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Take a pink, red or white candle and carve it into it the features of the one you desire.

Light the candle and let it burn. While it is burning write your name on a small piece of paper in invisible ink.

Lay it in a bowl of fragrant flower petals and fold it with a petal or four trapped in the paper. 

Hide this paper in your targets bedroom. Somewhere intimate but hidden. (Underwear drawer, under the bed-post, etc.

*I do not condone the ill practice of the craft, do not use this spell to turn one’s will. Rather use it to reignite an existing passion or help reconnect with a partner you feel you have lost connection with.

This post took forever to put together. Here are some common foods and spices and their properties and associations. 



  • Alfalfa - Earth. Associated with grounding and stress relief.
  • Allspice - Associated with luck, prosperity and health. Fire.
  • Almond - Earth. Associated with healing, wisdom, protection and prosperity. Sacred to Thoth, Hermes and Mercury.
  • Apple - Sacred to the Goddess. If cut in half one would see a pentacle formed within by it’s seeds. Associated with love, healing, happiness and divination. It was said that sliced apples could help one foretell the future.
  • Apricot - Happiness, romance and peace. Feminine energy.
  • Artichoke - Associated with personal growth and safety.
  • Avocado - Associated with fertility, beauty, love and virility. 
  • Bagel - Ruled by Adonis. Put different toppings on for different effect. 
  • Banana - Ruled by Mars. Provides safety when travelling and luck. Used to increase male sex drive, prosperity and love. Associated with heroic energy.
  • Basil - Draws money and sexual energy. Associated with love, protection and prosperity. Calming and sanitizing properties.
  • Bay - Enhances psychic abilities. Used to connect to deity. Associated with protection, strength and purification. Sacred to Vishnu.
  • Beans - Grounding, prosperity and luck.
  • Beef - Associated with prosperity and grounding. Sacred to Hathor.
  • Beer - Associated with purification and immortality. Sacred to Shoney. Earth and water.
  • Beetroot. Associated with love, beauty and passion. Sacred to Aphrodite.
  • Blackberries - Associated with prosperity, agriculture and sex. 
  • Blueberries - Protection, peace and calm. Protection from psychic attack.
  • Bread - Associated with kinship and sustenance. Sacred to Isis
  • Broccoli - Associated with protection, strength, leadership and physical improvements. Sacred to Jupiter.
  • Cabbage - Associated with protection and the moon. 
  • Caraway - Protection from theft and negativity. Promotes trust.
  • Cardamom - Increases strength of partnerships. Burnt as an offering to the gods.
  • Carnation - Associated with pride and beauty.
  • Carrot - Ruled by Mars. Associated with fertility, male masculinity and sex, also vision and grounding.
  • Catnip - Associated with rest and joy. Used in cat magic. Sacred to Bast.
  • Cauliflower - Associated with moon and water related magic.
  • Caviar - Sex 
  • Celery - Associated with sex, grounding and peace.
  • Cheese - Associated with joy, manifestation, and health. Used to reinforce personal or spiritual groundwork. Sacred to Apollo.
  • Cherry - Associated with love and female sexuality.
  • Chicken - Associated with healing and well-being. Used in Sunrise magic.
  • Chili Powder - Used in Hoodoo and other forms of folk magic. Used to banish and for protection.
  • Chives - Associated with protection and breaking bad habits.
  • Chocolate - Increases power and virility as it was a sacred food to the Aztecs and Mayans. Also associated with happiness, romance, sex, friendship, grounding and nurturing. Used in both solid and liquid form.
  • Cider - Health and healing.
  • Cinnamon - Associated with abundance, fortune, protection, prosperity and love. Sacred to Dionysus.
  • Clams - Aphrodisiac. Used to reveal secrets.
  • Clove - Associated with fun love, protection, piercing illusions and prosperity.
  • Coconut - Associated with luck, diversity, flexibility, spirituality and purification. Sacred to Athena and Ganymede.
  • Coffee - Associated with magical abilities, energy, alertness and sex.
  • Coriander - Ruled by Mars. Associated with love, sex, well-being and intelligence..
  • Corn - Associated with protection, eternity, agriculture and cycles. Sacred to Quetzalcoatl.
  • Cowslip - Associated with grace. Used in Faerie magic
  • Cranberries - Associated with protection.
  • Cucumber - Health and healing.
  • Cumin - Ruled by Mars. Associated with love, lust and protection.
  • Crab - Sacred to Apollo. Helps ground spiritual energy.
  • Daisy - Associated with innocence, fidelity, dawn and new beginnings.
  • Dandelion - Sacred to Hecate. Associated with wishes, psychic abilities and opening doorways to the spirit realm.
  • Dill - Protection of children. Sacred to Horus. Associated with courage and sexual desires.
  • Eggs - Fertility, protection, sex and grounding. Ancient questions and mysticism.
  • Elder flower - Protects from the Fae. Associated with blessings and wishes.
  • Fennel - Love and protection. Sacred to Dionysus.
  • Figs - Fertility, prosperity, sex and magical abilities.
  • Fish - Happiness, love, sex and peace.
  • Flour - Used to reveal hidden matters.
