#week four hugs



It’s the end of @forduary - boy did it go fast! It’s been so fun and SO great to see everyone’s awesome work!

For Week Four, Hugs/Hug It Out, I lovingly ripped off an old Scottish legend. I hope you enjoy!

After Ford and Stan have a fight, Stan disappears. But when Ford finally finds him, it will take a little bit more than giving a hug and making up to get him back… Or maybe that’s exactly what it will take.

“I’m tellin’ you Ford, she was gorgeous,” Stan sighed as the brothers hiked through the autumn woods of Scotland.

“What was she doing talking to you?” Ford ribbed him good naturedly.

“Ha ha,” Stan answered dryly. “Anyway, then she brought me our food, and you know what she said?”

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cbmagus49:FORDUARY WEEK 4: HUG IT OUTI made this comic ages ago but it fit the theme so well that I



I made this comic ages ago but it fit the theme so well that I just had to redraw it for week 4. I figured a redraw would be relatively quick and easy.

…It was not. T^T

This takes place during Stan’s recovery post-Weirdmageddon. After several days of working to get his memories back, Stan starts to remember his and Ford’s complicated history. Ford is obviously deeply apologetic and tries to reconcile, but he’s also fully prepared for Stan to hate him for what happened between the two of them. Lucky for him, this is Stanley we’re talking about. He was always gonna forgive him; all he ever wanted was his brother back.

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koraesdoodles: @forduary Week 4: Hug it out The first time Ford found Stan curled up on his bed with


@forduary Week 4: Hug it out

The first time Ford found Stan curled up on his bed with the blanket pulled over his head they’d been six years old. Stan had gotten into the new books Ford had received for Christmas and accidentally spilled paint all over them. Ford was furious, and didn’t talk to Stan for three days. Then he’d walked into their room and found Stan in a ball sobbing his little eyes out. 

Ford sat on the bed hesitantly, looking at the floor while his brother pretended that he didn’t know Ford was there. Eventually, Stan peeked over the blanket and Ford began to talk. 

“I’m still mad.” 

“– I didn’t – !” 

“I’m still mad.” He reached out hesitantly then abandoned caution and threw his arms around his brother. “I really liked those books.” To his horror, tears started to roll down Ford’s cheeks. Hiccup’s caught his breath and it felt like he couldn’t breathe. “I can be mad!” Stan held him while he cried. 

Ford forgave him a day later. 

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@forduary week 4: Hugs

I’ll never let you go

Greatly inspired by this drawingby@annakitsun3
