#better library classes



I am working on a big data cleanup in one of our photo collections that involves individually editing each photo record for hundreds of photos. Today I came across this one.

New York City Mayor Robert Wagner (left in white wearing a hat), his wife Susan, and a bunch of other people on a beach c. 1955. The collection has lots of vacation/beach/pool photos. So what makes this one special?

The random guy wearing a devil mask.

Visit your local archives (and/or find them on social media), we have great stuff.


LIS 2212: Library Equipment and Your Strong Opinion

If you don’t have a favorite of every single piece of library equipment then you 100% have a least favorite. Which microfilm reader is a little bitch, which book cart is hardest to steer, which printer jams most frequently, which desk supplies you will under no circumstances allow visitors to use.

Don’t worry. You are not alone in your hoarding of supplies or vendettas.

LIS 2212: Library Equipment and Your Strong Opinion

If you don’t have a favorite of every single piece of library equipment then you 100% have a least favorite. Which microfilm reader is a little bitch, which book cart is hardest to steer, which printer jams most frequently, which desk supplies you will under no circumstances allow visitors to use.

LIS 1523: Tax Season

Get ready to answer a million questions about tax forms! Bonus round this year with the government shutdown.

We have multiple swords in the collection where I work, come the zombie apocalypse I will 100% use t

We have multiple swords in the collection where I work, come the zombie apocalypse I will 100% use them.
Read the full article here

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