  • Garlic - Associated with health, protection, banishing, breaking hexes and healing. Sacred to Hecate.
  • Ginger - Associated with health, cleansing, vibrant energy and prosperity.
  • Grape - Fertility, dreams, vision and prosperity.
  • Grapefruit - Associated with purification and health.
  • Green peppers - Associated with growth and prosperity.
  • Guava - Associated with love, fantasy and relieving sorrow.
  • Ham - Associated with dramatic energy and theatrical flair.
  • Hazel - Associated with luck and wishes.
  • Honey - Happiness, love, sex, health, healing, magical ability, purification and peace. Sacred to Ra and Demeter.
  • Jelly - Associated with joy, pleasantness and energy.
  • Lamb - Associated with kindness, sensitivity and warmth.
  • Lavender - Associated with comfort, sleep and spiritual vision.
  • Lemon - Associated with health, love, purification, marriage and faithfulness. Sacred to Min.
  • Lettuce - Ruled by the element Water and the Moon. Associated with financial wealth, prosperity, happiness and divination.
  • Lilac - Associated with love, youth and joy.
  • Lime - Associated with love and purification.
  • Lobster - Associated with reincarnation, rebirth and growth. Sacred to Ares.
  • Mango - Associated with sex, love and protection. Sacred to Buddha.
  • Milk - Associated with fertility, prosperity, nurturing, peace, love and purity. Goddess Energy.
  • Mustard - Associated with fair and mental alertness. Sacred to Aesclepius.
  • Nuts - Fertility, sex, health, prosperity and healing.
  • Nutmeg - Associated with fidelity and luck. Sacred to Hermes.
  • Oats - Associated with agriculture, prosperity and sustenance.
  • Olives - Happiness, healing, spiritual pursuits and peace. Sacred to Aten.
  • Onion - Masculine. Associated with protection, purification, money and lust.
  • Oranges - Associated with magical ability, love, joy, inspiration and the sun. Also used in magic associated with love, protection, purification and abundance.
  • Oregano - Ruled by Venus. Associated with love, happiness, luck, protection and enhancing psychic ability.
  • Parsley - Associated with prosperity, sex and protection from accidents.
  • Pancakes - Luck.
  • Papaya - Love.
  • Passion Fruit - Associated with happiness, love and peace. Used to promote kinship
  • Pasta - Ruled by Mercury. Used to enhance creativity, protect and improve communications. Can also be used in romantic love.
  • Peaches - Happiness, love, healing and peace.
  • Pepper - Associated with protection, cleansing, banishment and purification.
  • Peppermint - Associated with wealth, sex, purification, health and luck.
  • Peanuts - Associated with grounding and male energy. Used in Earth magic.
  • Pears - Associated with prosperity, longevity and luck. Sacred to Venus.
  • Peas - Associated with love and prosperity. Used in Goddess magic.
  • Pineapple - Health, love, magical ability, prosperity, protection and healing.
  • Pizza - Ruled by the Sun. Associated with happiness, luck and perseverance.
  • Pomegranate - Associated with fertility, hospitality, prosperity and wishes. Sacred to Persephone and Ceres.
  • Poppy Seeds - Fertility and love.
  • Pork - Associated with fertility.
  • Potato - Ruled by the Moon. Associated with folk healing, protection and grounding. Used in Earth magic.
  • Pumpkin - Associated with health, prosperity and healing.
  • Radish - Protection.
  • Raspberries - Associated with happiness, love, protection and peace.
  • Red peppers - Associated with energy, vitality and strength.
  • Rice - Associated with fertility, sex, protection and abundant blessings.
  • Rose - Happiness, love and peace.
  • Rosemary - Used to enhance psychic ability. Associated with love, protection and purification.
  • Rum - Ruled by Ellegua and Chango. Channels the spirits of the Gods and when offered, attracts their favour. Associated with magical abilities, sex and protection.
  • Sage - Health and healing. Sacred to Zeus and Jupiter.
  • Salt - Strong purification spice. Absorbs negative energy and provides protection from evil. Helps with grounding. Sacred to Osiris and Set.
  • Sesame Seed - Fertility and protection. Sacred to Ganesha.
  • Soup - Purification.
  • Strawberry - Associated with Aphrodite and Freya. Aphrodisiac. Associated with love, healing, fertility and luck.
  • Sugar. - Ruled by Venus, the Goddess of love. Used to draw attention and sweeten spells or potions. Associated with love. Sacred to Kane.
  • Sunflower seeds - Protection. Helios, Demeter, and Apollo
  • Tea - Magical abilities and prosperity. Divination and meditation.
  • Thyme - Ruled by Venus. Associated with Faeries, purification, pleasant dreams, good health, fortune, love, courage and enhancing psychic ability.
  • Tomato - Ruled by Venus. Aphrodisiac. Associated with prosperity,  health, attracting love, protection and healing.
  • Tulip - Associated with devoted love.
  • Vanilla - Associated with love and sex.
  • Vinegar - Associated with protection and purification.
  • Violet - Associated with grace, modesty and expression.
  • Water - Purification.
  • Wine - Happiness, love and peace. Sacred to Dionysus, Bacchus, Osiris, Horus, and Isis.
  • Yellow peppers - Associated with creativity.
  • Zucchini - Ruled by Jupiter. Associated with sexual desire, protection and prosperity.


