#wax print


African Fashion Manufacturing in Nigeria – From Lawyer to Factory Founder

Fashion Manufacturing in Africa was the driver of me starting my business in 2010. And why I have evolved my business to become your best resource for sourcing fashion production and textiles in Africa.

In this weeks Fashion Africa Voices series Lawyer turned Factory founder Abisade Adenubi of “Heritage Apparels” (www.heritageapparels.com) shares how complex and in-depth BUT how equally rewarding…

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theFAMILY – Rebuilding African Communities by Building African Businesses


End of 2019 in our membership club The F.A.Mily we had our weekly session (happens every Wednesday) I tasked everyone to send to me their plan for their business for he next 6 months. Can you believe Saturday marks the beginning of february already! So i had the members planning ahead and reviewed these goals and we check back in over the next 6 months.

After the meeting…

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That’s Right…The Fashion Gurus are Dead Wrong!

So many gurus say it is impossible to source textiles in Africa, that you cannot make quality fashion there, that its unreliable and people only want to rip you off.

NOW with the influx of people travelling to Africa last year and getting “inspired” and seeing “opportunity”… YES you can open up yourself to opportunists and why I do encourage you to travel to Africa with us on our Fashion Africa…

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Always wondered what it is like actually INSIDE a waxprint african print printhouse IN Africa! Then watch this video here ≥≥ https://youtu.be/vZjNYGD–0c
The full video over on my YouTube channel highlights companies we have visited and work with in our # Sourcing Agency theF.A.T.E. of our company, Africa Fashion Guide Ltd see @fashionafricatradeexpo
New sourcing website launched 2021!
If you are…

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So why is GHANA a great place for production right now?


Welcome again to our newsletter series on Ghana sourcing!

This is week one and for three more weeks I will be sending to those on my email weekly to highlight the opportunity of Ghana to you as a location to set up your Fashion Made in Africa (FMIA) business.So lets go! Sign up for more highlights.

Firstly WHY Ghana?

So why is GHANA a great place for production right…

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What a story! Ten years doing  business in Africa 9/9 2011 marked the beginning, the birthing, the building of Africa Fashion Guide.

Why I recognise that my African fashion business hit a milestone yesterday and turned 10, I see also that this has been a journey of exploration of Africa, of self and great learnings, of sharing of support of pushing the bar. Of narrative changing, of pioneering,…

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“The best decision ever!” – FASHION AFRICA VOICES

“I quit my corporate job for African fashion”and “The best decision ever!” In this weeks Fashion Africa Voices series we look at the story of Toronto based Designer Catherine Addai of the print infused brand Kaela Kay, who went against the odds to leave her well paid corporate job to pursue her vision and literally to SET UP SHOP for her AFRICAN PRINT FASHION BUSINESS. She went on to share the…

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How one Tweet connected me to a Hollywood Actress

Did I ever tell you the story of how Actress Rosario Dawson and her business partner spoke at one of my Fashion Africa Conferences I host annually in London? We initially connected on twitter– a platform where i have over 14000 followers She had liked commented on my tweet I responded back and sent a DM I requested to interview her regarding her relatively new business Studio One Eighty Nine…

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LeFocusMode d'aujourd'hui est une marque de vêtements qui mérite notre attention: il s'agit de la marque Dao London.

Créée par Paule-Carine Dao, une jeune londonienne, Dao London est l'emblême même du chic, de l’élégance et de l’originalité.


Paule-Carine nous le dit elle-même “Je crée des vêtements qui révèlent ma personnalité afro-centrée et mon admiration pour les tissus africains”. Comme on peut le voir, ses créations ont pour but de mélanger les tissus africains en les incorporant dans des vêtements et coupes du type occidental. Elle tient ici à nous montrer la diversité culturelle dont elle est issue, avec les supports textiles de par ses origines africaines ainsi que les vêtements qu'elle achète et porte à Londres.


Mes vêtements sont faits pour les jeunes femmes qui aiment se distinguer, être uniques et qui aiment les imprimés également”, précise notre designer.


Il est vrai que ce qu'elle nous propose ne manquent pas de couleurs. On retrouve dedans toute la gaieté du wax. “Les imprimés sont incroyables et les couleurs semblent magnifiques quand ils sont portés en été”.


On sait donc quoi faire pour avoir l'été le plus stylé de cette décennie: on commande chez Dao London!
