

In witchcraft, certain colors have correspondences that you’ll notice throughout your craft. It’s important to remember these for things such as Candle Magick and reading auras. 

Red: love, passion, sexuality, initiation, aggression, strength, control, health, and vitality. 

Planets: Sun, Mars

Orange: luck, kindness, celebration, abundance, optimism, and comfort

Planets: Mars, Mercury, Uranus

Yellow: positivity, courage, vitality, progress, communication, mental clarity, and focus

Planets: Sun, Mercury, Uranus

Green: finance, luck, charity, health, prosperity, vitality, nature, fertility, and balance. 

Planets: Earth, Jupiter, Venus

Turquoise: change, travel, intellect, invention, creativity, and humanity 

Planets: Mercury, Venus, Neptune

Blue: understanding, patience, honor, fidelity, health, healing, wisdom, justice, and tranquility 

Planets: Moon, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto 

Purple: wisdom, psychic ability and power, divination, inspiration, spirituality, empowerment and enchantment. 

Planets: Moon, Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, Pluto 

Pink: love, healing, family, friendship, selflessness, and socializing

Planets: Venus

White: purification, truth, inspiration, clarity, spiritual strength, and enlightenment

Planet: Moon

Black: protection, honor and respect, deep meditation, banishment, and unlocking

Planet: Saturn, Pluto

Grey: neutralization and stasis

Planet: Earth, Pluto 

Silver: femininity, emotional stability, intuition, dreams, and psychic ability

Planet: Moon, Neptune 

Gold: masculinity, luxury, power, success, confidence, and creativity

Planets: Sun, Mercury, Uranus

Bronze: positivity, friendship, and unity 

Planets: Mercury, Mars, Uranus 

Brown: grounding, concentration, searching, and protection

Planets: Earth, Saturn, Uranus
