#egwene alvere


egwene just looked mat dead in the eye and informed him that he’s a simp for rand

so we’re all predicting that mat and the girls will be at the white tower at the beginning of s2 and that the caemlyn crew will also be introduced there, SO the ideal introduction for galad would be to have egwene, nynaeve, and mat going for a stroll around the white tower grounds, they come across warders training, cut to extremely sexy shot of galad swordfighting (slow motion optional), cut back to egwene and nynaeve AND mat all drooling

[all standing around the broken coffee maker]

aviendha: so. who broke it? i’m not mad, i just want to know.

rand: i did. i broke it.

aviendha: no. no you didn’t. mat?

mat: don’t look at me. look at perrin.

perrin: what?! i didn’t break it.

mat: huh, that’s weird. how’d you even know it was broken?

perrin: because it’s sitting right in front of us and it’s broken.


perrin: no it’s not!

egwene: if it matters, probably not, but elayne was the last one to use it.

elayne: liar! i don’t even drink that crap!

egwene: oh really? then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?

elayne: i use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. everyone knows that, egwene!

rand: okay, let’s not fight. i broke it, let me pay for it.

aviendha: no! who broke it?!

perrin: aviendha…nynaeve’s been awfully quiet.


perrin: yeah, really!

nynaeve: OH MY GOD-

[everyone starts arguing]

aviendha, later: i broke it. it burned my hand so i punched it. i predict ten minutes from now they’ll be at each other’s throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. good. it was getting a little chummy around here.

Moiraine: oh..hello everyone

Everyone: hi


Moiraine: I gave you the key for emergencies

Rand: we were out of Doritos

When you have to babysit a bunch of very annoying ta'veren


you know what my favorite Mat “I’m no bloody hero” Cauthon scene is? It isn’t the scene in which he stands up to bullies and acquires a child. It isn’t any scene in which he wonders why his Accidental Baby Acquisition suddenly gained all these bad habits that most certainly have nothing to do with him. It isn’t any scene in which he and Nynaeve bicker like siblings. It isn’t his first ever appearance with Rand nor his last with Padan Fain. It isn’t even any of the other scenes in which he does something epic by sheer chance (or even on purpose), or when he totally wrecks two princes with his quarterstaff, or when he gets into a bragging contest with the Dragon Reborn.

No, it’s when he sees Egwene walking alone and ignored as a newly elected Amyrlin in the middle of a group of Aes Sedai, thinks I won’t have any Two Rivers woman treated this way, and makes a huge show of making a leg and giving Egwene the respect she deserves, even AFTER he readily admits he thinks she’s crazy for (and had been coerced into) accepting the position in the first place.

Her soft “Thank you, Mat” kills me every time.


The Wheel of Time Screentime, S1 Egwene

It has been a few weeks, but I did say I would do a screentime recap for all of our main characters, and I willdo it. It may just take a bit of time as I’m working on a few other things in parallel.

As always, all other screentime-related posts can be found at #wot screentime.

Egwene had a total of 2h21m23s of screentime, in which she was asleep for 1m47s and frozen in Rand’s dream world for 3m59s (which I classified as unconscious). After removing another 11s of voiceover, this leaves about 2h15m26s of “in-scene” screentime for Egwene, i.e. time where she is physically present and conscious. This represents about 31.26% of the total show length (7h13m13s).

Main Cast Screentime: In-Scene | Voice Only | Asleep | Unconscious | Dead Moiraine Damodred | 2:35:16 | 0:00:07 | 0:01:19 | 0:13:13 | 0:02:34 Rand al'Thor | 2:38:40 |0:00:04 | 0:01:16 | 0:01:39 | N/A Egwene al'Vere | 2:15:26 | 0:00:11 | 0:01:47 | 0:03:59 | N/A Lan Mandragoran | 2:01:31 | N/A | 0:00:26 | N/A | N/A Perrin Aybara | 1:51:09 | N/A | 0:04:41 | N/A | N/A Nynaeve al'Meara | 1:43:47 | 0:00:03 | 0:00:47 | 0:00:48 | N/A Mat Cauthon | 1:30:57 | N/A | 0:01:43 | N/A | N/A

Note: for the rest of this post, I will only be talking about in-scene screentime, as this is usually the most relevant in terms of character development.

