numbers are bundled into a word that can mean”five” or “a thousand”

- this sentence is the only one in the book entirely in Lapine and has no translation. At the point of reading it, the reader understands it.

- silflay = graze/grazing time , hraka = inedible droppings, embleer= fox musk, rah = leader.

- at a climactic scene, there is a scene where the terribly vulnerable protagonist rabbits are hiding in a burrow under siege by a horrifying fascist rabbit army. Their last, badly wounded fighter rabbit has wedged himself into the only entrance, and is defending it with surprising effectiveness. The vulnerable rabbits are variously disabled, mentally ill, injured and generally preparing for an inevitable ghastly death. The army is going into the narrow tunnel one by one to attack the fighter, but it’s a weirdly creepy situation, and they realise that when they do kill him, his corpse will prevent them from getting to the burrow anyway. A strange dread is coming over them. The terrifying fascist leader suggests that the fighter just come out and be torn to pieces quickly rather than slowly. The fighter rabbit replies, “silflay hraka U embleer rah,” the only Lapine sentence in the book, with no translation provided. The reader simultaneously understands it at once, knows that in this context it means “eat shit and die you bastard” - this feels quite daring for children, and their parents will never know because it’s in a secret language! - and it has one of those tolkienesque hope/horror feelings that wouldn’t have come through the same way in the reader’s own language.

- the rabbit in question is a very irritating himbo and this is a legendary moment where his deeply annoying character traits and development transcend him as a person. The defiance, the wilfulness of “tear me to pieces slowly; I hope you choke. My dead body will only be an inconvenience to you on your way to murder my friends; but I hope it’s deeply annoying” is quite resonant. He’s been a jerk to the protagonists for the whole book, and then he goes and DOES THIS for them. Adams set it up well! Tragic defiance from a jock!

- although this all sounds like one of those warrior cat books, it’s considered a classic piece of literature and widely read outside of the usual children’s genre, because the greater themes of tyranny/justice, state violence, refugees/home-building are considered to be well-handled. And there are some situations where built-up, epic, pointless tragic defiance hit well.

Conlang privileges granted to one (1) rabbit.

ghost-wyvern:DEATH‘”Bargains, bargains, El-ahrairah,” he said. “There is not a day or a night but a



‘”Bargains, bargains, El-ahrairah,” he said. “There is not a day or a night but a doe offers her life for her kittens, or some honest captain of Owsla his life for his Chief Rabbit’s. Sometimes it is taken, sometimes it is not. But there is no bargain, for here, what is, is what must be.”

- Watership Down, by Richard Adams

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This is my investigation drawing for my expressive art project.
