#police au


from enemies to lovers + police au

(made for russian fic My partner is CRAZY)

Evelyn Dufort

  • 30 something
  • Badass detective you don’t wanna mess with, target practice record holder
  • Don’t disturb her on her smoking breaks. Just don’t.
  • The ‘bad cop’ in interrogations. Is so convinving that the perp would rather be in jail than be in the same room with her
  • Workaholic, high functioning alcoholic, picky about her coffee, claims to hate children but will die for them
  • A softie on the inside. Will probably send a birthday gift anonymously
  • Has more layers than an onion

She had always been strong and he understood that, in some days, she just needed someone to catch her and, maybe, kiss her pain away.

Evie and Alec (OCs by me and @fabulanova-ffxv) in Police AU