Healing chakras with crystals 1. Cleanse your crystals, and the area you wish to work in. Do this inHealing chakras with crystals 1. Cleanse your crystals, and the area you wish to work in. Do this in

Healing chakras with crystals

1. Cleanse your crystals, and the area you wish to work in. Do this in whichever way suits you(bells, singing bowls and sage are favourites of mine). Do NOT skip this step.
2. Light a white candle, and burn your favourite incense or oils. Relaxing music can add to the experience, although steer clear of anything with lyrics as this can distract the mind(rainwater, birdsong, Tibetan singing bowls, all work well).
3. Arrange the quartz crystals in a diamond, as seen in the second image.
4. Being aware of the sounds and smells around you, lie down comfortably on your back inside the quartz diamond as shown, placing the hematite on your feet as you do so.
5. Place your seven crystals on the corresponding chakras, mindfully. Think of the healthy attributes of each chakra each time you feel the stone make contact with your body. Begin with the root chakra and, continue up, to the sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and the crown.
6. Then place a quartz crystal just above your crown chakra, and keep the remaining two in your upward facing palms.
7. Visualise each chakra being cleansed and healed, beginning from the root, and finishing at the crown.
8. Now…. Relax and let the crystals work their magic!
9. When you’re ready, remove the quartz crystals from your palms, followed by the one on your forehead. Then remove the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root stones. Lastly, sit up, and take the hematite from your feet.


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Astrological Magickal GiftsA handy little reference for those who wish to incorporate the ancient Astrological Magickal GiftsA handy little reference for those who wish to incorporate the ancient Astrological Magickal GiftsA handy little reference for those who wish to incorporate the ancient

Astrological Magickal Gifts

A handy little reference for those who wish to incorporate the ancient magick of the zodiac into their lives or spells.

Arranged into three images, the first being cardinal, the second fixed, and the third mutable signs.

Source : Three Moons House of Healing.

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redwitch789: )0( Tarot wish spell )0( *you will need: A tarot card that represents your wish, one wh


)0( Tarot wish spell )0(

*you will need: A tarot card that represents your wish, one white candle, a piece of clear quartz, white yarn or string.

