#wes gibbins

herchnsns:I was thinking we could send The Puppy. | | Hair Gel’s got ice in his veins. | | Douchefherchnsns:I was thinking we could send The Puppy. | | Hair Gel’s got ice in his veins. | | Douchefherchnsns:I was thinking we could send The Puppy. | | Hair Gel’s got ice in his veins. | | Douchefherchnsns:I was thinking we could send The Puppy. | | Hair Gel’s got ice in his veins. | | Douchefherchnsns:I was thinking we could send The Puppy. | | Hair Gel’s got ice in his veins. | | Douchef


I was thinking we could send The Puppy. | | Hair Gel’s got ice in his veins. | | Doucheface is too dumb to care. | | Wallflower’s pretty sensitive. | | My bet’s on Prom Queen.

Post link

How to get away with murder enneagram !

1w9- Bonnie Winterbottom

1w2- Emily Sinclair

2w1- Laurel Castillo

2w3- Sam Keating

3w2- Eve Rothlo

3w4- Michaela Pratt

4w3- Tegan Price

4w5- Rebecca Sutter

5w4- Hannah Keating

5w6- Jorge Castillo (can see him as a 3w2 also)

6w5- Nate Lahey

6w7- Oliver Hampton

7w6- Asher Millstone

7w8- Gabriel Maddox

8w7- Connor Walsh

8w9- Annalise Keating

9w8- Frank Delfino

9w1- Wes Gibbins

I’m back ! Took a summer vacay lolol

Enjoy (;

Wes is the baby boy Annalise’s mother made her put up for adoption after she got pregnant from her rapist uncle.

Edit to add: Also there were complications during pregnancy and/or labour and that’s why Anna Mae has difficulties conceiving again.

