#when you work in an archive



I am working on a big data cleanup in one of our photo collections that involves individually editing each photo record for hundreds of photos. Today I came across this one.

New York City Mayor Robert Wagner (left in white wearing a hat), his wife Susan, and a bunch of other people on a beach c. 1955. The collection has lots of vacation/beach/pool photos. So what makes this one special?

The random guy wearing a devil mask.

Visit your local archives (and/or find them on social media), we have great stuff.





Explaining to my bosses why using our collection to mirror memes is a good thing

Them still not understanding but checking the engagement numbers

I like to hang out on both sides of the Why I Should/Should Not be in charge of our social media argument

Back on my bullshit at work.

Back on my bullshit.

Today’s find

Dusty old archives? I think you mean red hot memes

We have multiple swords in the collection where I work, come the zombie apocalypse I will 100% use t

We have multiple swords in the collection where I work, come the zombie apocalypse I will 100% use them.
Read the full article here

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