*once you have your card, tie the yarn around it, light the candle nearby and hold the crystal in your hand. Focus on what the card represents in regard to your wish. Hold the image in your mind while you speak your wish out loud.
At this point set the stone down on top of the card and leave the burning candle. Once the candle has burned down, put the card under your pillow until your wish comes true.
Power of three times three mote it be

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How to make and use Four thieves vinegar Lavender for healing, banishing, protection and cleansing. How to make and use Four thieves vinegar Lavender for healing, banishing, protection and cleansing.

How to make and use Four thieves vinegar

Lavender for healing, banishing, protection and cleansing. History suggests it was burned on bonfires to banish the plague in England).
Garlic is for healing, banishing, powerful protection and is also anti theft.
Peppermint for protection and healing.
Sage for protection, banishing, purification and healing.
Rosemary is for healing, protection, purification, and when placed at doorways and windows, acts to deter thieves.
Thyme for protection and healing.
Black pepper for protection and banishing.

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this has been sitting in my folders collecting dust for A LITERAL YEAR so [throws this at you]


Another thrilling installment of ‘Corvid Favorites’! This time, I’ll be speaking on Chamomile and it’s lovely properties, both medicinally and magickally.


The Chamomile that we know and love is typically one of two species of daisy-like plants of the Asteraceae family: the Matricaria Recutita (German Chamomile) and Anthemis Nobilis (Roman Chamomile). What’s the difference? German Chamomile is an annual that has a cone like center with petals that flare out from the center; German Chamomile are also smooth stemmed and grow similar to baby’s breath. Roman Chamomile is a perennial that has a more fern-like stem and has feathery-like petals. (See image below. Left: German Chamomile. Right: Roman Chamomile.)



➣ Element: Water
➣ Chakra: Throat
➣ Planet: Sun
➣ Zodiac Affiliations: Capricorn, Leo



➣ Love
➣ Money
➣ Purification
➣ Sleep
➣ Healing
➣ Protection



Medicinally - The biggest and probably most known medicinal use Chamomile is known for is as a sleep aid. As a natural sedative, it’s a wonderful combatant against anxiety and insomnia. It’s also anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, aids with digestion and other gastrointestinal issues, aids in relieving nausea and vomiting, and has been used to treat fevers in children.

Magickally - Washing your hands with Chamomile is said to increase your luck before gambling. Sprinkling it around the home or inside the home is a safe alternative to salt or smoke cleansing and protection, and it’s also fur baby safe (Word of caution: Cats tend to be more sensitive than Dogs to Chamomile). Add it into a bath for some added deep relaxation and peaceful intentions. Drink a nice, hot cup of Chamomile tea to aid in meditation and setting up a peaceful mind.

New print in our etsy shop!! Available as backpatch and t-shirt! “An Thríbhís Mhòr, the great tripleNew print in our etsy shop!! Available as backpatch and t-shirt! “An Thríbhís Mhòr, the great tripleNew print in our etsy shop!! Available as backpatch and t-shirt! “An Thríbhís Mhòr, the great tripleNew print in our etsy shop!! Available as backpatch and t-shirt! “An Thríbhís Mhòr, the great triple

New print in our etsy shop!! Available asbackpatchandt-shirt!

“An Thríbhís Mhòr, the great triple spiral.”

The triple spiral motif is a Neolithic symbol common to many Indo-European cultures, examples of it are found from the megalithic temples of Malta in the South (4400–3600 BC) to the Northern megalithic tomb of Newgrange in   County Meath, Ireland, built around 3200 BC.
The triskelion/triskele is one of the most distinctive motifs in Iron Age Celtic art as well, both as a symbol in itself and forming the geometric basis for more complex artistic compositions. It remained a core symbol in Celtic artistic compositions for over a millennium, recorded throughout the La Têne period across the continent, and a central element in later Insular Celtic art of the early Christian period. Significant also is the fact that the triskele composition is often composed of animals of various types, indicating that the symbol was linked to or emanated from the natural world.

Collaboration with the very talented artist from Siberia Sergey Arzamastsev, who very generously gave us the permission to print his amazing work. You can find more of his artworks at this link: https://www.instagram.com/celticartlogo/

**this print is grey on black, but it’s available in different colour combinations

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