#wheel of time on prime

ihadafriendonce: reblog if you would do literally anything for rand’s mom even if she’s more capableihadafriendonce: reblog if you would do literally anything for rand’s mom even if she’s more capableihadafriendonce: reblog if you would do literally anything for rand’s mom even if she’s more capableihadafriendonce: reblog if you would do literally anything for rand’s mom even if she’s more capableihadafriendonce: reblog if you would do literally anything for rand’s mom even if she’s more capable


reblog if you would do literally anything for rand’s mom even if she’s more capable than you in like 891 different ways (at least)

This scene was the absolute shit. Maidens of the Spear FTW

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However terrible things are- and they are bad don’t get me wrong-I do periodically get to remind myself that WoT is being adapted with love and care and devotion, the fandom is thriving like it never has before, and some measure of the hope and joy and comfort I felt first reading this series in middle school is mine again.

Their is something so healingabout knowing that more people are enjoying this story then ever have before, are also stepping into this world where things are flawed and broken and hurting, but where everything will eventually be alright, where fate moves relentlessly forward not disregarding our choices but weaving them into it’s grand design, for weal or woe.

But their’s also something else too. I talk sometimes about how, since WoT has been with me so long I use it as a gauge of my personal growth, measuring how my views and understanding of the text have evolved as I’ve re-read the series again and again over the years. But looking at the way others have evolved in how they experience it, how others have grown over the years of re-reading the series has made me realize in what a better place we are culturally. So many more people see Rand’s pain and his sorrow and his struggles with mental health and instead of dismissing scorning or mocking him, they empathize with and extend grace and compassion to him. So many more people see the depth and complexity of characters once reduced to one note traits, and the underlying potential for queer representation in the themes and elements that always their just under the surface, whispering to kids like me.

As the world grows harder and more scary and more uncertain I find myself thinking more and more about the spirit that defines the Wheel of Time: the wheel turns, ages come and pass leaving memories that fade to legend, legend that fades to myth. All that is is destined to depart and fade away. All that was is destined to one day come again reborn and reshaped and rewritten. What will be is meant to be terrifying and unknown and uncertain. We where made for this. We where made for struggle and strife and endless change and imperfection and love.

All is as it was meant to be. The Wheel weaves as the wheel wills.

“Make up a guy” tweets and Wheel of Time characters

Hello! Welcome to my WoT World Tour! I’m trying to reread New Spring, EotW, and tGH before November

Hello! Welcome to my WoT World Tour! I’m trying to reread New Spring, EotW, and tGH before November 19th, and I’m going to draw travel posters in somewhat chronological order as I go along. We have to start off with Tar Valon, as seen in the show that really exists now!!!

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“We fight every night for something

When the sun sets, we’re both the same…”
