#liandrin guirale


Moiraine:I know you hate me, Liandrin,


Liandrin: Wait, what? Why do you think I

hate you?

Moiraine: You always clam up when I

enter the room and you’re always

watching me and you never want to hang

out with me and you get all tense

whenever I walk close to you and you

won’t talk to me in full sentences and

oh, yep, I hear it now, oh my!, you have

a crush on me, that’s adorable-


I still can’t that during the parade with the False Dragon Liandrin was hit with a radish and they DIDN’T SHOW THAT.

A picture of Moiraine and Alanna taking tea on a balcony, with a decorative balcony railing of honeycomb pattern behind them. Moiraine looks tired and has bags under her eyes as if someone had kept her up at night. She's drinking tea and has the kesiera on her forehead. She has on a light blue shirt and dark blue pants. She has light skin and brown hair. Alanna is sitting next to her. Alanna has dark skin, brown hair, she has an outfit of green with gold decorations at the shoulders and a gold belt cinching her waist. She's looking a little clueless. Moiraine is saying "Yes, the Amyrlin gave me quite a tongue-lashing last night."ALT
A pan-out of the previous panel shows that Moiraine and Alanna are not alone. Within hearing range is Liandrin, who is sitting behind them and is turning around to look at Moiraine with a scandalized and suspicious expression. Behind them, resting her hands on the railing and looking out into the streets below, is Siuan and she looks a little exasperated. moiraine is drinking her tea, looking satisfied. Alanna is looking to the left as if very confused over what she just heard.ALT

i like to console myself by thinking moiraine got to troll the aes sedai before she got herself exiled

[lan voice] that’s my contractually obligated platonic wife who i love very much.

i never read the wheel of time books (probs for the best) so im living vicariously through mutuals who did and seem to be having the best time with the show


[lan voice] that’s my contractually obligated platonic wife who i love very much.

i never read the wheel of time books (probs for the best) so im living vicariously through mutuals who did and seem to be having the best time with the show

Kate Fleetwood as Liandrin Guirale in The Wheel of Time (x3)Kate Fleetwood as Liandrin Guirale in The Wheel of Time (x3)Kate Fleetwood as Liandrin Guirale in The Wheel of Time (x3)

Kate Fleetwood as Liandrin Guirale in The Wheel of Time(x3)

Post link


WHEEL OF TIME | 1x05 “Blood Calls Blood


I kind of want to see the scene where Liandrin gets hit by a turnip now.

️️ Light a candle to manifest a “Liandrin gets hit by a stray vegetable” scene ️️

WoT AU called Aes Sedai High, any takers?

Also, somebody says “SHE DOESN’T EVEN GO HERE!!!” ALSO!!! where can I enroll?
