#weird face


iPad doodles and doodles on top of those doodles. One may or may not be part of my Inktober drawings. I haven’t really decided how I’m doing things this year or if I’ll even do all of them. Hope everyone else is prepared more than I am this year.

weird face
03/11/2022 The WORD has SPOKEN??!JOKE-OGRAPHY:As seen in the previous comics, John’s hubris


The WORD has SPOKEN??!

As seen in the previous comics, John’s hubris has gotten him tossed about and dragged underwater by the storm he asked for.  In my comics, Jesus hasn’t found out how to turn off His walking-on-water superpower, so He can only watch as His cousin drowns.  As He becomes more and more desperate, the storm above annoys Him enough to make Him order it to be quiet.  The storm obeys, and Jesus remembers He’s God, which means all of nature has to obey Him.  Finally, He realizes that, if He tells the water to let Him in, it HAS to let Him in.  What a simple solution!  The power was inside Him all along!  Turns out the real walking on water was the friends we drowned along the way!

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