#what a day


My divine feminine energy is popping off on this beautiful international womens day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

man my boss is so supportive of me but he puts his excitement in totally incorrect areas of what he knows about me. i told him i had my heart completely broken this week and he went “!!!! WAIT YOU LIKED SOMEONE??” and i was like “y-….yeah, but they dont want to be with me..??” and hes like “awwWW I KNEW YOU’D LIKE SOMEONE SOON ENOUGH!!! YOU DID IT!!” and i was just ?????? I’VE BEEN CRYING FOR LIKE THREE DAYS WHY ARE YOU CELEBRATING THAT I WAS TOTALLY REJECTED?? and hes just very sweet but keeps saying like ‘don’t worry just be patient they’ll come around!!” and i get that means well but boy howdy does it stink to shit to be reminded that i ‘like’ a person about once a decade so its incredibly rare but when it gets ‘real feelings time’ for me it ALWAYS ends with me sad boy crying like a lil bitch bcuz i wasnt the prettiest pickle at the farmers market once again kjhgkjhgkjgh also implying its just a wiating game bcuz him and his wife were friends for like 11 years both with boyfriends and girlfriends which they both ended up giving up for each other JUST MIRACULOUSLY ONE DAY. LIKE THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS AT ALL FOR THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE im so tired im just gonna try being really super hot instead




Everyday schedule

Sorry if you guys are sick of me and that pride post. i lost like 10 followers but gained about 15.

i very much enjoy reading peoples stories and takes in the notes, you are right, the question is nuanced, and the answer is too. all i know for sure is that we keep fighting however we can.

you’ll see less about it now, cuz i think ive said all ive wanted to. I’ll tag anything more as “bb unpopular opinion” if you are looking to block.

love yall, bb


I fucking love how Our Flag Means death has explicit, unabashed queer romance and character but ALSO has wall-to-wall metaphors and symbolism. We can have the kiss but we can ALSO read into the colors of wardrobes and whether a character wears gloves or not. We can read into the metaphor of Stede’s secret closet and letting Ed in, and ALSO have a fully fleshed-out storyline about a gay man in a loveless marriage telling his wife “his name is Ed.” We have the red silk scene in the moonlight, of gently handling a bit of cloth to represent a heart, and we have “what makes Ed happy is…you.”

We get all the subtle details of brief touches and meaningful glances, but not instead of explicit queerness—it’s that the unabashedly queer characters and story deserve that level of build-up and poetry.



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Happy Josh Fight Day!!!


happy you cant make a tomlette without breaking some greggs day to those who celebrate

Aaaaand we’re back online!

Prompting for Artists and Podficcers has reopened just now!

Visit the prompts for art here!

And for podfics here!

You can find our claiming form here!

Claiming will remain open until May 31st.

For everyone who already claimed: happy creating!
