#wheel of time




WoT Book Fans be like: *tormented by the knowledge of impending bug cowboys*


I still can’t that during the parade with the False Dragon Liandrin was hit with a radish and they DIDN’T SHOW THAT.


it’s LITERALLY going to be Lews Therin Thursday tomorrow



WOT FIC: Snow and Blood (Something Impossible) [Rand, Moiraine, 1.4k)

Snow and Blood (Something Impossible): Rand, Moiraine, gen

(A missing conversation from 1x07; spoilers for the show thus far)

Rand paused outside Moiraine’s door.

For the tenth time—or perhaps the twentieth, the fiftieth—he considered running away from all of this. If he found a horse, he could be leagues from Fal Dara before sunrise. Whatever the voices said, there had to be somewhere he could go, somewhere without cities or people or Aes Sedai. The thought of leaving Egwene had his stomach in knots, but the Eye would be dangerous. He was dangerous.

He’d seen a map of the Westlands once, stacked among the books on Padan Fain’s cart. There had been so many blank spaces, places he could hide until—

Until the dreams came again, or a Fade found him as he slept. Until another Darkfriend tried to put a knife between his ribs.

Or until I go mad.

[Read @ AO3]

WOT FIC: Snow and Blood (Something Impossible) [Rand, Moiraine, 1.4k)

Snow and Blood (Something Impossible): Rand, Moiraine, gen

(A missing conversation from 1x07; spoilers for the show thus far)

Rand paused outside Moiraine’s door.

For the tenth time—or perhaps the twentieth, the fiftieth—he considered running away from all of this. If he found a horse, he could be leagues from Fal Dara before sunrise. Whatever the voices said, there had to be somewhere he could go, somewhere without cities or people or Aes Sedai. The thought of leaving Egwene had his stomach in knots, but the Eye would be dangerous. He was dangerous.

He’d seen a map of the Westlands once, stacked among the books on Padan Fain’s cart. There had been so many blank spaces, places he could hide until—

Until the dreams came again, or a Fade found him as he slept. Until another Darkfriend tried to put a knife between his ribs.

Or until I go mad.

[Read @ AO3]



What’s this gleeman doing with us? First time we met him, he stole our money. We sorted that out.

THEWHEELOFTIME, 1.04 ‘The Dragon Reborn’


Absolutely obsessed with the darkfriend in episode three who was like “I AM here to turn you into the Dark One but I DON’T want to make assumptions about your sexuality. Here take some time to figure things out with your boyfriend if that’s what he is before I betray you” we love an ally


Rand: Why does everyone keep assuming we’re a couple?

Mat, sitting in Rand’s lap: Beats me.

birgittesilverbae:1x06 the flame of tar valon + reductress headlinesbirgittesilverbae:1x06 the flame of tar valon + reductress headlinesbirgittesilverbae:1x06 the flame of tar valon + reductress headlinesbirgittesilverbae:1x06 the flame of tar valon + reductress headlinesbirgittesilverbae:1x06 the flame of tar valon + reductress headlinesbirgittesilverbae:1x06 the flame of tar valon + reductress headlinesbirgittesilverbae:1x06 the flame of tar valon + reductress headlinesbirgittesilverbae:1x06 the flame of tar valon + reductress headlinesbirgittesilverbae:1x06 the flame of tar valon + reductress headlinesbirgittesilverbae:1x06 the flame of tar valon + reductress headlines


1x06 the flame of tar valon + reductress headlines

Post link

Perrin: *gets cranky about being called Lord*

Faile: oh no my husband is hangry

Faile: someone give that wolf a banana

“Make up a guy” tweets and Wheel of Time characters

wheel of time

commission for my friend of her Wheel of Time OC!


i finished reading the wheel of time so of course the first thing i do is make an OC

