#bb speaks


I swear to god I get off the plane to my boss calling me, on a day that I’m on vacation, with a problem he can easily fix without me. This after he informed I’m not getting promoted, and he has a nerve to try to call me out for being short with him.

Fuck him and fuck my job. I need to quit.

Story updates Jun, 05, 2022


Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea


Sing Me a Song, Piano Man - Minor hiatus

Wrecking Balls 2 - Complete, editing in hiatus

Unposted WIPS:

Poor Tim - Batman a/b/o fic

Odd O Out - stuckony a/b/o with intersex themes

Devil 2 (Name will change) - Next story in Who Prays verse (currently working on)

Intruders - Stucky modern AU fic

Geralt’s a single Dad fic - geralt/jaskier. needs a better title

Vampires - vampires

I paid off a credit card!

Sorry if you guys are sick of me and that pride post. i lost like 10 followers but gained about 15.

i very much enjoy reading peoples stories and takes in the notes, you are right, the question is nuanced, and the answer is too. all i know for sure is that we keep fighting however we can.

you’ll see less about it now, cuz i think ive said all ive wanted to. I’ll tag anything more as “bb unpopular opinion” if you are looking to block.

love yall, bb