Egwene spent about 38m55s in “duo” scenes, i.e. scenes where Egwene and another named character were the only two physically present and conscious named characters in a scene. This represents about 28.7% of her in-scene screentime for season 1. As a reminder, Moiraine was at 36.4% and Rand 41.7%, so that’s a significant drop compared to them.

Egwene’s “In-Scene” Screentime Distribution, per Number of Named Characters 1 - 3.8% 2 - 28.7% 3 - 10.7% 4 - 10.7% 5 - 10.0% 6 - 12.6% 7 - 10.6% 8 - 77% 9 - 1.2% 10 - 0.6% 11 - 2.6% 12 - 0.9% 13 - 0.4%

Her larger screentime was for Ep2, followed by Ep7. Both episodes are mostly group episodes, so that’s not much of a surprise. Egwene had her lowest screentime for Ep4: only 4.9% of her total screentime.

Egwene’s “In-Scene” Screentime Distribution, per Episode Ep1 - 15.5% Ep2 - 25.5% Ep3 - 6.8% Ep4 - 4.9% Ep5 - 8.2% Ep6 - 9.8% Ep7 - 21.6% Ep8 - 7.7%

This gives her between 6m36s and 34m32s of screentime per episode, with always at least 2m of duo scenes per episode.

Egwene’s "In-Scene" Screentime, per Episode and Number of Named Characters See https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQYI-D9K3M0zq2YLb72NI7YXsVUQ-PxkaPFQ1thVz3zebQLvPWiFhaGmRDBrwOETBIB7-tJnNIb1kV-/pubhtml

Egwene spent some amount of in-scene screentime with 31 different named characters this season. She spent the most time with her traveling buddy Perrin (1h30m16s), followed by Rand (1h17m26s) and then Moiraine (58m17s).

"In-Scene" Screentime with Egwene, per Number of Named Characters See https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQYI-D9K3M0zq2YLb72NI7YXsVUQ-PxkaPFQ1thVz3zebQLvPWiFhaGmRDBrwOETBIB7-tJnNIb1kV-/pubhtml Top characters: Perrin, Rand, Moiraine, Lan, Nynaeve, Mat

She didn’t get a duo scene with Lan or Mat, and Nynaeve was only the fifth character she spent the most time with. While I knew Nynaeve wouldn’t be ranked too high, due to her absence in Ep3, I thought she would have at least caught up on Lan. Sadly, she’s behind him by 1m44s.

"In-Scene" Screentime with Egwene, per Episode See https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQYI-D9K3M0zq2YLb72NI7YXsVUQ-PxkaPFQ1thVz3zebQLvPWiFhaGmRDBrwOETBIB7-tJnNIb1kV-/pubhtml Top characters: Perrin, Rand, Moiraine, Lan, Nynaeve, Mat

She had the most duo-scenes with Rand, about 13m01s in total over the whole season. However, this counts 2m53s for Ep8, in which it wasn’t really Egwene spending time with Rand but a distorted version of her that the Dark One created in Rand’s dream to convince him to break the Wheel of Time.

Second is Perrin, with 12m22s, then Moiraine at 6m45s and Nynaeve at 4m10s. Aram is the last character with more than a minute of duo time with Egwene (1m35s).

Interestingly, Egwene only had some duo time with 9 characters, compared to 13 for both Rand and Moiraine. Only 5 of those had more than a minute of duo time with her, compared to 10 for Rand and 11 for Moiraine.

