#weird flex but ok


Always a work in progress…but fucking hell smile

more, me

please tell me i’m not the only one that gets Racist Vibes from anyone who shits on ray toro….






BFF’s hanging out having a good time.

The most dangerous being in the universe hanging out with Sethoroth or however you spell his name.

Can’t get over Kirby’s little clap at the end. He’s such a supportive friend.

I’m sorry but did the season finale of Hakweye really include Clint saying “weird flex but okay”?

It’s crazy to think that the last time I logged into this account I was suffering through the lowest point of my life so far. It’s even crazier to realise that all those motivational posts that said ‘everything will get better’ were right.

I broke off from that toxic friend. I stopped ignoring my health and I finally got help. I started drinking more water. I met a girl who changed my life and taught me to love myself. I started leaving the house more often. I found a job and started earning money. I graduated. I dyed my hair. I got my license. I embraced my sexuality. I started smiling at my reflection in the mirror.

I feel like a completely new person, and I could not be more grateful for the life that I have right now. If you’re reading this and find yourself in the same place that I did last year, please hear me. Reach out. Get help. Focus on yourself. Find the negative in your life and cut that shit out. It’s your life, live it however you want.