"In-Scene" Screentime, Duo Scenes with Egwene, per Episode See https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQYI-D9K3M0zq2YLb72NI7YXsVUQ-PxkaPFQ1thVz3zebQLvPWiFhaGmRDBrwOETBIB7-tJnNIb1kV-/pubhtml Top duo (Egwene with [...]): Rand, Perrin, Moiraine, Nynaeve, Aram

I’ve been thinking for a bit about how to represent relevant “small group” time for our main characters. For Rand, I had done a trio chart, but only three trios had more than 1min of screentime. For Moiraine, I had skipped this chart, but mentioned some of the interesting trio and quartet scenes for her.

I’m now trying something else instead! The following chart contains the screentime for Trio(3)/Quartet(4)/Quintet(5) scenes with Egwene, filtering out any group below a minute of total screentime.

"In-Scene" Screentime, Trio/Quartet/Quintet Scenes with Egwene, per Episode, Total above 1min only See https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQYI-D9K3M0zq2YLb72NI7YXsVUQ-PxkaPFQ1thVz3zebQLvPWiFhaGmRDBrwOETBIB7-tJnNIb1kV-/pubhtml Top small group (Egwene with [...]): Perrin/Valda, Aram/Ila/Perrin/Raen, Nynaeve/Perrin/Rand, Lan/Mat/Rand/Perrin, Moiraine/Siuan/Nynaeve, Nynaeve/Amalisa, Mat/Perrin/Rand

Since this chart is separated per episode, it is then quite straightforward to understand what scene corresponded to each group, from the Whitecloacks scenes in Ep5 (Perrin/Valda/Egwene trio) to the Women circle scene in Ep1 (Nynaeve/Marin/Egwene trio).

And that’s it for today! As always, here’s a link to the data.

Moiraine: What in the Light happened in here??

Egwene: It was Mat

Perrin: It was Mat

Rand: I tried to stop him


Mat: …Blood and ashes! Thank you for letting the bloody badger out of the bag! Don’t you know the meaning of secrecy?

Moiraine: Oh dear Light

Mat: Why do you have such a hard time believing me?



Mat: Oh right, the lying.

Mat: I didn’t do it!

Egwene: Then why are you laughing?

Mat: Because whoever did it is a bloody genius!

She is the Spark that will light the fire that will burn the shadow down

Egwene al’Vere – the innkeeper’s daughter, the dreamer and the flame.

Egwene al’Vere – the innkeeper’s daughter, the dreamer and the flame.

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Remember to take your local Wisdom with you if you go adventuring (she might push you off a cliff th

Remember to take your local Wisdom with you if you go adventuring (she might push you off a cliff tho)

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Madeleine Madden as Egwene Al’Vere in The Wheel of Time (x6)Madeleine Madden as Egwene Al’Vere in The Wheel of Time (x6)Madeleine Madden as Egwene Al’Vere in The Wheel of Time (x6)Madeleine Madden as Egwene Al’Vere in The Wheel of Time (x6)Madeleine Madden as Egwene Al’Vere in The Wheel of Time (x6)Madeleine Madden as Egwene Al’Vere in The Wheel of Time (x6)

Madeleine Madden as Egwene Al’Vere in The Wheel of Time(x6)

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Madeleine Madden as Egwene Al’Vere in The Wheel of Time (x6)Madeleine Madden as Egwene Al’Vere in The Wheel of Time (x6)Madeleine Madden as Egwene Al’Vere in The Wheel of Time (x6)Madeleine Madden as Egwene Al’Vere in The Wheel of Time (x6)Madeleine Madden as Egwene Al’Vere in The Wheel of Time (x6)Madeleine Madden as Egwene Al’Vere in The Wheel of Time (x6)

Madeleine Madden as Egwene Al’Vere in The Wheel of Time(x6)

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glory to the builders! that’s our Loial!there may be minor book expectation spoilers in the book cloglory to the builders! that’s our Loial!there may be minor book expectation spoilers in the book cloglory to the builders! that’s our Loial!there may be minor book expectation spoilers in the book clo

glory to the builders! that’s our Loial!

there may be minor book expectation spoilers in the book closeups but yes i did name like 50 books instead of doing laundry so if you actually look at the titles tell me your favorites :)

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